Implying Peggy Carter would bang string bean Steve Rogers

>Implying Peggy Carter would bang string bean Steve Rogers

This is why this movie sucks because it sends the wrong messages to people - she'd probably have sex with that fat, piglike soldier before him

I mean, why should I root for a woman so shallow?

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>she'd probably have sex with that fat, piglike soldier before him

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Go back to /r9k/

they were different back then. women only became the way they are as we know them in and late 70's and early 80's and the bad snowballed from there.

Why are you putting this on her? Like you would fuck the female version of pre-experiment Rogers purely because of the content of her character? Would that make you shallow?
The love angle sucks in this movie, really.

>Like you would fuck the female version of pre-experiment Rogers purely because of the content of her character?

>implying it didn't make Peggy's pussy wet seeing Rogers jump on that grenade

Well, good for you then.

>implying anyone got banged in this movie at all
Goddammit, now I'm picturing Peggy raping asthmatic Steve.

You need to readjust a bunch of shit so that they're actually comparable.
As is, Steve is just a skinny nerd but not particularly ugly. So you're asking would I have sex with a skinny plain girl who I find sweet and is obviously attracted to me? Yes absolutely. I mean you really picked the wrong website to ask that question.
Especially if the alternative is fucking a fat ugly girl with a shit personality.

Maybe it'd be different if I wasn't attracted to her and I was a Hayley Atwell tier Chad. I don't fault her for not being attracted to Pre-Serum Steve, though the movie does imply that she was attracted to his spirit far more than his body.

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I bet pre super soldier Rogers had a micro cock.

>implying anyone on Sup Forums would ever turn down any kind of sex from anyone

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Nononono, you got it backwards. He had a giant cock before, but it shrank a ton because steroids.

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Okay, yeah the comparison isn't really direct and I should've remembered where I was. Though Steve wasn't just skinny. They made him ridiculously pitiful. He was anorexic, short, with cgi-ed shrunk down Evans' head, poor self-esteem and social skills.
And the movie did show Peggy looking at him differently after the grenade thing and before the transformation.

Yeah, that's true.

>bang string bean Steve Rogers
Well, she shouldn't, because it would probably kill him.

man does Hollywood even test for Steroids?

Have you seen the most recent Rambo?

What do you think physically supports them after that many years?

>implying the /ss/ imagery wouldn't be hot as fuck

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>tfw i have pre serum rogers physique and height

There is a dota 2 pro who looks like him.

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Just find some magic serum, user.

Yeah but VITA Rays give you cancer.

But if Hayley Atwell was fat, Steve wouldn't want to fuck her either. Cuts both ways, men and women both want to fuck attractive people.

Doesn't work because skinny is generally a desirable charactics for girls to have, a real comparison would be:

>Would you have sex with a girl much fatter than you who you find sweet and is obviously attracted to you?

Just say not attractive because both scenarios have happened.

This. PUAs need to stop projecting their vision of how the world works on everything and interact with actual people once in a while.

This, im starting to feel really bad about /r9k/ anons

Imagine being so lonely and rejected that you start associating everything with your repeated dating failures and you can’t even enjoy movies anymore

I am glad i have met nice girls in my life, watching the Dr strange movie with a cute nerdy girl was one of the best moments of my life

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Peggy is overrated, she had them tits but her face looked bad. She also got buttmad when Steve made out with that cutie Natalie Dormer and she shot him for it too.

Not to mention Arnim Zola was working for SHIELD while she was Director.

Steve dodged a bullet by not getting trapped with her.

Who would you guys pair Steve with? And none of that Stucky shit please.

And in the process she would get something from him too, guy had a lot of diseases.

I think a better comparison would be a lanky girl with no chest or ass. Fat people are unattractive in a completely different way.

Black Widow.

She would just be skinny and a bit short. Nothing wrong with that. Its not like she is a fat cow.

They should have shown Cap fucking at least 3 of these hoes

it will squash the gay degenerate thing

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I love watching a bunch of virgins squabble over something they know nothing about

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You should try to get /fit/, OP

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Guys will fuck anything

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Fuck no. He held his chastity like an American in the 40s should.

>wouldn't fuck a dweeb art chick that wants to fight for America

It's pretty shitty of whoever discovered rays that give you cancer to name them "life rays."

now I want to see a fanart of Stephanie Rogers before and after the supersoldier serum

I admitted that I forgot where I was. FUCK.

>I admitted that I forgot where I was
I wasn't talking about the site, I meant men in general.

Do you think Steve would be interested in a fat Peggy?

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Yeah, but that's completely normal? I don't see the problem here.

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