What do women see in him?

>not particularly handsome
>not particularly rich
>not particularly smart
>average dick
Is it just charisma and charm? For all of his faults, he is pretty suave, if anything. Is that really all it takes? Or is it the whole “bad boy I can fix” thing?

ya boy is fictional

he has money and is famous

Are you stupid? Or just retarded?

So, did he steal Matt Murdock's or Cyclops' red glasses? And why does he look like Buff Bagwell

>>not particularly handsome
>>not particularly rich
>>not particularly smart

What the fuck are you talking about? He frequently ranks near the top of these in every list on the subject.

>average dick

Oh, its just the guy constantly shilling his headcanon and self inserting again.

the missing faceplate makes so much more of an asshole

>average dick

he's probably basing it off that one time he fucked Gamora and she was not impressed after having already fucked Nova

That was ED though. Maybe Fraction’s Alcoholics Anonymous issue where he mentions he started drinking to be able to talk and be with girls? Dunno.

To answer OP, yes, confidence and game go a looooong way (not that (you)’d know anything about it). And average, Dicklet or big, he’s probably got enough tricks at his sleeve at this point, that he can make a woman orgasm just by using his hands. Sex ain’t about penetration only; that’s just for the guy’s pleasure.

That's because Richard had the full power of the Nova force powering his hips, whereas Tony is just a mere man outside of his armor.

What's with the Tonyspam lately? Fuck off.

You left out the correct answer. He's a shitposter.

IRL tip
It's the charisma that counts

But... he IS rich, handsome and smart. Plus, he has an insane amount of charisma and confidence. Why wouldn’t women throw themselves at him? OP, this might come as a shock to you, but the average is average for a reason. By the point a woman gets naked and allows you to stick your meat-tube between her legs, dick size don’t mean squat. Unless you’re some sun 4” microdicklet or something.

Stay jelly, Peter.

In the story he fucks with Matt by giving him his eyesight back as a way to turn him to his side.

But Parker has one of the biggest harems in the MU, is hung, is super-smart, has no vices and has family and friends who genuinely love him. Pete has it all, pretty much.

>he hasn't read Spider-Man under Slott
MJ is gone. She's abandoned Peter because she couldn't hack him being Spider-Man. Felicia is gone, she hates Peter now because Spock punched her in the face and decided to fuck a midget instead. Carlie came and went. Silk came and went. He's lost his tech company, and now he's dating Mockingbird, which isn't exactly a good thing. His secret identity is still secret from Dr. Strange's spell, so his friends and family have that wall erected between them. Pete has about jack shit.

I say this as a suffering Spider-Fag.

I dropped it around ANAD. Point is, Peter does suffer, but mostly because he doesn’t have much of a spine these days. He has the brains, the body, the looks, everything. When compared to Tony, who’s a non-enhanced, normal human, he is infinitely superior.

This. I'm a Tonyfag but the constant fucking threads about him being up almost every day is getting obnoxious. Just leave him alone already and stop projecting yourself onto him.

Honestly, while that isn’t the only aspect, it may well be that Tony, even if he’s above average, just doesn’t compare to whatever skyscraper Richard was packing down there.

But I’m not wrong about anything user. ATM he’s not even a millionaire. He loses his company in every run. He’s a specialist so he’s not in the league of Pym and Richards. He’s not portrayed as particularly handsome in the classical sense, like Rogers or Pre-Disfigurement Doom. And there’s more evidence for him being average to small, than there are of him being hung. From his insecurity issues to the pixelated dick in Avengers Assemble.

He’s charming and resourceful though, I’ll give him that... And I’m not projecting, I’m just curious. How does a guy with so many cons get to sleep around so much?

It's not wrong but you and every other user in this circlejerk bring it up repeatedly to the point of fucking obsession just like the dicklet user. You can't even keep it contained to one thread All of you should just fuck off Sup Forums and go have an orgy somewhere.

