So, this is my team. ITT post your dream team for comics

So, this is my team. ITT post your dream team for comics.

Stop posting this.

Don't worry, guy. I don't hate your team.
What sort of adventures would these completely unrelated characters go on? Who would they fight?

Punisher being on a team will never not be the dumbest fucking thing ever. The rest for your team will kill to get the job done but Frank has absolutely no interest in carrying out justice.

I would imagine some sort of secret cartel who has done really bad stuff but no big name heroes have ever heard of/won't do anything about because there is no proof, somehow involving alien tech or something supernatural like Hearts of Darkness, perhaps

Meh, he's done team ups when the occasion calls for it

Ow, the edge.

Anyway my team would be:
>Emma Frost
>The Thing
>Rocket Raccoon
>Phyla-Vell (Martyr)

He's teamed up with heroes who didn't allow him to kill, so clearly he's not quite that stubborn

The funny thing is Danny ketch is the only one not autistic.
And I love Frank but he's solo/sporadic duo.

there'd be so much internal fighting.
>the thing
>kid loki
>black widow
>brother voodoo


>cyclops and black bolt in the same team
I love you user. 10/10 would read

How about cap, bibolt and cyke trinity.
Although cap is a low test next to them.

That's even better. They would be the ultimate bros.
I would kill for a team book like that. Putting the avengers vs mutants vs inhumans nonsense behind for good and try to reverse the damage.



missing Shadow the Edgehog

There would be so much infighting with that team they get nothing done.

Marvel loves that shit

Don't forget the endless backstabbing and cucking they'll do to their own teammates.

You might not like it, because it lacks waifus, but this is what peak JL looks like
Clark Kent
Bruce Wayne
Barry Allen/Wally West (both are close enough)
Hal Jordan/Alan Scott (depending on their state)
Martian Manhunter
Plastic Man
Doctor Fate

I can't imagine something they won't be able to tackle.

>Black Cat


> dark emo spideys + marvel's batmen + the cuck + ghost rider

first to demonstrate literacy, congrats

Not a company thing. For disclosure ii would have knocked points off if you had batman, joker, harley on your list. Also you have two too many. Dont be such a jerk.

>dark emo

from other thread

posting my DC super team:

>Classic Wally West
>Red Hood
>Plastic Man

basically just Red Hood and the Outlaws and friends.

Well how bout get pregnant or fake an orgasm.


I actually have a team like that.

Secret Avengers...

Multiversal Avengers...


I like this. who's the lady speedster, though?


>Shocker and Typhoid Mary on the Thunderbolts.

Meena from the Force Storm Rebirth arc. She was a STAR Labs scientist who became a speedster who Barry thought was dead before appearing again to absorb the Negative Speed Force that Thawne had forced onto Barry that was having adverse effects while within a person connected to the regular Speed Force.

Will probably remove Meggan.

Team that investigates scientific anomalies and oddities while fighting or competing with more scientific foes like AIM, High Evolutionary, Mr. Sinister or Leader.

>Hank Pym
>Mr. Fantastic
>Dr. Nemesis

Kind of a sausage fest, could use someone like Red She-Hulk if there's a gamma plotline and Hulk's nowhere in sight.


>>Hank Pym
>>Mr. Fantastic
>>Dr. Nemesis
Oh god what a horrible team.

pymtron, mr fantastic and nemesis would make for an awesome team
put emma with them, and it's solid

a new superior six the roster would include.
the superior octopus
the scorpion
abner jenkins (the beetle)
the iguana.
just for reference i included an image the original superior six

All winners

Black Bolt

It would make more sense to remove Snowbird.

>Crimson Dynamo
>Red Hulk
>Red Queen
>Roger "Red" Norvell
>Scarlet Spider

BEHOLD! The least functional (or most dysfunctional) team I could think of that would be entertaining to read about.

make way

Wait that Black Widow isn't even from the Multiverse

She's just from a random Avengers cover where they were done up like generic Anime

> We need a response team
> Why Not?

I've always wanted to see Thor lead a team that pretends they don't listen but then falls in line perfectly

True but they could vary easily say she is from one of the anime inspired universes from Spider-verse.

