What are some good comics about break ups?

What are some good comics about break ups?
Preferably ones where the main character doesn't get back with their ex.


Kairos is good, if you can find it.


Is there a way he could have caught her that she'd have survived?

A web that would act like a bungee cord?

What happened OP?

5,000 km per second

I wouldn't call a comic about breakouts, but plenity of them occur in Love and Rockets.

A better writer.


The vaginal Jew was a mistake. We don't tell drug addicts to wallow for a week then buy some more heroin, we tell them to find a purpose and get over it. Do the same thing.

What was her name OP?

Fucking file name! Fuck Gail Simone, she ruined comics.

pic related has a few
for webcomics try Octopus Pie

he was more careful in later comics because he blamed himself.


I never had GF. Is break up really that worse than not having one in the first place?

So when does the guy reveals himself to be an hermaphrodite angel and starts the apocalypse?

I have also never had a gf but it should be obvious sitting around not having something isn't as bad as having something you like and then one day it irreparably breaks

Sometimes. Specific situations can make you positively thrilled when a dysfunctional relationship ends. But most dont fall into those specific situations.

>Tfw I still sometimes feel mad that my ex refused to hold my hand in public for the whole last half-year of our relationship, but insisted on pretending it wasnt a big deal.
bitch if you were embarrassed to be seen in public with me, you should have just broken up. not drag me along like some shitty beta orbiter who gets to share a bed with you.

Do you want a romance-fag tier answer or an autistic fedora tier answer?


>Has friends and his own place and shit
I cant relate to this normie shit.

When you're really in love, your gf becomes an integral part of your life. She becomes your default company for whenever you're alone, you get used to sharing your every thought and feeling with them. Every plan you make, from "what am I going to eat today" to "where am I gonna go next summer" includes her. What would she like, how is she going to react?
Additionally, since people like to assume everything is gonna always stay the same and never change, all your long term plans and future expectations always feature her. She is a constant in your life.
Suddenly, she's gone. All your future plans - re-written. All your ways of thinking - obsolete. It's like losing an organ or a body part. You can live, but it's hard to get used to it.
"Love" is an unhealthy psycho/neurological addiction that you should avoid at all costs. It makes you dumber, more willing to disregard rational thinking in favor of emotions, and will ultimately leave you on painful detox when it eds.
Humans are slaves to our basic reproductive instincts, as well as social pressure, and both of those expect us to find a girlfriend, settle and fuck. Not only will having a girlfriend elevate your social status (which is a great source of satisfaction) it also satisfies a lot of your hormonally-induced needs. However, ultimately, those needs can be satisfied just by having a pet to care about and porn to fap to. I suggest going this route.

Yes, within the limitations of comic book physics.


>hermaphrodite angel and starts the apocalypse
? Kill Six Billion Demons (6 Juggernaut Star)? pic related comic might include a kind of perma break-up.
Or Alvin is Lucifer "making the world a better place"?

is this loss?

dan is such an insensitive asshole sometimes

I've never had a girlfriend either, but I've had friends bounce back within a couple days, and friends who wallowed in misery for months. It really depends on the person and how the breakup goes down. Fun story, the wallowing-in-misery friend kept listening to these songs his ex wrote about him breaking up with her, she was a musician, and that really stagnated the healing process, kinda like scratching a scab over and over. I could probably sing you those dumb breakup songs word for word because he played them every time we drove around together.

with his strength he could have used his legs to push off the bridge and fly past her, catch her, then use the web to arc out of the fall

I'm impressed that you could articulate such different points of view so well, user. You have a gift for seeing how other people think.

I think he that's actually how he does it in the What If Gwen Stacy Didn't Die? comic.

Seconds, recent storytime:

That's a really negative view of relationships. A healthy relationship shouldn't be so co-dependent in the first place. Also, not every relationship is destined to end either.

Has this always been a trope? I didn't notice it until devilman