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Comics #991
ITT: Best comedy moments in comics
The DCEU failed because Superman is boring to modern audiences and has no appeal to a post 9/11 world
Static’s fandom
What are some casting mistakes the MCU has made throughout its run?
Will Green Lantern ever get the respect that he deserves...
How many of you would honestly hatefuck Korra?
How is season 2? I'm 4 episodes in and it's been pretty boring...
Infinity Train
TMNT Movie Ideas
What's the appeal of Spider-Man?
Is Sup Forums ready for the debate to be settled once and for all?
Alan Moore is Indisputably the GOAT
Hey Frank, we are going to take some photos. Remember to smile
Previous thread:
Is Chima the worst Lego Cartoon to date? I remember them trying to spin it as Game of Thrones for kids...
Help with recommendations
Meow meow
What made them so funny and memorable, Sup Forums?
Do you guys think he is going to commit sudoku soon?
So what Sup Forums related characters are worthy enough to stand a chance toe-to-toe in a fight against Yujiro Hanma?
Infinite Earths, infinite possibilitits, infinite Batmen...
Venture Bros. Thread, because fuck you, let's have one once in a while
New episode of iZombie tonight at 9
One day you will realize he was right
Hello. Zuko here
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Sup Forums Projects Thread
American Dad!
Why is Western Animation lagging behind Anime? The US had hundreds of years of head start AND they didn't get nuked...
Infinity War Plot Leak
Let's say one day a science corporation, funded by all the big names in science...
Was Kill the Alligator and Run the first legitimately horrible episode of The Simpsons?
I want to get into Spiderman
Okay faggots, I need an age-appropriate educational comic for my nephew. Any suggestions?
Official Legends of Tomorrow Talkback thread
Sup Forums Cheesecake thread
Waifu thread
It's real. It's all real
BASED Slott is bringing Bethany back
Removing starfires midriff
The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 6: Inferno (Part 1)
This comic is a fucking tumblr gold mine
Question: How big is Marvel & DC comics in Japan? Impact wise
Recommendation thread
Whats your ideal kind of body for Diana Sup Forums?
What going to end up happening to Richard?
What drives characterfags to be what they are?
Thanos' Motivation In AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR
ITT: post your cartoon idea
2000AD Judge Dredd
Object fuckers
In light of Killmongers celebrated success as the MCU's best villain...
Any love for the Dilbert animated series?
What does Sup Forums think of final space...
People actually liked The Weekenders
Why do people keep insisting on making weird science fiction/fantasy movies as live-action with heavy CG instead of...
If you were Arthur who would you pick out of these 3?
No trailer shots
Favorite one shot characters?
DEADPOOL 2 Test-Screening Spoilers
I understand where Star is coming from and appreciate she's going through a bit of an emotional moment but if I were...
The fucks wrong with my country?
The great debate
ITT: We pretend it's March 12, 1998
Jackson interpreted the "Fire of Orthanc" as Saruman utilizing his deep (and corrupting) knowledge of the dark arts to...
You ever wonder if people these days even remember if COME ON AND SLAM...
Post Sup Forums sexual awakenings
So this kind of just shows that any army on earth would have wrecked the asgardians' shit in
What if?
ITT sexiest voices
Godspeed spider-man
You might have Flap and the rich lady under your spell, but it's gonna take more than that to impress m-
Well Sup Forums?
Avengers: Infinity War
Am I evil?
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
New ReBoot will look better than old one
Erica Henderson is leaving squirrel girl. Who shall replace her?
Pick one
Miles is obviously not going to disappear with his new movie coming out and all and with Peter going back to his status...
Adam got interviewed on FOX5 this morning, and they showed a super short clip from Marco Jr...
What was her problem?
Left or right?
Gail Simone Plastic Man
How is the series? Never watched it before
The Amazing World of Gumball
Post Sup Forums food and/or characters eating
I miss this Harley
Why is she so ugly
What the fuck is this
Road to Flash War: Wally West Edition Storytime Part 14
Bittersweet Candy Bowl - bcb
Why do people say he was ruined?
Sup Forums General Drawthread
What the fuck was his problem?
