ITT-Sup Forums bootlegs

ITT-Sup Forums bootlegs

that might be the single greatest toy I've seen in my life. And I'm not even a raider fan

The back of the cards even better

whats acfazy ?

Clearly not a bootleg though?


I'm fucking jealous.
Anyone got the Postman Pat that's also a transformer?

You suprise me with your actual good taste, but sadly i dont own eazy he. The original is sold out, and the only one on ebay is the faker variant thats 350$. Also, transforming postman pat is official




>the sculpting on moai is better then the actual lego
Holy fucking kek

wow what a busta


I know its faggy and all, but id love a stormtrooper figure in that pink and purple highlight color scheme

That's the strangest thing about a good chunk of these bootlegs, if they weren't bootlegs; they might be reasonable products.

the guy who makes them has a good sense of humor.

>The cop on the right wasn't even shot, his head just exploded from being near Eazy-He

A classic

why is Bart black

This looks like an Adult Swim show that needs to happen.

Would be incredibly better then the jellies or that dumb shit with the ugly art style and roiland as some dog

>why is Bart black

Wearing bootleg Bart t-shirts with black Bart or Bart in the Gulf War was a fad in the early 90's when the Simpsons became huge and there wasn't enough merchandise to supply the demand.

Wait, mandela died in 73






I don't even


that's pretty reddit



The Daddy Pig version must be huge.


the best part is it isn't bootleg, it's legit









Why is Saddam?







Is that sebastian the crab from Little Mermaid on the island on the left?





so close and yet ...



This is a toy to kill for, that tagline is worth lots of gold


Pick one




I fucking love that shit that's just obviously retooled molds from something completely different converted with minimum effort into an unholy monstrosity.


Is that the amazing athiest?

>Terminator Spider-Man
Never have I needed something so much, and not known until I received it.


If you were running a sweatshop full of Chinese child labor, what bootlegs would you make?

you like the raiders fucker?

Id make action figures ive always wanted, everything from unmade star wars aliens to stevem universe gem dolls

But he did, im remeber learning about that in school. He did in jail

The worst part is the figures they are trying to imitate are so fucking cheap, they might as well be bootlegs


I miss ADHD

"Now with patented Bana-No-Shove arm action!"

Sandy literally tried to kill Spongebob to make a point. Girl is nuts.

I fucking hate that man. He trys to make himself look better and yet does a stunt like that. The worst part retards try to use him as a strawman against anyone who has a legitimate point against religion.

Not his biggest fan myself. Those comments he made about that young girl who killed herself because of bullying were a new kind of low.

that's doing coco from blade runner 2049

>Those comments he made about that young girl who killed herself because of bullying were a new kind of low.
Holy shit, what?

Yeah, Amanda something, she was 12 or 13, the girl who made the video with the cards? AA basically said something like, "everyone gets bullied, grow a pair, how pathetic, your a white American girl, you have no reason to be depressed, I have no pity when there are thousands dying of starvation every day". Bloke's a first-class cunt and no mistake

Well, to be fair she was a melodramatic attention whore with that card shit. I felt no pity for her, i dont understand why anyone would want to see nudes if a pufy faced big nosed bitch like her anyways though

TJ pls go

Is that Gayniggers From Outer Space font?