Is it just me or is Western Animation pure crap lately? Where are all the talented visionaries? How do we save Western Animation?
Is it just me or is Western Animation pure crap lately? Where are all the talented visionaries...
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ill save it!
here i am!
Tara Billinger makes some neat work
oh shit, is that who I think it is?
"Vision" died in western animation in the late 90's. The last insightful cartoon was probably Gargoyles.
Apathy from the top down. Adults could really give less of a fuck what their kids watch these days, at least conscientous objectors in the 80s/90s gave a fuck
Nowadays people will literally just leave their kid watching infinite Elsa/Spiderman videos on youtube or 24/7 Teen Titans Go. I can’t think of a single mentally stimulating thing children are exposed to nowadays. And the problem is that as people grow up they insist their interests grow up with them so they insist what they do is super mature even though it’s just anime for children or whatever and leave Anerica’s children’s brains to rot without any stimulation of creativity or abstract thought.
My hope is banking on this new generation playing outside more considering they don’t have a buffet of entertainment to keep them preoccupied but they’re most likely just playing M rated videogames
It's the ever-tightening vice grip of capitalism. We have no time anymore for slow things, things that do not quickly translate to money, and animation is VERY slow.
The time for revolution is yesterday.
Lmfao Gargoyles
Bitch Ed Edd & Eddy came out after that
>The last insightful cartoon was probably Gargoyles.
Gargoyles is overrated. Animation was never good, just popular.
Just ask the execs demanding that studios keep churning that shit out.
Manchildren robbing kids of their interests by throwing their NEETbux at cringy OCtier fanfic authors to make kids shows they can jack off to
Everything is terrible. Either move to Japan for “Superior Manga/anime” or kill your self
>The last insightful cartoon was probably Gargoyles.
Wrong. The last cartoon with any sense of earnest put into it was definitely W.I.T.C.H.
Western animation is for kiddies anyway, so who cares?
ok... but what are talking about, exactly? what you dont like? who did have on mind saying "visionaries" ?
You're right, just a few years ago Gravity Falls, Gumball and Adventure Time was at their peaks.
But nothing has taken their place since, leaving a vaccum in the industry with nothing but mediocrity and creepy shit trying to become the next MLP. I fear we are entering yet another Dark Age.
i hope netflix will bring us more gems.
television is practically obsolete. it's for old timers.
First we get all the scriptwriters for Cartoon Network shows that are NOT gumball.
Then we blow the room up they are in.
That's it.
last i time i remember, there was a post here a couple of months back about some guy shilling his superhero comic where he preaches about how comics today need to die in order to make way for the next generation of comic books and heroes
Not hard when adapting a comic.
>creepy shit trying to become the next MLP
When the real next mlp comes around (the planned 2020 reboot) will shows start trying to copy that?
>creepy shit
go back to tumblr retard
Oh god not you again.
I don't know, I've never watched it.
Why are they rebooting?
Probably to keep it "fresh" and have people pay attention to it still.
Only if it's good and not a cynical attempt at refreshing the toy-line [spoilers] it won't [/spoilers]
>conscientous objectors in the 80s/90s
Economy is worst it's been in a while. No one is taking risks because they don't want to lose money. Give it some time.
Uhh, no, the economy in the US is booming like crazy right now and consumer spending is up. If anything, this would be the time to launch something. The problem is that the studios no longer have anything to launch that isn't derivative garbage.
>will shows start trying to copy that?
Nope, because it's gonna be a shitty toy commercial disguised as a cartoon.
What's your definition of "lately"? The last 18 or so years?
>Why are they rebooting?
they ran into the ground and can't come up with any new ideas.
>not posting slugterra
Hi Lee
Both of you faggots are obssesed with these shitty shows nobody gives shit
Fuck off, Sup Forums is already bad and you arent making it any better
>Is it just me or is Western Animation pure crap lately?
