When will they learn?
Well, at least i can save more money.
When will they learn?
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Stop posting these stupid bait threads, faggot.
Why are you so homophobic? The only true love is man love, the only pure love, devoid of corruption and poison that is the female mind.
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.
You took a break from your busy schedule of jerking off to Comics & Diversity to post that old pic?
anyone actually cared about salvo before this?
That's the guy who drew (some of) the new Prophet, innit.
I like his style.
Holy cripes. The balls on these marketers and that brown lady on the cover.
The sex change ain't gonna pay itself.
>You took a break from your busy schedule of jerking off to Comics & Diversity to post that old pic?
You took a break from your busy schedule of jerking off to the new Spiderman to post that old pic?
You werent gonna buy it anyway dumb outrage faggot. The book is already cancelled. Fuck Aubrey Sitterson and fuck you too.
>not trade waiting
diamond and the floppy industry need to die
I'm a military fella, and I can assure you that there's plenty of high ranking individuals who are fat as all fuck.
I've seen senior enlisted and officers twice the size of OP's pic
That's okay, the writer who put this shit in G.I. Joe was shitcanned.
And people are glad this happened because?
It's not the fatness that's bothering people about this new GI Joe, military user. And you know it.
>Artist completely reinvents existing character for no reason other than muh diversity
>Literally admits that that was his reasoning
I think it's pretty clear that we're happy he was fired for not agreeing with us.
>Hey guys! I have a wonderful idea. You know that franchise with a 99% straight, 98% white, 99% male, 99% pro-military, 85% conservative, hardcore fanbase, that buys like a few thousand issues at most a month? Lets make try to get in on the morbidly obese lesbian and transgender market! Even though our comic is hanging by a string to begin with! Lets see if we can get it down to a couple 100 of issues sold per month! Ya know, to REALLY stick to those drumpt-tards!
Same old shit rehashed good, branching out to new audiences and stories bad. Got it.
To be fair, the artist also used the term 'alt-right' in a negative sense.
How are you going to save money not buying a book you were never buying in the first place? That cover is like a year old; whatever e-celeb sent your tourist ass here to feign outrage is tardy to the party.
>pretending to give a shit anout Salvo
I think maybe the most insulting part is the idea that ARAH fanboys even give a shit about anything past about 1987.
Yeah, cause it's a term for bad people.
Why wouldn't he use the term in a negative context?
>branching out to new audiences and stories bad. Got it.
the fucking new audience doesn't exist, moron. this shit is just done for virtual signaling points, just like everything else. marvel comics has a normie audience and even this shit failed. star wars has a normie audience and the normie audience hates the last jedi so this shit failed.
there are no trans or lesbian or straight women or black women or obese women that want to fucking read a G.I. JOE comic book. Its business 101. know who your fucking audience is. know who buy your fucking product. sell it to them. get people outside that demographic interested in your product by making a strong product. don't ignore your main audience to "branch out".
op stop being a faggot already
Oh no, a black person in a comic! I can already feel the Western society collapsing. Thanks for #redpilling me, based kek. Heil Hitler!
>tried and true good storytelling good; forced politics and 'How do you do, fellow feminists'-tier pandering bad.
>Story I like suddenly completely changes to cater to a different market
Yes, that's a pretty reasonable thing to be upset about.
It's GI Joe. How many decades of Duke saying "Ooooh, I'll get you next time, Cobra Commander!" can you take?
Don't you want something, ANYTHING, mixed up a little for the sake of variety?
I suddenly don’t feel so bad about deciding to sell my collection of Marvel GI Joe comics. Fuck this franchise for even allowing this to happen.
They turned Quick Kick into a sociopath that wanted to kill Snake-Eyes only to prove that he is the martial art master
And it made it DBZ tier shit
>Don't you want something, ANYTHING, mixed up
>for the sake of variety
no. Changing something for no reason other than to change something is always bad.
yes luckily it's only in one comic, glad blackwashing isn't a thing right? heh I love social justice anyway it's about time we saw plus size stronk black wom*n replacing every white male role
no, gay is a term for bad people, faggot
Yeah because anyone ever complained about blacks in GI Joe before. All those people boycotting Roadblock and Stalker, right?
If Roadblock and Stalker were introduced today people'd cry about blackwashing and white genocide, and you know it.
You weren't buying it anyway.
Yeah. He's right.
It is boring if a book is nothing but morally upstanding hetero honkies year after year after year after year.
Isn't that... kind of the point? I don't complain that Sonic The Hedgehog doesn't have enough human characters and I don't complain that Sunstone doesn't feature enough straight people and has too much sex. I just don't read those comics because I'm clearly not their market.
But everyone being white and hetero isn't the crux of GI Joe, it's exciting military adventures with a dash of sci-fi.
GI Joe always had a glimmer of diversity.
Characters that are Asian, black, women, etc. So why not just take that further?
He's right in theory. In practice these "diverse" characters end up being more stereotypical, predictable and boring than morally upstanding hetero honkies. Every sassy black woman with an afro from the last decade is the exact same character with the only possible difference being their sexual orientation.
Unfortunately, people see it as an identity problem rather than a writing problem.
Take an existing property because it already has a fanbase.
Do everything it can to drive away fanbase.
