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Quick, Sup Forums! Name black lightnings bat cave.

Lightning in a cave?! Are you insane?!

Fuck this show and fuck CW.

Grow up.


why post a picture of yourself

Why not use that costume in the show instead of that other gay shit

The Power House

Yeah, user. Getting shot by cops is the only thing that happens to black people ever, even though no black person in history has committed a crime.

Remember how Arrow worked because it was street level crime drama? Let's do that but with the Justice League midcarders.

>you get 4 shows about white superheroes
>one show talks about black people's struggles and adapts them into a superhero show

Ding ding we have a winner

Remember when they used to sell other blacks as slaves?
Remember when that still goes on today?

I agree with , just because a super heros black doesnt make them bad

but the main bad guys were black.

>Wasn't gonna watch it
>Read this
>Still not gonna watch it

Only white people would watch this kind of pandering bullshit.

Not the radio shake.

When they? Who is they? You mean the Arabians Right? or do you mean the black tribals?

fuuuuuck that's a nice butt

>black people's "struggles"
>literally cause the most violent crime despite being the minority
>are actually killed by cops jsut as much as white people but more so by each other
>he thinks blacks are an oppressed minority
please stop talking.
If you want to watch a good black superhero, watch Static Shock. Was a lot more realistic with these things and less BLATANT PROPOGANDA.

The Zap shack? I don't fuckin' know.

I guess it's supposed to look cheesy, but damn, that's a nice adaptation.



>I guess it's supposed to look cheesy, but damn, that's a nice adaptation.
OP's image is a still from a newsclip from when Black Lightning was quite a bit younger -- more than 9 years, in fact. The cheesiness of the costume at that point was intentional.

Trolling aside, grow up snowflake. You guys are the worst.

Arrow is a Justice League midcarder
Black Lightning is literally the undercard, if not some outlaw promotion


I saw a superhero last night
He was black
He said 'This is for the streets.'
Black Lightning's back

10/10 best theme song ever

I actually liked the show

The Zap shack sounds like a southern style kitchen that serves electric eels

>you get 4 shows about white superheroes
And they’re all cucked up, feminist pandering trash heaps.

I like the simplicity and colors of this suit more than the current one. If they used the same materials like MCU's suits it would look better.

>attacks cops
>let's gang member bring gun to school
O-our hero! Based black man!

This, I have just finished last nights flash and the dead guys wife testified that her husband was a cuck. I actually can't believe I just watched that.

Fuck you.

We all remember when Arrow and Flash were "good". Let's be cautious and remember, all CWDC shit has an expiration date.

Hey, I really like this look! Much better than that mess of dark acrylic panels from the promotional images, glad they changed it.

Lightning in a bottle

Enough fucking around.

Is it canon with arrowverse or not?

user, I got some bad news....

That's pretty good actually.


I would like to see the entire season in one day

jesus fucking christ muh dick

No, until it's no

fortunately no

Is it just me or is the pacing in the pilot very strange? Feels like they filmed one pilot and then decided to make a bunch of changes but with the least amount of reshoots possible. When it goes from Jefferson's speech to the 100 club, there's no establishing shot so for a full minute or so I thought there was a dance after the speech and was VERY confused as to why they were all drinking and smoking. Then for the whole scene where Jefferson and Lala were meeting I had no idea where they were. Were they at his school? Why did a kid who was much too young to be in high school walk by and just happen to be working for Lala and just happened to recently get on his bad side?


>get divorced
>trade up

Based Lightning

It was originally supposed to be a Fox show. And CW is very cheap. They made Supergirl go from a multi million dollars per episode (and 12 million for just the pilot) to under a million per episode. Largely through a shooting location change and cutting back on effects and wire work.

the black cave

It's only been one episode but holy shit did they finally nail a comic book show on television?

I got confused by the same things you did.

>4 shows about some white bitch
user, this’ll become that, too. It’ll be some annoying ass black bitch, not even the hot bitchy kind, it’ll be like that ugly cunt who appears in the The Last Jedi for a second. It’ll happen slow at first, but then Black Lightening is lectured on how oppressed black women and gays are. Then the ride begins...

The blackout?

My name is Jefferson Pierce, and I used to be Black Lightning.
A decade ago, I left the vigilante game to focus on my family, my school, my city.
But the need for light in the darkness stayed, and Freeland needs it now more than ever.
So don't call it a comeback - I've been here for years.
Black Lightning's back.

Like literally a cuck?

I wanted to fuck every women on screen in that episode.

She was lying to explain why she'd been seen kissing another man soon after her husband's murder. The viewers know that her husband's consciousness was transferred to the other man's body, but most people in-universe don't know that so she had to lie.


At the moment, no, but that could change. The first episode mentioned other people with superpowers -- the exact quote was:
>other communities have folks with superpowers
as stated by a talking head defending Black Lightning. Some "hero" vs. "vigilante" stuff was brought up in that scene, too.

As an interesting note, The Flash was hailed as a hero by Central City PD on the same airing day (perhaps the same in-universe day) as Black Lightning's episode.

If the show lasts to S3 (and even with just one episode aired, it probably might), I think it'll finally crossover with the other shows. Or maybe just The Flash, if only because they have the Wests.

why the fuck did Black Lightning use that guy as a shield? His suit is bulletproof. He just killed a guy for no reason.

To kill him, since that shit doesn't work in real life

I wish they'd made this show like, fifteen years ago. Because I always pictured Jefferson being played by LaVarr Burton.

I know he voiced Black Lightning once, but I always thought he'd be cool as him in live action.

he didnt know it was bullet proof until that black guy shot him.

The way he was talking to the tailor, I got the feeling like they were positing this show as a revival of a Black Lightning show from 15 years ago that never happened.

I legitimately thought this thread was about Phoenix Jones and I got excited

I liked it a lot

Will continue to watch

This might be the most fun because I know nothing about black lightning comics wise. Watching arrow and flash is more or less watching the anime after having read the manga for me but in this case i have no idea what to expect I'm essentially a casual

The old suit from the news clip looks better than the new suit

Hype train has officially begun boarding

In all but a few cases, you should only watch anime that are anime-first.
Wrrrrrread the fucking manga

>If the show lasts to S3 (and even with just one episode aired, it probably might), I think it'll finally crossover with the other shows. Or maybe just The Flash, if only because they have the Wests.

Also the Gambi brothers if the Flash ever introduces Paul.

This. The LEDs are so fucking goofy.

>parliament/funkadelic getup
All the more reason to wear the old suit.
Old hotness
new and busted

I liked how it jumped straight into drug usage, whores, rape and straight gang violence. No pussy footing around with villains that let people live with honor codes and shit.

The stakes are immediately laid out.

Niggers gonna nig user.