We live in a timeline where black panther movie reached a billion dollars

We live in a timeline where black panther movie reached a billion dollars
a fucking black panther movie
Not some epic teamup like avengers. Just a solo hero adventure with a couple of cameos.

Meanwhile justice league struggled to reach half of that.
The absolute state of the DCEU.
They're gonna pull the plug on this cinematic universe after the batman movie aren't they

The Batman movie most likely will not happen

Lego Batman 2 on the other hand...

Or just keep trying to make it work because money is money and it's money now rather than trying to wait another couple years when the crossover universe gimmick might be officially dead.
Especially after Marvel completely bankrupts it with Infinity War.

It'll happen, but it won't be part of the DCEU. Which probably won't survive past WW2 and Aquaman.

And they have Snyder to blame for that. We're going to bring darker, more modern, more serious stories to the screen! That way people won't accuse us of aping Marvel! Some people liked Man of Steel, so I guess we're on this train now!

Little did they know they backed the lamest horse in the business

>Some people liked Man of Steel, so I guess we're on this train now!

Nah, its more "The Nolan Bat trilogy got us an Oscar! Real recognition! Quick, apply that style to every superhero we have, no matter how much it doesn't fit them!"

To be fair, it was the first ever blockbuster to feature a black lead. It was a big deal.

What is Blade? And to a far lesser extent, Spawn?

>We live in a timeline where capeshit is popular

*barks at you*

Were those really blockbusters? Or even critically acclaimed like BP?

Calling Black Panther just a cape film is like calling Jaws just a shark movie. It’s not just a movie, it’s a revolution. This generation’s Citizen Kane.

Almost like black people are bad with money or something

Blade's debatable. Was kind of a low-key effort.

Spawn was, at least in theory, meant to be a big comic blockbuster and ideally start a franchise.

The absolute state of modern society.

>A C-List Fantastic Four side character made more money in his solo film than DC's first major crossover film
The rage I feel towards WB and Snyder is unending.

Black Panther is literally the most power character in history. He can beat Superman, Goku, Dr Manhattan, Batman, Iron Man, Punisher, One Punch Man, Naruto, Scrooge McDuck, Hulk, Doomsday, Optimus Prime, He-Man, and Rainbow Dash.

IT'S ALMOST AS IF APPEALING TO A MARKET THAT HASN'T BEEN WIDELY APPEALED TO BEFORE CREATES NEW STREAMS OF REVENUE WOW. History will not look kindly on the lack of quality inherent in marvel trash-fests though, so there's some solace in that.

And Wonder Woman made more than most superhero movies. Your point? People will go see a movie if it has good word of mouth and or has a political bullshit to market for the dumb west.

Black people made the Madea franchise popular, they throw their money away on trash as long as it has black people in it.

>Not some epic teamup like avengers
But the Avengers movie also reached $1 billion

Madea is to blacks as Professional Wrestling, Nascar, Country Music, Hockey, The Winter Olympics, Meth, and Mayonaisse are to whites.

>History won't look kindly on the lack of quality
I'm sure they'll gloss over that

If we enjoyed that stuff just because it had white people in it people would call us racist.

It also shows you the Truth of what Africa would be like if white people never invaded.

This is the kind of movie that needs to be spread so we all know the Truth.

I'm not dumb enough to fall for this bait

To be fair, Black Panther has a lot of HAFNIM in it to pander to people.

What a waste of J.K Simmons

This. The only thing Black Panther needed to do was to teach everyone about the true deity Yakub. Hopefully they bring it up in the sequel.

He's gonna come back to play Jameson again...right?

This isn't actually like, wrong, per say, but by "so far advanced" I think they mean "an actual country". Africa got hit HARD by Europeans fighting over portions of it, and they never really got a chance to develop without being under the thumb of various European powers.

Of course if you phrase it like I just did it wouldn't piss Sup Forums off, so we better just say things that are wrong to make the other side mad.

To be fair, DC doesn’t really have any interesting character to make good movies out of. Superman is a boring Gary Stu and has never had a good movie (and no, the Reeves movies aren’t good, you just have nostalgia-goggles). Wonder Woman is a big Mary Sue murderer. Batman is a pussier Wolverine. Harley is cringe-inducing. Even Captain Marvel stole his name from a Marvel character. There is just not enough to work with compared to Marvel’s characters.

A Kamen Rider movie would make tons of money from the Asian community too. I dont know what non-kung fu Asian Capes Marvel and DC have but expect one of them to get a major movie as well soon

>Superman is a boring Gary Stu
>Wonder Woman is a big Mary Sue murderer
>Captain Marvel stole his name from a Marvel character

Trolling aside, this user has a point. Marvel’s heroes are flawed humans, DC has perfect gods. Spider-Man is more relatable and interesting than someone like Superman who is too unrealistic and boring for people to relate to.

but user, they DO call us racist regardless

Marvel's characters=new hotness
DC's big characters=old and busted overpowered dinosaurs from a bygone era that should be put out to pasture

No wonder DC has to resort to such gimmicks to get people to care about their comics.

Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman are cultural icons in North America up there with Santa, Jesus and Dracula. People might not know much about them, but they'll know who they are. Their movies and comics will generally make some money, but that doesn't mean they have a good chance of being universally praised or even well liked.