California has so much influence on the American animation industry that you have to move there just to get a foot in the door. Everything is tightly knit and close together for their benefit
If people who live in other states could make cartoons and survive on it alone, things wouldn't be so bad but that's not realistic. For people like me it's a passion that got relegated into a side hobby and I don't see that changing anytime soon
You will save it with your CGI movie made by Illumination, Mario.
I don't see how rebooting would fix that. It's talking horses.
From what I understand the problem with the industry in California is that it's a secret club for people with the right connections, and not that the industry is clustered in one place.
Wait a couple of more months. There's gonna be a self-funded short, released sometime around March (hopefully), that's gonna make a splash.
I'd love to talk more about it, but I'm under an NDA.
Is it gonna be something fresh? Something intriguing?
>no modern stylization
>no neighbor-like voice actors
>no bland characters
>multiple different animators adding their own unique touch to the film without being visually distracting like current running shows
I sure hope it'll be intriguing to you guys. From what I've seen and contributed, this is the equivalent of dropping a hydrogen bomb on modern day Burbank.
What about countries with shitty internet
What about the showrunners though?
Because it has ran for seven seasons with 2 more planned.
Which happened due to centralization.
Any time a "visionary" comes along and makes a genuinely good cartoon, it gets really popular and then the execs insist on homogenizing it to make it easier to sell crap and it turns to shit.
see: MLP, not just the main series going to shit, but the Barbie/Monster High spinoff created solely to sell human dolls
>It's a stealth Sup Forumsvasion thread
Well uhh can ya link it when ya finished?
>Someone shitting on western cartoons means they're implying anime is better
Sounds like you just admitted it
Shut up, nerd. Your shit is garbage, you should be grateful to have us around.
what about spawn?
>gonna make a splash.
don't be pretentious
Fake W.I.T.C.H.fag, even I would never say that. Avatar came out in 2005, after all, and then we had the ray of hope called Gravity Falls in 2012.
Oh shit it's Yarael Poof!
The anime industry is centralized in Tokyo too. There's even a ward, Suginami, that has a very high concentration of studios. But there's no secret club stuff going on.
Satisfying your disgusting fetishes doesn't require a lot of talent.
> Is it just me
No it never is just you thinking that
Actually it sometimes is, like for really obscure shit. But obviously not in this case.
Of course, user.
Honestly it seems like Netflix is the last bastion of hope. Here's hoping DC's streaming service sticks around gives us the DC Nation we were robbed of.
Actually, it very much is. They could easily have gone down the adaptation-in-name-only route and made it a standard kids show. Instead they adapted just about every single character and plotline from the source material (including quite a bit from later arcs), in many cases adding significant depth and/or fixing writing failures of the comics, and overall made it far more of an epic story like ATLA but better.
(It's even more impressive when you consider that both the showrunners and the entire writing team were replaced for season 2, and that all of them were American as opposed to the original Italian writers of the comics.)
Be the change you want to see in the world. Know who said that?
fuck you
Just give french and mexican animators a budget and that's it
>posts a retarded stealth meme
>complains about a polite correction
>There's gonna be a self-funded short, released sometime around March that will get like 100k views and everyone will go back to teen titans go and steven universe.
The French? Seriously Sup Forums? You mean the people who are getting invaded and destroyed by Muslims? In 2-3 decades time they'll have bigger problems than making shitty Wakfu and Dofus cartoons. Once the Muslims take over and the Migrants finish wrecking them, they'll outlaw all this stuff you like, like sexy females. I can see them having female characters in new French cartoons being forced to cover up all over to appease these Arabs.
i didn't even post it im just sick of actually fags
I'm much sicker of anti-DAEfags.
T. muhamerde
Okay, kiddo.
Western animation is good, it's just CN, Disney and Nicky which suck.
As bad as American animation is doing, non-US animation is in a far worse state. Stop kidding yourself.
The golden era of 2000s cartoons is over.
