So why are conservatives so triggered by Elsa having a gf?

So why are conservatives so triggered by Elsa having a gf?

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just like her va

Attached: 1518919144216.jpg (251x251, 14K)

and yet she did go back

Her girlfriend in the pic is clearly Indian but if she does get a girlfriend I hope she gets blacked.

Why do gays think she's gay? Seems like her homosexuality is based on the pretense that she has an incestuous attraction to her sister.
Besides I doubt they risk a cashcow by making one of the most popular princesses a gay and alienate tons of homophobic markets around the world.
The first Gay Princess will probably be like the first Black Princess, its own project with a moderate budget that if it fails is no major loss but they can say atleast they tried and if it's a success they're Gay Heroes.

Because disney caters to the nuclear based family of the christian white Evangelical.

The problem with this sudden change is that white families pay more than millennials. They buy the toys, they buy everything that is Disney more than the millennials could even afford a fucking trip to Disney World. It's like spitting on your main person who makes the lights go on, it's just not going to work out for anybody involved.

It's just gonna be Elsa's new love is more independent than Anna and it makes sense, but it's not enough for SJWs and some might call it racism that Elsa is holding control or some bullshit left wing nut thing is going to happen.

And you lose your main prodigy audience over something so pathetic and the conservatives are just gonna keep going at you on a daily basis. And you already know how Flordia is with dem gun laws.

Curry nigger's still a nigger.

Elsa's VA said she's fine with Elsa having a girlfriend.
And I guess you've been under a rock for 10 years but Disney already had a black princess and she's straight and married.

thas cute

So who would take the throne when she died?

Because they're triggered by everything.

Yeah, her VA.
Not the people who actually run the movies who I'd wager wouldn't want to risk easy money.

Yes I was referencing Princess and the Frog, which as far as I could tell had a moderate budget. Though I guess I couldn't say they took no real risks since they made it a 2D movie when it was apparent the medium was dead for movies. So eh.

But I'm just an armchair executive for all I know they could just go for it and pull Elsa's gayness out of their asses.

The Progressive is the enemy of the Reformer

Because they're retarded.

>I thought "black" meant "black skin"
Guess your definition is special.

Because they think that the "default" should be white straight males, and any deviation is "forced diversity" or "sjw bullshit". It doesn't matter to them that in the real world you don't need a reason not to be a man, white or straight, but they give zero fucks about reality, they watch Fox News.

Because they are thin skinned and triggered by the existence of anybody outside the bubble.

Elsa will get a girlfriend only after extensive market research. Support for LGBT people is steadily rising, and had been for years. Once it hits a certain point very high point, Disney will okay it.

Millenials are almost 40 now (depending on definition), dude. White families with little kids are millennials now, and 75% of millenials approve of gay marriage. I mean fuck, even the majority of Boomers approves. The only demographic in the U.S. that doesn't mostly support now is 73+ years old, and I think even they're at nearly half support now. For the U.S. market having gay characters makes sense now which is why Disney has started doing it in its shows for kids. I feel like a bigger problem is China. Even there I wonder what will happen, they're hardly tolerant but also don't have the religious-based opposition so if the Party decides it doesn't care if citizens are gay as long as they obey the party's orders and work themselves to death that might change real quick.

Long story short even most of today's little kids grandparents are cool with gay marriage today. Lots of young religious types are also okay with it now.

They don't think she's lesbian cuz incest. More because she doesn't have a love interest AND that gay allegory thing the X-Men have. You know, she has a secret she must not reveal to the world, parents told her to conceal her true feelings, then she finally lets out her "secret" to the public, at first she runs away out of shame, but then she accepts who she is in a grand release of emotion and song and pageantry while wearing a fabulous new dress.

Attached: frozen-let-it-go.png (923x569, 430K)

Actually it's mainly based on the song Let it Go, it sounds a lot like a not so subtle metaphor for coming out. Homosexuality has long been hidden this way in popular culture, so it's no surprise people concluded that Elsa was gay.

You should not be so hateful user. Approaching others with love and understanding is how we build a bridge to a better world.

Because they want to be Elsa's gf. Instead find out that the Lord has cursed them to be cucks to a fictional character. Their anger at Disney is just their anger at God and the Bear.

how would the throne be passed on?

The "oh the tolerant liberals" meme is such bullshit. If you come in as a real libertarian type you might think only retarded mongoloids care where people stick their dick without thinking people shouldn't be able to call other nigger faggots if they feel like it. Only a retard thinks that being okay with lgbt shit means being tolerant or nice or any shit overall. You can just be apathetic and logical. It's not this retarded SJWs vs retarded Puritan Nazis bullshit thing.

Saying a woman must be a lesbian because she doesn't have a male love interest is pretty sexist. And there's no other indication that Elsa is gay besides that. Unless you go full /frz/ and pretend there's implied lesbian incest.

She'd fuck a relative (to keep the bloodline pure) and have a kid just like real gay royals did while only having an emotional relationship with her gf. In a fantasy world where everyone doesn't care if she marries her gf she'd still fuck some approved of guy to get an heir. It's that simple.

>Elsa's VA
So, someone who has no creative control over the film and no influence at Disney to make anything happen. Gotcha.

I've actually only heard about the approval from the actual director who said there were official Disney conversations about it.

I hadn't heard about her VA though I am sure she would be fine with it.

Only a tiny minority of their consumer base in the states now has an issue with it while a lot of people would buy more merchandise if it happens so it's not altruistic but cynical. Even then I'm not sure they'll do it but if they don't I think Elsa will probably just not get a love interest at all because of that big lgbt fanbase.