Huck storytime 2

Previous millarverse
Part 1 → → → →
Part 2 → → → →
Part 3 → → → →
Part 4 → → → →
Part 5 → → →
Part 6 → →
Part 7 →
Part 8






The mother's face is totally






>I'm not afraid of my own extinction
>shows fear

Last issue, what next?


Secret Service, Chrononauts, Empress.

I like Secret Service, but I think others might find it dull. And Chrononauts is at least less cliche than Empress. So...Chrononauts.


chrononauts it is


Secret service is pretty good, but not spectacular. I'm still genuinely suprised how well they turned it into a movie (which was actually really good on its own accord).


I really like Secret Service, and I think it has a great character backbone to it. It's maybe his last "above average" one IMO, but every time I storytime it there's always strong division.

I enjoyed aspects of the movie, but it really felt like a downgrade from the mini in terms of the core.

movie sequal was lackluster though

I actually enjoyed that more.
It was just an hour too long and 3 subplots too much.


I mean the fight scenes were better but that was it


I think the fight scenes were worse, because, like a lot of the movie, they're just needlessly stretched out and long.

I just think there was a better sense of where the characters were going and it was farther removed from the mini's plot so it didn't feel like a lesser thing.


yeah, i was kinda mad how they just wiped out the entire spy ring ruining a whole worldbuilding plot

I've not seen the second but watching the elton john scenes on youtube and reading about the amensia subplot makes it sound awful in a garish & outlandish way.


That's true as well.
Like, it comes of especially pointless since that was done to make way for the Statesmen, who also end up being pointless.

Very fatty and unfocused, while I think the first was just taking something I liked and making it far too simplified (and going by Millar that's a feat)

Suprisingly it isn't as bad as it sounds

Imagine if they tried to adapt morrison

It's not more garish or outlandish than the first, but more indulgent by leagues.

Apparently there's an hour of subplots Vaughn had to cut out. Not raw footage, actual subplots.


Sounds like justice league. The Marvel movies might have degraded into shit, but at least they can carry a cohesive story.


I wanna say that one of the cut subplots focused on him more to make his sacrifice more worthwhile.The worst part is that in earlier cuts he survived and had robolegs


How bad was justice league? I decided to stop after Suicide squad.

Pretty bad.

Like there are minutes of good stuff. But minutes.


Yeah, clearly Vaughn should have tried parsing stuff down from the start

Imagine the movies we never got all because the studio sucked at decision making



Imagine realising that you're missing out on a cash cow of the era (comic book movies) and decide that instead of testing the waters you decide to create a whole universe within the runtime of one movie.

Other examples of why this is a shit idea:
>The Cruise Mummy Reboot


How based can one gump be?

I kinda hope the superhero craze dies out


Oh man picked this up the other day, it's freakin' great.


It's just another case of "fotm", like what happened with spaghetti westerns and shit. We've got such a long way still to fall before everyone gives up on it.

Personally, I was content when Dredd came out. I could still go for a netflix version of "The Fix", but I'm not that fussed.

Gonna take a break

Good end!

You can't really compare superhero movies to spaghetti westerns, the expense required to make a superhero movie limits the amount made. Spaghetti westerns were churned out by the dozens per year. The shared universe concept is probably going to be downplayed, and we're probably going to see less superhero films due to the Fox/Disney deal, but superheroes aren't going to go away - especially not when they're also a popular style for action movies in general.

I want a showtime adaptation of Stray Bullets.

I only skimmed a few issues, but isn't "tragic crime capers" like 70% of TV?


True, but it's a incredibly kick - and a coming of age story.

Sorry, I'll delete the image.










>Stuff that has been time travelled convinces the person to create time travel and probably send said stuff back in time

God I love time travel keikaku bullshit










>that priest








>Orlov, youre gay


Have a bump
Huck was pretty nice and since it's a Millar book movie for it when?


Thanks user, I don't think any studios have picked it up yet


Everything but Kingsman and Kick-Ass was sold to Netflix.
They own it all.

So, whenever they feel like. He's already