So Gotham is in New Jersey
Voltron: Legendary Defender Thread
Would you save her from the life of crime and violence she's trapped in?
Concept Art for Nine New Iron Man Armors REVEALED
So Dreamworks is essentially taking two years off, right? Jesus, I didn't think things were THAT bad
Long Gone Gulch
Are you watching my cartoon, Sup Forums?
February 2018 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 500's
Golden girl thread because I think she's super interesting and would love to learn more about the "official" lore about...
MCU when?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
ITT: The hottest Simpsons ladies
Why is dust so adorable?
You lucky son of the bitch
Whats the Sup Forums equivalent?
I'm I gay for liking the ending song of this Star vs season?
What the fuck was Superman's problem?
Would you a cat?
What are some comics about villains who finally get what they deserve?
What’s he up to now?
The Owl House
Why did they make him a brunette in the cartoon?
AGENTS OF SHIELD 100th episode discussion thread
This is Denver, the Last Dinosaur
Questionable content
Is Frank still a "Christian"?
I want this character on every show. She's just too good
Low Moon - Jason storytime
Wanna party Sup Forums?
What is the difference between black panther and Iron Man...
It's a monkey episode
Guess that obscure Character Thread
H-he's gonna pull off another miracle right guys? The power of meme magic beats everything, right?
Was there an episode where Skinner gets accused of a war crime in Vietnam? I don't remember the episode
Which was the best Turtles cartoon Sup Forums?
Dancing is Forbidden
How could he ever be a hero? What is with Marvel and making villains heroes and heroes villains...
Gunnerkrigg Court
I miss him
Was he tempted?
Hi Sup Forums, I'll be your friend if you bring me brains
My son
Chapter 35: Vision
I love her
Please Forgive Me
Is anyone else bothered by how bad Justice League looked?
I want to kill the fucking hack that came up with this retarded fucking idea
Takin all bets, which android girl is going to get fisted first?
I heard you dont drink wilkins coffee, mr thanos
Why does this have 3.2 million views
Was the Archie Sonic comics the greatest comic book run of all time?
*Blocks Superman's path*
What was ricky's problem?
Sup Forums TAS
What Sup Forums thinks about Claremont's F4?
Did they deliberately not invite Maleficent or was it an oversight?
Are they putting out any good comics right now? I keep seeing people say they are way better than DC...
Which movie was better?
The Highest House #1 - Storytime
Say something nice to him
The little discussed truth is the fact that Maid Marian has the most likable personality of any Disney princess by far
ITT: Good Animation
Why don't people like this exactly? It basically is the Fantastic Four everybody knows
Mike Tyson Mysteries
Does there exist a worse female character in animation in the last 5 years?
Waifu thread
So, who's hyped for the fifth season premiere?
How can they make such a good character design and then make her so basic and bland
Been thinking about chalkzone lately and how truly terrifying a human being there is...
Chloe killed the Fairly odd parents
Good shows canceled too soon
Marvel Netflix General!
Do we need Superman: Year One?
Now that BP has released who of these two is stronger? We all know the list goes like this
Are you a creative person, Sup Forums?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Let's talk about the DCAU
Year One: Best and Worst?
Zatanna thread
Gay boy love beats month old Black Panther. YFW?
I think the worst part of capeshit in movies is that they constantly take off their mask so the stars can get face time...
Look at this beautiful woman. How can you hate her as Wonder Woman?
Cosmo! Wanda! I wish we got rebooted!
Describe your last sexual encounter with a Spongebob quote
JSA Storytime: Batman: DIGITAL JUSTICE
Moon Knight would never worked as a live action adaptation, or at least at this current time with Disney at the wheel...
"Use the Mind Eraser spell without your wand!"
Poor Donald
Think of a character. Now imagine that they are now part of Team Arrow. What happens?
How come most Eastern-inspired Western cartoons and western-inspired Eastern cartoons are good?
Avengers Assemble
>Artist purges their gallery
Implying they have a chance
Get ready to press F, lads
What was the water wars story arc about anyways?
Animation Domination General #1: Burg's Bobbers Edition
What went wrong?
Is golden era spongebob the most influential cartoon of the 90ties?