Yep. They gonna turn AJ into a nigger to spice things up
They are called jews user
A talented visionary saved western animation already, he just bailed out early to focus on bitching about the president on Twitter
He didn't save Western animation any more than Avatar did when it introduced American cartoon viewers to proper storytelling for the first time.
The problem is, you need more than one show.
The problem comes down to the fact that the people actually funding the shows don't know how to monetize them properly. Given the popularity of anime there is definitely an audience for teen and adult oriented animation but no one wants to take the risk.
Western animation is primarily child oriented and faces two distinct challenges. First, that children are developmentally 'aging out' of cartoons and toys faster and at younger ages so cartoons are fighting for a shrinking piece of the pie. This may be why Cartoon Network's pilots look so kiddish, they're focusing on even younger demographics. Secondly we are culturally opposed to providing children the type of entertainment they like. We'd rather let a 10 year old watch Japanese anime with fight scenes and sexy girls than actually provide it ourselves. 'Kids entertainment' is shaped by what the parents find acceptable even if it isn't reflective of how kids act or what they prefer.
You gotta get rid of all the stuck-up suits.
If you think most 10-year-olds even know what anime is... it's older fans who are disappointed.
The problem is that cartoons have juvenile writing
I keep tell you guys about this but none of y'all ever want to fucking talk about it
I’ll give it a watch, my guy. Try not to talk about it too much, lest you get fired.
Also, don’t expect all of Sup Forums to love it. Half of Sup Forums will love it, if it’s good. The last thing all of Sup Forums liked was the first three episodes of Samurai Jack Season Five, and even those get shat on for what came after.
But whatever it is you’re releasing, I’ll look forward to.
This. Sorry , it does sound interesting
By promoting actually impressive works. Loving Vincent is a great example, just by considering the way it was done.
>Given the popularity of anime
Is it really all that popular? It's not going to compare with stuff like the Simpsons and Family Guy or whatever, which is the kind of popularity you'd want to start producing your own shows. If the demand can be handled by importing the output of the single country, that suggests there isn't really a big demand for it.
>Is it really all that popular?
It makes up a gigantic chunk of communities on the Internet, this entire website among them
Compare that to cartoons, which have... Sup Forums.
>It's not going to compare with stuff like the Simpsons and Family Guy or whatever, which is the kind of popularity you'd want to start producing your own shows.
That's retarded. We're not talking about crappy "adult" sitcoms that just happen to be animated
>If the demand can be handled by importing the output of the single country, that suggests there isn't really a big demand for it.
That's even more retarded. The market is nowhere near saturated, and if there were actual cartoons with high-quality writing being made they'd wipe the floor with anime ratings.
I suppose you might be right.
As is Netflix might be the last bastion of hope we have, there are definitely potential fans (albeit niche) that have fallen away from anime or can't get into what is popular now.
at the end of the day it comes down to networks/investors simply not knowing how to make money off of this. Advertisers are too reticent or plain just don't know how or what to sell to this potential demographic and merchandising departments suffer a serious lack of creativity or direction.
Mlp only got better over time though.
If they weren't making money, CN/Nick/DXD wouldn't exist. And they did incredibly successful cartoon marketing back in the 2000s.
They don't have enough talent. Writers especially.
>It makes up a gigantic chunk of communities on the Internet, this entire website among them
This is less about what's on the internet and what your average person actually does. I don't think anime, and by extension animation that's not for children or a sitcom, has as much exposure as you think, enough that channels would consider making a western alternative.
But remember user, it's not about exposure - it's about money. Weebs may be NEETs for the most part but they spend a LOT of the little money they do have on anime.
I mean, good luck trying to fund a show by saying that you're trying to appeal to penniless NEETs and weebs that probably hate western animation anyway
This is actually a good shit, furfag stuff aside. It's like what the new Speed Racer should have been.
Great music, great character development, it's only flaw is I am sure it has a painful furry tumblr fandom much like Zootopia, but then again shit like Gravity Falls and Adventure Time is just as cringey with tumblr