What do women see in him?

What's with the Tonyspam lately? Fuck off.

You left out the correct answer. He's a shitposter.

IRL tip
It's the charisma that counts

But... he IS rich, handsome and smart. Plus, he has an insane amount of charisma and confidence. Why wouldn’t women throw themselves at him? OP, this might come as a shock to you, but the average is average for a reason. By the point a woman gets naked and allows you to stick your meat-tube between her legs, dick size don’t mean squat. Unless you’re some sun 4” microdicklet or something.

Stay jelly, Peter.

In the story he fucks with Matt by giving him his eyesight back as a way to turn him to his side.

But Parker has one of the biggest harems in the MU, is hung, is super-smart, has no vices and has family and friends who genuinely love him. Pete has it all, pretty much.

>he hasn't read Spider-Man under Slott
MJ is gone. She's abandoned Peter because she couldn't hack him being Spider-Man. Felicia is gone, she hates Peter now because Spock punched her in the face and decided to fuck a midget instead. Carlie came and went. Silk came and went. He's lost his tech company, and now he's dating Mockingbird, which isn't exactly a good thing. His secret identity is still secret from Dr. Strange's spell, so his friends and family have that wall erected between them. Pete has about jack shit.

I say this as a suffering Spider-Fag.

I dropped it around ANAD. Point is, Peter does suffer, but mostly because he doesn’t have much of a spine these days. He has the brains, the body, the looks, everything. When compared to Tony, who’s a non-enhanced, normal human, he is infinitely superior.

This. I'm a Tonyfag but the constant fucking threads about him being up almost every day is getting obnoxious. Just leave him alone already and stop projecting yourself onto him.