Defend this
What is the best episode of Flapjack?
ITT: Sup Forums production art/stuff thread
Well Sup Forums, time you start reading comics...
Cheesecake thread: Muties are cuties edition
Continuing this weekends Chronological Mignolaverse storytime!!
Does anyone else think the Marvel films need more testosterone?
Does anyone else despise King's STRONG INDEPENDENT THOT WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN BUT I ALSO KIND OF DO portrayal of...
Sup Forums, have you heard of the Kumite?
This show is for soyboys
Apple and onion safe space
What is Sup Forums's thoughts on the 2003 TMNT?
What went right?
New Oglaf
I’m glad someone is saying it
Sup Forums Weekend Hunger Games: Not Just a Boulder Edition
Times Kids Next Door predicted the future
Superman: Ending Battle
Worst Decade For Animated Films?
Why are tough gals with hearts of gold the BEST kind of waifu?
Deadpool 2 screenings gone wrong
Do we all agree this is perfect?
ITT: We post Samurai Jack reaction images
Continuing this weekends Chronological Mignolaverse storytime!!
It's a "show parodies DBZ" episode
Voltron: Legendary Defender
MILF thread
Has there been any writer with a bigger grudge than him?
I hate red
Why can't Christians make good cartoons or movies?
Double header
Chapter 33: Gah Lak Tus
Have you ever tried to mimmick something from a cartoon? Was it your most embarassing childhood moment?
I hope when this current trend in comics blows over we'll see a counter trend...
You guys ready for the /u/ House?
Continuing this weekends Chronological Mignolaverse storytime, Sunday edition!!
What's the best thing about this film?
All in all, would you consider the DC Rebirth a success?
ITT: times when you dropped a show solely because of politicalbait
Why, I do believe it's time for early Silver Age comics!
How come she can dress like this? Aren't the Jedi supposed to be very modest?
The Summoning
We want the Mexican audience
This is an honest diner owner, say nice things about him
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
I hope the Joker kills Catwoman.. This is suppose to be a Batman comic, not the Catwoman show. Luckily...
I hope my future wife is cool enough to let us get a wedding portrait like this
How do they get away with April having romantic relationships with the turtles? She's human and they are not...
This is suppedly a black woman
Cartoon Community Thread
Mystic or Science
What's your opinion on Mr Pickles Sup Forums?
How tall would Bobby be when he's an adult?
Why is it that the MHC only asked one question each, and more importantly why were their questions redundant...
Okay, Sup Forums, all memes aside: tell me what do you think about this show
Fucking Stark, he never changed
Morning /CTG/, what's for breakfast?
Press F to pay respects
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Oh man, what went wrong here?
Was Dredd ever in the wrong?
February 2018 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 100's
Imagine Tiny Toons having a direct continuation, where the characters are grown up...
Okay Sup Forums, memorize these funny place names
Marvel has hired you to create a new superhero or villain. Only catch, it has to be based off your fetish
Has Marvel made any new popular mutant since X-23's debut in 2003?
Which turtle for you?
Honestly, this is a pretty great example of why you should never be too self indulgent with your works
ITT: Out of context comic panels
After the Inhumans push, the attempt to make Carol Danvers "the Wonder Woman of Marvel" is their greatest disaster
Toonami General #7
Tfw you hate a character but...god damn
How do you appease him when he comes into your room at midnight?
So why are conservatives so triggered by Elsa having a gf?
Toonami General #6
Amelia Bedelia 3 Boogaloo Recharged
So what's it like being a teenager in the Fire Nation?
Why are nerdy beta guys in cartoons always attracted to slutty women who will never show them any reciprocation until...
You have been hired to write an Iceman comic...
What references to the fandom do you want to see in Sonic Boom season 3?
Questionable content
Do you remember me-e-e-e-e-eeee?
Comic art of olde
Let's be real, the MCU X-men will be a Wolverine fest as well
Toonami General #5
Bendis makes an amazing series yet Sup Forums hates him
ITT: Favorite comic covers
Toonami General #4
Was bored as fuck and decide to watch supergirl
Billy Dilley season 2
South Park
Toonami General #3
My name is Cleveland Brown
Controversy on Marvel’s Tony Stark character
ITT: GOAT villains
Kids have a fully functioning society and trading economy
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Remember Sup Forums, god made you special and he loves you very much
Toonami General #2
I Kill Giants
Oh I get it now! It's because she's dressed like a mid-20th century Brit
Will Jimmy get Sarah pregnant? How old will they be when it happens?
