Is golden era spongebob the most influential cartoon of the 90ties?

Is golden era spongebob the most influential cartoon of the 90ties?
If yes why does no one acknowledge it in that way, saying it's "just" a good show?

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Long Gone Gulch is based

It's the most quotable show in our existence, that's for sure.
It would probably be held in higher regard if post-movie era Spongebob didn't tarnish it.

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>Is golden era spongebob the most influential cartoon of the 90ties?

No. The Simpsons or Ren & Stimpy are.

Probably because the most influential anything of the 90s is almost always completely irrelevant.


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>Ren & Stimpy

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>born this millennium

I agree on the simpsons but ren and stimpy?

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Its surreal gross-out style has a direct influence on a lot of cartoons after it, much more than Rugrats or Doug. Compare the stiffness of many 80s tv cartoons with R&S and the difference is staggering.