I just fucking love those giant gauntlets.

I like her more.

This could work.

hercules and kamala khan trapped in mojo world

You havin' a giggle mate?

Autistic how?

>Thor Odinson
>Jane Foster
>Amadeus Cho
>Beta Ray Bill
>Team Punch Void/Galactus/Gorr In The Face Until It Stops Being Fun
>It Never Stops Being Fun

John Constantine
Swamp Thing
The Question

Stark'd ressurect Force Works, and use it as a Black Ops type of team. The Squad itself would be small, because it makes no sense to have 8+ people on a "Hit Squad". So, Stark'd build certain outfits/armors/equipment for them, so that they can utilize some other powers like Pym Particles. The team itself is modeled after certain MGS characters, since that's the tone I imagine such a book would have.

>Iron Man
The leader of the team, who's making the hard choices and tortures himself. -Big Boss || But he's also the tech support. -Huey

I used Ultimate Hawkeye's pic, because I loved the costume and attitude. After an unspecified incident, I'd have Clint go off the rails and join Tony's group. -Revolver Ocelot

>Black Widow
The Ultimate Spy. Recon, Breaking & Entering, Seduction, you name it, she can do it. -EVA

I'd bring him back from the dead and have him be disillusioned with everything, coming to the conclusion that the only thing keeping him alive is the fight and nothing more. He'd soften up a bit as the series progressed, but he'd act like a Sith Edgelord. -Gray Fox
The Plot-Twist would be that he'd have managed to ressurect his sister Andrea, who's now Amnesiac, and he's trying to be better so that they don't make the same mistakes. Andrea & Andreas would take turns in the Swordsman Costume, with only Stark knowing, until her identity is revealed and she takes the Codename Fenris, acting like a Doctor x Hitman to the Squad. -Mercy (Not MGS, but it's how I'd tackle her, as Mercy from Overwatch)

>Captain Mahr-Vehl
Yes, he's the Ultimate Version, and dunno, have him fall into the 616 due to Secret Wars fuckery, I don't care. He'd be the hidden Big Gun (although his powers would have been rendered weaker due to the Universe's being different), whose actual identity would be revealed down the line, as he'd pose as Tony's 2nd-In-Command. -Kaz

Stark'd ressurect Force Works, and use it as a Black Ops type of team. The Squad itself would be small, because it makes no sense to have 8+ people on a "Hit Squad". So, Stark'd build certain outfits/armors/equipment for them, so that they can utilize some other powers like Pym Particles. The team itself is modeled after certain MGS characters, since that's the tone I imagine such a book would have.

>Iron Man
The leader of the team, who's making the hard choices and tortures himself. -Big Boss || But he's also the tech support. -Huey

I used Ultimate Hawkeye's pic, because I loved the costume and attitude. After an unspecified incident, I'd have Clint go off the rails and join Tony's group. -Revolver Ocelot

>Black Widow
The Ultimate Spy. Recon, Breaking & Entering, Seduction, you name it, she can do it. -EVA

I'd bring him back from the dead and have him be disillusioned with everything, coming to the conclusion that the only thing keeping him alive is the fight and nothing more. He'd soften up a bit as the series progressed, but he'd act like a Sith Edgelord. -Gray Fox
The Plot-Twist would be that he'd have managed to ressurect his sister Andrea, who's now Amnesiac, and he's trying to be better so that they don't make the same mistakes. Andrea & Andreas would take turns in the Swordsman Costume, with only Stark knowing, until her identity is revealed and she takes the codename Fenris, acting like a Doctor to the Squad. -Mercy (Not MGS, but it's how I'd tackle her, as Mercy from Overwatch)

Pic is the Ultimate version of Marvell, but just give his costume to Noh and call it a day. I liked Varr a lot before he was ruined, so just combine all the best parts of him & Mahr-Vehl. He'd be the hidden Big Gun, whose actual identity would be revealed down the line, since he'd pose as a human & Tony's 2nd-In-Command. -Kaz

Not that dumb name tho

Her powers don't work outside of Canada, last I checked. Makes her very difficult to use in a non-Alpha Flight format.