Homecoming and future MCU Spidey appearances cancelled
What are your favorite blink and you'll miss it freeze frame moments in animation, Sup Forums?
New Adventure Time Episodes
Why are comics these days shit?
Awful Hospital
How come the west are so lazy when it comes to drawing eyes? Is it just out of pure time saving...
Would she ever cheat on roger?
And once again the girls are pregnant thanks to the Rowdyruff Boys
Someone leaked part of the script and I can't believe there's people in this board that still defend this thing...
Why is he evil again?
Voltron Legendary Defender
Have any cartoons made you cry?
What the hell is a realm in the MCU? Is it a planet, galaxy, or a portion of a galaxy...
Cut from the final film
New artist mimics a popular artist's style
Post cartoon or comic characters who have mental or physical disabilities
What did Cartoon Network mean by this?
Cape Comics as Religion
Why do people say X-Men don’t work in the MCU? I see this point is brought up but never a reason so what’s the reason?
Why are webcomics so generic?
Gender Inequality in Animation
DC Comics
Are horses/unicorns allowed on Sup Forums if they aren't the diminutive kind whom you are entitled to?
JSA Storytime: Question
Alright Sup Forums, we need to steal a sheep so that it can power our sheep powered ray gun...
Their son will be the future king of Wakanda
I appreciate that Moon was finally willing to work with Star and come up with a plan to incriminate the MHC...
Toonami General #1
ITT: Sup Forums characters who were PUSHED TOO FAR
Would you let a more docile symbiote who's never fused with anyone before fuse with you? Why or why not?
So what direction will Marvel go now that BP broke a billion...
Why is Alex Ross art so good...
What is this expression supposed to convey?
Why does she deserve all of the love i could possibly give another human being?
Which bad guys are more likable than their protagonist?
At what age is it no longer socially acceptable to be a Sup Forumsmrade?
Who’s ready for Daylight Saving Time
What was worse, America or Iceman?
Ghostbusters Storytime
Action Comics #1000
What's your favorite classic Simpsons gag? Hard mode: no Sneed's or Steamed Hams
Civil War was the best Marvel movie
Uncomfortable Truths
How do you make a good hulk movie?
Does anyone here know about BFDI?
Number 463
What are some good comics with Black Cat?
Would you rather live in Wakanda or Ape City Sup Forums?
Western waifu
Reaction image thread
So when we will get japanese princess?
Assuming I never read a lot of comics (most of Injustice, some one batman one shots...
Implying Peggy Carter would bang string bean Steve Rogers
Why weren't mexicans upset at the irresponsible and frankly offensive portrayal of them this movie presented?
What was their best film?
Realistically thinking, she would be diagnosed with autism
ITT: The best character from their respective show
It's the end
Do you think that Wakanda's presence undermines the stakes in previous MCU movies?
Deadpool movie
ITT rule 63
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
ITT: Sup Forums Characters that are Japanese
Remember the bad guys on those shows you used to watch on Saturday mornings? Well these guys are not like those guys...
Villainous is probably gonna be the best new show on CN
Post the best cartoon intro ever made or I'll destroy your entire planet
Tell me why this Batmobile is so despised without bringing up the movie that it was in
Ms.Finster, Ms.Finster! theyre trying to have a recess thread over there!
Harley and her 4 PHDs KEK theory
Illumination's 7 Lady Godivas when?
ITT robots
Who was in the wrong here?
ITT: Post the exact moment a show died to you
ITT comics who have art style that you like but content you dislike
Have you tried it Yet?!
Would you be okay with lesbians in cartoons/comics if they were all cute? Or is it inappropriate no matter what?
What do you think of walt Disney
New Non-SJW writers
Jesus this outfit is pure sex
Are there any other Sup Forums related material that features an Asian MC without it being out their Asianness?