So you DO agree he’s average at best? It’s annoying sure, but I just want an answer. There’s much more evidence supporting that, than there is of the opposite. And it’s not self-inserting, it’s just stating facts. Hell, if I were to self-insert wouldn’t it be more logical to Headcanon whoever I like as hung and live through them?

Wasn't the issue he couldn't get it up?

t. Black Panther

Daredevil is literally in their reflection...

>Literal King
>has access to physique altering herbs
>most advanced tech on the planet
>Sue was gonna cuck Reed’s elastic cock for him
I don’t think T’Challa has a dick problem...

yes all you have to do is talk to girls and be fun

>insecurity issues

I honestly think this sucks all the fun out of the character. He was built as a cocky hotshot going out there to try and fix his past mistakes, having him be all 'woe is me' is dull as shit and we already have enough mopey characters.

That was build into his character since Day One. To the outside world he has the life every man would kill for, but he felt empty and devoid of any meaning. As time progresses it was made canon that he had psychological issues in general, and tons of self-hate and insecurity. In a way, Doom and Stark make better contrasts thematically than Reed and Doom. And at the same time, Tony and Pym have tons of common ground that is never explored.

>To the outside world he has the life every man would kill for, but he felt empty and devoid of any meaning

Do you mean pre or post Iron Man? Because from what I've read pre he certainly enjoyed the playboy lifestyle and post once he wasn't basically chained to it to remain alive he was able to find meaning in being a hero.

Both. He was going out with actresses and the like, but it being the 60s at he time, he wasn’t fucking them. As the times caught on, he started having more one night stands, but he always looked for something more. But no woman was ever really interested. He was a “prize-fuck” and nothing more. They certainly never came back for more. Even Frost he fucked while she was in the Hellfire Club. Widow fucked him in her first appearances because she was a spy for the USSR, and then once more, decades later. Then Fraction yay made the “could only talk to girls when drunk, so he started drinking every time he was with a gal” and it just made everything canon. Even in fanfics he’s portrayed as a good fucker but not hung.

In short, he was angsting over the chestplate at first, but he was generally a downer no matter the era. Whether it was the artificial heart, the alcoholism, being betrayed and homeless, Tony’s always a mopey mess and has been since Tales of Suspense. He’s the classic archetype of the guy who tries to amass power because he feels powerless, while being self-hating because he compares himself with others constantly. He’s just savvy enough to make money from his gift, otherwise he’d have been another Pym.

PS:He was also making straight-up guns and taking army contracts well into the 70s, then changed to making weapons for SHIELD, and only “stopped” for the period of the early 2000s until he became Director of SHIELD and started making Sentinels. The “peace loving” Tony is just an MCU thing.

>not particularly handsome
>not particularly rich
>not particularly smart


In-Universe, he’s not considered particularly “unique”. He’s based on folks like Howard Hughes and Timothy Dalton, while Thor and Rogers are based on “muh perfect Aryan” types. He’s lost his money so many times due to his vices, that his company isn’t some juggernaut these days. And compared to Reed, Doom, Pym and the rest of the polymath, he’s too limited.


Timothy Dalton was very handsome in his prime, the existence of more handsome men dow not invalidate his handsomeness
A man that broke once and is worth millions now still worth millions
Top 1000 smartest people in the world would still be something to brag about, Tony is at least top 20

So he's still very handsome.
He's still rich a lot of the time, apart from the ''I lost my company!'' plots literally every rich character goes through.
And he's still smart, just not as much compared to people for whom it is an actual superpower. Just because Stephen Hawking isnt a biologist doesnt mean he's an idiot.

And you default to the reason being dick size, rather than Tony not being familiar with how a random alien vagina works?

Gamora hadn’t even taken her bra or panties off. And she was so angry about the whole situation she never spoke to him again (she in fact looked ready to murder him in any instance he talked to her) until he left the team. Needles to say it was something bad for Tony...