ITT: Characters who we're meant to agree with but who come off as sociopaths instead

ITT: Characters who we're meant to agree with but who come off as sociopaths instead

A lot of modern legacy characters fall into this category

Alex Summers before Axis

Marvel should just turn them in to villains.

>Characters who we're meant to see as sociopaths but come off as right instead

Alex isn't a name for the group you're part of, retard. You probably have no problem being called a man, or white, or blonde. If I said you're a man, would you correct me by saying "I'm not a man, I'm Alex"? Probably not, though who can even say how far your retardation goes. You're a real piece of shit, you know that? I don't even have a problem with mutants, but from now on I'll exclusively call you Mutie Scum. That's your name now, fag.



I love how before Marvel tried to make her the face of women of Marvel but now that they realized everyone hates her she is no where to be seen in the promotions.


Only written by a bad writer. You probably need to add in spider-man. He is more of a psychopath than her.

The ultimate example.

>the fifth column trying to turn people against our hero Stardust
Nice try communist racketeer.

Some jackass is going to post Red Skull, aren't they?

Every character in Dumbing of Age.

probably his ebin speech on why it's okay for him to take over america because foreigners took over his country. (remember to leave out the panels where they're terrorists)

Add Doom and Black Manta to that list.

Joe is probably the most normal of them.

Is she actually autistic?


That would be a decent character flaw. But Bendis sees that kind of sociopath behavior as perfection.
I'm so glad he left Marvel.

I like this speech, the more X-men comics you read, the more you realize that mutants like to clump together and whine about their problems. I'd like more characters to say, "Screw you guys, I'm just going to go help people."

This! So much this!
It's exactly the reason I never could get into any x-men comics despite actively forcing myself.

I honestly don't get why Sup Forums get's so up in arms about this.

It's a decent way to establish a character with an abrasive personality and hopefully set up a potential issue of needing a force to work against to drive one's self.
I have no idea if they ever followed through with it but it'd be a good way to set up an anti-hero.

What, would everyone prefer it if they just played it straight and had the teacher lecture her on all the stuff she shouldn't do?

No the problem is that she isn't an anti-hero. If she was, then this backstory would be perfectly fine.

The authority

i feel like most comic characters have some deeper meaning than "I am a soapbox for my creator's ideals"

but idiots just miss the point completely and assume otherwise.

Thing is Alex has always wished to be "normal." He just wanted to have a life with Lorna, but one thing or another kept pulling him back to live in his brother's shadow.

The speech was in character.