Who will they invite to the wedding?
What's the name of this character?
Let's ignore Star for a moment. First we got that Area cameo last week, and now THIS week we get this...
What went wrong?
Erica Henderson is Leaving Squirrel Girl as Interior Artist
No new season
Was Flash right?
Am I wrong for not liking this movie? It felt like a long SNL skectch with lots of cgi...
Chapter 32: Nightmares
How come demon chicks are not a thing yet?
Astro Boy Storytime #2
Weekend Sup Forums creation thread
Ultron did nothing wrong
Sup Forumsntrarian thread
Gwen Thread?
Why does everyone think breaking a billion is an accomplishment? It fucking not, this film was a flop
ITT: Cringy dialogues
Why cant john romita jr draw properly?
Why is it so hard to get Tom and Jerry right...
Adult Swim April Fools Prank 2018 Speculation Thread
What co-girl resembles your girlfriend the most?
Batman: The Enemy Within finale
What does Sup Forums think of Rock-a-Doodle?
So she's apparently going to try and capture the Grinch in the new movie
Does she count as a superhero?
Batman/Superman cross world storytime
ITT: Comics where Kelly was right
Leela or Amy?
ITT: characters that will never come back
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Poison Ivy
Star vs. the Forces of Royal Heredity: the Blood Moon edition
Any chance Nickelodeon might pick this short up as a series?
Father dies for you
Thoughts?I like it
The first lady of Marvel, everyone
Stuff that probably sexually impacted someone
Infinity train
Loving Vincent
Why does Marvel keep wasting time on doing Peter Parker movies when Miles Morales is a far superior Spider-Man...
Comics aren't flawless, they're a work in progress. They've got dents and they've got quirks...
Bendis Superman
Why didn't Hank ever go to jail?
So? It's not like if we get wasted again, we disappear forever, right?
Comic Sales Have Been Declining for Years, Says Dark Horse’s Mike Richardson
Did D&C win?
Bunny ass!
Hawkman Movie?
Don’t see it talked about much, What’d you think Sup Forums?
JLA by Joe Kelly
Why is it that Musclegirls in Sup Forums material are always giants...
This is Black Siren. Say something nice about her
We live in a timeline where black panther movie reached a billion dollars
Why is it so hated?
Does anyone else just hate this Spider-Man?
Why does Cap look so dirty?
Much of Spider-Man: Homecoming is designed to fit well with the lyrics of the song Hero by Nickelback
Batman Forever is okay
Year One, Year Two, Year Three
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Why did they make her so hot?
We need more cartoons like Sym-Bionic Titan and less like Voltron: Legendary Defender
What are the GOAT Tom and Jerries?
What are your final thoughts on Whor and FalCap
Kill Six Billion Demons /ksbd/
Who's the best cartoon cat and why is it Callie?
Who was wrong here?
Curse the Joker, Zatanna
He’s going to be gay forever isn’t he?
If you ever tried to get someone into the comics, how did you do it?
Devil's Candy
Wow they couldn’t just make a practical costume?
ITT: describe the place you live in with a Sup Forums image
JSA Storytime: Question
Jews in cartoons
You guys read the Ghostbusters Annual this week?
Jesus Christ The Flash fucking sucks
Defend this
Do you miss this show?
How long can he survive off nostalgia?
Agents of SHIELD Livethread
Childhood is wanting Kataang
Remember that time Barney tried to kill himself
Sup Forums's Weekend Hunger Games
This kills the indie cred
Help me, Dr. Zaius!
Voltron General: Happy Families Edition
I'm just not sold on angry Nic Cage. He doesn't HOOK ME as a villain, you know? Kind of underwhelming...
So does anyone else here think that the Joker is a overused annoying faggot that constantly steals the spot light from...
Apple and onion
Set Photo from X-Men: Dark Phoenix Reveals the Costumes
JUSTice League
Agents of Shield pregame
Official Win-O'-Thread
I am stronger than 10 men, I'm longer than 10 men, and a boy can carry me. What am I?
I understand Batman not wanting to kill criminals but why does he have to save criminals?
Cartoons only Waifufags like
What was her fucking problem?