I mean these people could just create their own characters and franchises and put whatever they want in it, but then the franchise would have to become successful all on it's own, and, well, who are we kidding?
Making new characters that aren't just angry muscles white guy is fine. We have enough.
Changing an existing character into that is just asking for shit, and insulting people on Twitter doesn't help.
No that wouldn’t happen. If they made Duke black that would happen. You are retarded.
>Shoots lasers
>Cool guns
>Huge titties
What's the part I'm not supposed to like?
>changing characters races
>not just make Colonel Courage comics
really disappointed
The stupid hair and calarts face.
See, there's a problem here...
>Something something good. Something something bad. Got it.
You have to go back. Wherever you came from, I don't care, but you have to go back.
He’s an outspoken socialist who insulted people for grieving on 9/11 who did not live in New York City during the Trade Center attacks. He’s a shitty human being who has the conceit to write a book he himself has dubbed “the best action comic ever”. He’s a social justice snowflake who thinks championing a false cause for comic books will make the world a better place. And yes, modern diversity is a false cause when we have already achieved diversity decades ago.
Is- is that a fucking Imperial Guardsman labeled as GI Joe?
Not one of you cared about GI Joe before this.
And thanks to IDW , now nobody cares about G.I. Joe.
>I am the original GI Joe fan
Is that Steven Universe?
G.I. Joe used to be the best of the best, then it became the washout crowd.
Maybe it’s the helmet, but he looks like a 40k Imperial Guardsman. I mean, all you have to do is paint another head on the eagle and he’d look like a character right out of All Guardsman Party.
completely the opposite what gijoe was about
I hope that fat special butch gets shot and cries home to mommy because her gender studies degree didnt train her for the horrors of war. Its shit like this that proves the cheap kike in charge of hasbro needs to be killed for disrespecting his own brands like this.
It's funny because IDW Transformers is suffering from these forced crossovers, and Roberts.
Strange, I read this article and for some reasom it came across as a bit biased. Is it just me?
literally stole that from naruto. Suing when?
Actually I just remembered Dbz did that as well. So double lawsuit when?
>Weighted jacket
lol what the fuck!
And wouldn't Snake-Eyes just plain out refuse to fight someone for petty reasons?
Also, please tell me Snake-Eyes won that fight
IDW should reboot G.I. Joe but keep Skywarp.
This is literally a fucking Shonen.
>Also, please tell me Snake-Eyes won that fight
Oh no no no. See, that wouldn’t be progressive.
Snake-Eyes was so outskilled, so blown the fuck out by Quick Kick, that he got on his knees in surrender. He had to beg.
Nope, he lost. He even pulled a weapon when the fight wasn't suppose to have any, then lost again.
>we are loser
Okay, now I'm mad!
That really ruined my day
>GI Joe comic
>some fat ethnic cunt on the cover
quality IDW feces
I'm actually crying right now
Did you just assume xir gender?
> branch out to new audiences and stories
>Get canned
How could this have happen?
Were you buying the comics?
Be honest, no one in this thread was
I wise man always pirates before he decides to buy something.
It's IDW Snake-Eyes, though. Has he ever been shown to be the crazy badass that Hama's SE was?
No wonder Larry Hama ripped this guy a new one after his 9/11 remarks, even though Hama also lives in NYC and witnessed 9/11 firsthand.
>Cobra Commander is a woman
>Destro is completely out of his character turned into a total cuck
No the writer made Snake eyes lose because of cultural appropriation or something god who though getting this socialist fuck on a Gi-Joe book was a good idea it’s the same shit that happened with the shadow book
Is there any other sense?
To be fair, isn’t All Guardsman Part basically just G.I. Joe and A-Team meets Discworld Nightwatch IN SPAAAAAAAAACE?
If you do your homework, the term was coined by the founder of the movement as a means of identifying people who are proud to be white. It was never meant to be a synonym for nazis. That’s what leftists turned it into.
This. Fuck that if you think I’m going in to spend my money blind.
go back to tvtropes
Genetic memory heritage triumps over lifelong training any day, yes.
So, having not read the comic, and only caught a bit of the top of the thread...I got to thinking about the character presented only by the description of being an over weight lesbian of color joe.
So, I imagine a woman who could be from anywhere in America or its territories who is enlisted for the career. However she is a lesbian who gets outed during Don't Ask Don't Tell and is discharged. Depressed and still eating like a soldier she gains some weight as some vets find in this day and age until she is approached by America's Covert Special Missions Force G.I. JOE because she was among the best of her specialization and the identities of GIJOE operatives are kept secret and they don't answer to the normal chain of command or rules. By the time she shows up in a story she's still big, but not as big as when we see her struggling to adapt back to civilian life, more bear mode, and doing her job as part of the JOEs.
In concept and theory, is this better than what was actually done in the comic?
>not written by Larry Hama
Who even gives a shit about then?
non Hama comics are horrible
There’s nothing you can do to rationalize a decision like Sitterson’s. It was a decision with a specific intent, and that intent had absolutely nothing to do with telling an interesting story involving interesting characters.
Lol fag
Was Transformers vs GI Joe the last great Joe comic?
Please no bully
You'll make me cry again
I'm not rationalizing, I'm asking if what I presented is better than what was actually executed.