I want this character on every show. She's just too good

I want this character on every show. She's just too good.

Attached: Mirror_plant.png (395x452, 127K)

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Happy that I am not the only one.

It's hard to get a grasp on whether or not Mirror Plant actually has her own personality. But I do like her concept a lot. Pretty creative.

Attached: Mind letting go of my petal, kid.png (820x635, 152K)

I know, right. I'm especially fond of how she doesn't speak in others characters' voices, but kind of imitates their mannerisms with her own.

For those wondering what is going on ITT, watch

Great, great ideas and almost original, but Hasbro's writers have a knack for screwing everything up from the lack of fleshed out world design to the weak emotionless characterization to the lack of story.

This show has a great concept going on, but an incredibly underwhelming execution.

>weak emotionless characterization
You're overgeneralizing. Hanazuki and Chicken Plant, for example, got great characterization. Most of the time the dialog was pretty sharp, too. The main problem seems to me to have been the plot whenever the show tried to have any and building the Moonflowers' relationships.

>Hanazuki and Chicken Plant, for example, got great characterization
>Chicken Plant got great characterization
>Chicken Plant
>great character(ization)
Excuse me, I need to go in the hen house and clean a chicken for dinner.

It's true. By the end of the season you, the viewer, can predict how she will react in different situations. That's a sign of a strong, consistent character. So what if she's a robot plant machine thing side character that may or may not be catering to a garbage fetish? The point is, the writers did a good job with her.


>That's a sign of a strong, consistent character.
I was ready to make a Rick and Joke example of a monkey's paw, but then I'd be driven in a circular loop hole because I shot at the wrong circle.

Hey if you enjoy fat yapping bitches that moan, whine, lie, deride all day then sure marry a hen, the biggest meanest, most stubborn cunt of a hen you could possibly find. But never force your degeneracy onto me that it's a good thing to do so, you cuck.

Attached: Orangehemka.jpg (269x319, 46K)

I want more high-fantasy space cartoons. Wander Over Yonder didn't quite scratch that itch on the exact spot.

The only thing that bothers me about this show is that there aren't 5 cute moonflowers with the hemkas playing as pets and the show is only 10 minutes long.
One thing that bothered me about the cartoon is that every character starts off as an asshole and turns into an even bigger asshole towards episodes 10-19.


Attached: vlcsnap-2017-01-13-04h36m28s440.png (1920x1080, 485K)

What was that one pilot set "inside the computer"? It wasn't set in space or as pure as HZ, but the world had that kind of vibe.

back to backspace?

Here you go. I hope you're happy you made me do it.

Attached: average co thread.png (1040x1092, 223K)

Could you feistypill me on the Hanazuki game, Sup Forums?

Is it any good? Do you interact with any of the characters from the show?

its shit but the chracter animations of hanazuki are great and so is the music

Does it let you make your own Moonflower?

No interaction and no custom moonflower; it's just a simple game where you tend to a moon's Treasure Trees and feed hemkas. You can earn hats for the hemkas to wear, and I think there's a Chickenplant minigame where you chase around a ravenous Junior, but that update was made after I was unable to do anything with Chickenplant anymore so I don't know how it works.

Frankly the highlight of the game is the 3D Hanazuki you see when you choose your mood (which can be done at any time), as when you're selecting your mood, she does a rather well done little animation pertaining to each of them.

For a free time-waster, it's okay. Don't expect to be wowed, but if you really, really like Hanazuki, you might get a kick out of it for a short while.


Thanks, user. I am not sure I'll play it, but I'll adjust my expectations accordingly if I do.

some user ripped the music and uploaded it somewhere but i dont have the link
i'd kill for webms of hanazukis animations

Didn't Undertale had blue flowers that would echo the last words somebody said near them as well? I guess CalArts writers really cannot into originality.


This is not what Mirror Plant does, though. She says what the nearest living (sentient) creature is thinking. Watch .

It's not the google drive or dropbox, but the music is at least all on Youtube. It's a pretty great soundtrack for such a simple little app. The Big Bad's theme is probably the best, which is a shame since it takes like 5 seconds to get rid of the Big Bad on the app- you'd probably never hear the theme past the intro bit during normal gameplay.

It's painfully short though, and ends abruptly. I had to cobble together an extended version with a reverb ending for my own listening.

Upload it


Found the game rip lin.


The source is boards.fireden.net/co/thread/92294594.