Deadpool 2 early reactions and feelings
One will protect you, the rest will try to kill you
The Amazing World of Gumball thread
Sorry, my ISP went down, which led to other shit happening, so the thread died...
Doodle Dimension
Jessica Jones
"He may have been your father but he aint your daddy."
Why did you do that, Sup Forums? Now Dobson is sad! How will he ever recover?
Well this episode didn’t age well
Is Ronnie gay?
Thanks to that certain OP. Now this gal is mai waifu
Marvel comics has played around a lot with the idea of heroes having publicly known identities for their heroes...
Sup Forums likes comics?
The new grinch movie
Does he have any notable villains besides BM?
Avatar Legend Of Korra Thread
Is this a joke?
Admitted it Sup Forums, there is one episode of Family Guy you actually like
Was Chuck Jones right? Could Bugs Bunny have solved Space Jam's entire plot by himself in less than 10 minutes?
What are Sup Forumss thoughts on Cerebus?
I'm glad we've established for all time that Catforce > Speedforce
Who was in the wrong here?
The Loud House Thread
Alan Moore on Geoff Johns
Work on your art/donut steel thread
Tell me about
Who ends up topping?
Don't Cry For Me, I'm Already Dead by Rebecca Sugar
One more thread in today's Chronological Mignolaverse storytime!!!
Rate my waifu choice guys
Uh Mr Dink I broke your grill
What did you think of GwenPool?
Yeah I’ll take a Sup Forums thread with a
Do YOU have any autistic headcanons?
Crossdressing pets?
Just dudes being dudes
Ogres are cute. CUTE!
They're never coming back
How can Rogue be pure if she banged Magneto?
Has this nigga really been wearing that dirty ass Cap outfit since 2016?
Ready Player One and it’s Sup Forums references
Why, I do believe it's time for Farscape!
Kicking off this weekends Chronological Mignolaverse storytime!!!
Does it really make sense to make an anti smoking PSA in this day and age...
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
Adventure time
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Star vs The [REDACTED] History of Mewny Royalty
Which batmobile is the best batmobile, and why is it Tim Burton's?
One will protect you. The rest will try to kill you
DC Imprint Multiverse
Chapter 31: Imperius Rex
Is this the best superhero film ever?
What can we REALISTICALLY expect?
Heather Antos leaves Marvel
Could we have a bellybuttons thread...
Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige on the future of Marvel
What's your opinion on this man? Do you think all the praise he gets is well deserved?
There will never ever be another Shadow movie
Kicking off this weekends Chronological Mignolaverse storytime!!!
Do you agree?
Creig of The Creek New Ep On CN App
Opinions on Usagi Yojimbo? I barely see it posted here
Abstract Simpsons Memes
Why hasn’t there been any X-men related Fresh Start books announcements...
Tropes you love/Would like to see
Fuck you i liked it
Is it healthy for these girl to be so skinny? Do they ever eat? Nobody could possibly survive looking like this
Filename thread? Filename thread
I just finished rewatching ATLA and Korra, along with a friend who’d never watched either series...
Marvel Reboot
I used to professionally shill for Steven Universe and a couple other shows. Ask me anything
Autism and shelf organization
ITT Awkward crossovers
After a long break we will storytime the Air Cycle !
This will require some heavy computer uplifting to look good
So I recently saw the new Wreck It Ralph trailer and this is what I instantly thought
Here's a fun game
What went wrong
Why did Marvel cancel one of the very few good comics they had?
Flash fans are stupid
I recognize Kamala, Squirrel Girl, Carol, and America but who are others?
Why didn't Rattlesnake Jake just shoost the eagle?
Holy shit she gets fucking rekt 24/7 in the new season
Claim your waifu
Why did marvel whitewash Captain Marvel?
You slowly realized there isn't and probably won't be a young adult comic about a black guy that you will enjoy for a...
Gunnerkrigg Court
Voltron Legendary Defender General
In Renew Your Vows, why wasn’t Anna May simply Mayday...
ITT: Shit that fucking freaked you out when you were younger
Pomf pomf kimochi
Somebody help us. please
Please Forgive Me!!! 003: Allison
Cartoons only waifufags like
The Loud House made reference to Agent Orange
Shipping thread
That episode with the cannibalistic movie directors
Gaara should have won
How would you fix RWBY?
