Jessica Jones season 2 has the most EMBARRASING use of special effects!

Jessica Jones season 2 has the most EMBARRASING use of special effects!

I mean, Flash has showed so many cool scenes with Super Speed... but netflix? HOLY FUCK, I feel bad for them!

This is worse than Smallville kek

the speed effect isn't the worst thing in that scene, just look how she throws the fat guy, when he toss a box or both running...

It's a fat speedster, so I guess it's supposed to be ridiculous?

That's really cringy though.

Fun fact.

Chloe is cute.

Holy fuck

Too bad she joined a cult and will never be cute on screen again.

Dude she's running that bitch.

Still better than slow motion I guess

Second in command. Which means she still cumslave to the leader.

>Still better than slow motion I guess

you've really been working on this fanfic a lot huh

wasn't Flash the show that managed to have a faker looking shark than Jaws a mere 40 years later

>wasn't Flash the show that managed to have a faker looking shark than Jaws a mere 40 years later

Jaws was a regular shark and was barely on screen.

King Shark is a fusion dance of The Hulk with a Shark on a TV show, what the hell did you expect?

TL;DR ''but muh dc!!!!'' eat shit

Jaws was an animatronic named Bruce you fucking idiot

>Jaws was a regular shark and was barely on screen.

I can't believe you believed this for even a second

you're literally retarded for even posting it with a straight face *knowing* it's false

It's literally a sex cult.

Damn, sounds fun.

And somehow her acting is more jarring than the CGI

>Jaws was an animatronic named Bruce you fucking idiot
Still proves his point

No, it doesn't prove your point. Also, don't pretend to be someone else just so it looks like someone agrees with your retardation. Shit's embarrassing

there is something charming about how cheap it is ngl

Two observations:

1. That is truly awful. Every aspect of the way in which it was filmed is just grotesquely amateur.

2. I watched it with the sound off because I only wanted to see what was so terrible, not hear it, and it highlighted how poor of an actress this woman is. Jesus fuck almighty. You can tell that she has no idea how to stand in a camera frame. She wouldn't even be qualified to act in a cereal commercial.

>DC ripoff failing miserably again

I want to believe this is a joke and not an actual response.

I'm on Episode 3 so far and I feel like the plot really isn't going anywhere and the main plot is really sub-par.

JJ Season 2 has 50x more woman angst and self-loathing and boohoo poor me. Something something about more people like her, something something Lesbian Lawyer having threesomes (no nudity sadly). Something something I need to have 50 scenes of me drinking and self-loathing and have sex with men in a dirty bathroom so I feel something ANGST!

Is that you, Ladderbro?

the face of a woman that has raped dozens of other women

never ever seen jessica jones....i thought the marvel shows were better than the DC ones...Black Lighting was way better than that.

it didn't look bad at all. The gorilla on the other hand.