Zutara should've happened desu
Thoughts on Spawn the motion picture
Why is she the best Star Wars gal?
Bendis on Superman
Summer Camp Island
Funny panels thread
How come nobody likes me?
Opinion on Boohbah?
Bully this fat ass relentlessly
Wild Storm 12 Storytime
Why does this look so bland
Sup Forums what the difference between Manga and Comics ?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Evening, Sup Forums. I'm going to dump my small but mighty Tails Gets Trolled reaction image folder
Scooby-Doo!/Supernatural Crossover
So, this is the power of Black Panther?
Arrow Talkback thread
Somehow everyone is still alive despite being in full view of a nuclear blast
Finally took the dive into watching this show. god damn this intro is amazing, never skip it
Elfquest storytime
This is confirmed to be the bleeding edge armour for the MCU. Thoughts?
I am humbly asking for characters that have better design than pic related
Waifu Thread
Why do artists make OC's, when they don't at least add them towards a webcomic?
The Breadwinner
Star vs Pregnant Angie and Buff Frog Leaving
What are some heroes that work together but don't really interact...
Hey Sup Forums here's a challenge: We should re-animate an episode of Spongebob
ITT: The worst makeovers in comics
With all the reboots and revivals of 80s/90s properties happening lately (DuckTales, Muppet Babies, Animaniacs...
How intelligent is Superman really...
Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Sequel With Spider-Woman With Classic Suit
Do you think a Mario comic series done in the same vein as the Archie Sonic comics could work in theory?
My vagina when a guy says he actually reads comic books
Stop liking superheroes
IDW EIC Steps Down
This was great
ITT: Old cartoon racism
GOLB is coming
Tropes you hate
So the Ring just turns niggas invisible? Why is it so dangerous?
Rob Liefeld Takes His Extreme Universe To Netflix
Are you ready for the saviour of Cartoon Network?
Dust is pretty cute
DC Superhero Girls thread
Thanks Ian
The Spectacular Spider-Man
Every post in this thread must contain a pun
Superhero movies cant contend in the osc-
Is he a good batman writer? is his rebirth run worth reading? how would you rank it against Snyder's New 52?
How accurate is this costume?
Prez Volume 2 When?
So which superhero got the most powerful power up just to job in the end?
Shadman gets arrested for the great crime of knowing how to draw and use a pencil and paper
ITT: Post a character that's literally you
It's a: "Oh yeah, that happened" thread
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Motor City
Why does Rick and Morty seem to get so much more praise and attention than Venture Bros?
Today is the International Woman's Day
ITT we discover how *diverse* Marvel has become
That guy you hate
/hyw/ How's Your Webcomic? #462
Why do people say to start with Giant Size X-Men when the new team was introduced?
Chapter 30: Crossing Over
So you wanted a live action Whizzer?
Why don't we have magicians guarding the criminals? Imagine if someone cursed the Joker with eternal bowel movement...
Which generation grew up with the better/worse Robin?
You're a mean one...Illumination
Jessica Jones season 2 has the most EMBARRASING use of special effects!
Ava's Demon
He's the definition of hit or miss
SU returns April 9th
Now the dust has settled... Did you like the finale?
Cartoon Network 2018-2019 Upfront
So I am relatively new to the DC Universe...
Marge's hair
DC Announces Black Label Imprint
Infinity War
Girls with eyepatches
International Women’s day
Write comic about the moral dilemma of Superman's refusal to use lethal force
The last show you watched is completely genderbent
Carol thread
When will she be retconned into mutie? That would be a perfect ending for this whole shithuman experiment
Why did he want to attack Hong Kong?
Hey, kids! Now there's three new Winnie the Pooh videos with Playtime fun with Pooh and all his friends!
I really wish more superheroines would follow Spider-Gwen's example and get full-body, full-mask costumes...
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Which girl would you ask for a date?
What happend with Sup Forums/co/'s bizarre adventure?
Will you rise up to the challenge and be the new host of Blue's Clues?
Canon Lewd
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
Is he right?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...