Dracula is a great example comparison, movies with him don't make lots of money just because people know who the character is. There's a difference between saying everybody knows who it is, and everybody cares, and people who defend Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman seem to often confuse the two.

The big DC characters almost all come from a time when people didn't care about making good characters just beings with powers, origins, and costumes that seemed neato. Stan Lee came along with Marvel comics and was able to learn from their past mistakes and scientifically construct better characters that can be better adapted for tv and movies and be able to more easily create good stories, comics, movies, and tv shows.

DC characters are only better known in the West due to having a head start. Marvel characters have been fundamentally constructed to be more amenable to being a part of great storytelling.

Luckily, many DC characters will enter the public domain in the coming couple decades so Marvel can adapt the characters and make some good comics and movies.

>To be fair im gonna be completely unfair
Bait is getting lazy as shit like why even waste the bandwidth you Sup Forums tier negro

Actually most people really enjoyed the plays, they were actually pretty fun and some of the movies where okay. Then they just got terrible, even black people realised it

>Trolling aside ill proceed to troll
Bait is getting lazy as shit like why even waste the bandwidth you Sup Forums tier negro

You're right, that was a huge factor. Man of Steel was the feeler movie, and when that got a few good reviews they thought they'd found their Nolan.

We're gonna need seven of these Zack, get to work!

Yeah, if colonists never came, Niggers could build spaceships and shit with their magical meteorite and intelligent-inhancing plants.
*rolls eyes*

Star Wars The Last Jedi made more money than any Superman movie. WB should just put him in charge of Superman.

Well, Batman has already had a dozen movies. Shit's kind of played out.

>Rian Johnson Superman movie

That sounds pretty good, actually.

Honestly, Marvel Studios has to know basically everyone wants this and will gladly not worry on "confusion" between versions here.

Uncle Ben

>Rian Johnson in charge of anything

>I don’t like your post so I’mma call it bait
There is a reason why Spider-Man is more popular than Superman, user. Spider-Man is an Everyman. He’s sympathetic and realistic. He deals with problems that every person does like bills and family. Peter also has some really cool powers and lives in a real-life city. Superman? His powers are overpowered, god-like, and inconsistent. He’s an alien from outer space who landed in a farm without people noticing. He has no real problems other than a radioactive green rock and he lives in a fictional city.

Even if you didn't like TLJ, he HAS made other movies besides that.

>he HAS made other movies besides that
are they any good?

This but unironically.

DC didn't want to do the work for a cinematic universe, just like every other studio that has rushed to copy Marvel.

Iron Man ends with a sequel hook but is self contained, the only real exception being an after credits scene designed to make nerds like us happy. No one else does that now, the weigh things down with "Oh boy, bet you can't wait to meet these guys in their own movies later!"

Marvel earned Avengers. Gave each hero a movie of their own and built up to a team up after making audiences like them. DC couldn't wait and rushed a team up out when half the characters weren't established or liked. There's a reason why Sony, who have botched A-lister Spider-Man, wanted Iron Man in Homecoming. Iron Man was hardly A-list Marvel in terms of public awareness. The MCU made him that because they'd sold the A-list characters to existing studios. Spider-Man, the arguable face of Marvel, was felt to need a once less prominent character to sell his latest solo movie.

I feel like Wakanda in the black panther movie really fucked over the rest of Africa. The existance of a thriving and adcvanced African civilization would have probably gone a long way toward convincing Europeaons that Africans arn't inferior to Europeans.

I blame Trump. He ruined everything by making everyone angry. This wouldn’t have happened if Hillary won.

various Eddy Murphy action movies, Rush Hour, Men in Black, Wild Wild West, Hancock, Bad Boys, Catwoman, Miami Vice...

>implying Obama didn't intentionally inflame racial tensions while in office

>thriving and adcvanced African civilization
you'd think they'd be the ones doing the conquering instead of letting others get conquered

>This wouldn’t have happened if Bernie won.

None of those movies are as revolutionary or influential as Black Panther.

>But Obama...
You poor sad cracker.

Wanna bet on how South Africa turns out after they start killing all the whites?

Marvel released the Incredible Hulk in the same year as Iron Man and had a post credit scene hook where Iron Man talks about wanting to put together a team. Feige was at a Comic Con in 2003 and mentioned wanting to put the Avengers on screen.

Thor 1 and Captain America 1 both came out the year before Avengers and were less popular/made less money than Man of Steel. Iron Man and Whedon's writing carried the Avengers to being popular.

>If I had a son, he would look like-
>Drowned out by black rioting

>Implying he did anything beyond be a black man in a position of authority
Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and join the waking world, user.

>being a berniefag
Bernie was worse than Trump and Hilary and would have doomed America.

I saw a black woman screaming at her 4 kids she was dragging around as she failed to find the liquor store today.


Yet they still had fresh Rotten Tomatoes scores. :)

Bernie would have saved America. You are a large nation with no power abroad now thanks to Trump and I pity you



That's just how they are, user. I don't like it either.

Black Panther is going to make more money than any new non-Avengers movie. More than Iron Man, Cap with Thor and their sequels. How can white boys even compete?!

Blacks: 1
Women: 1
Whitebois: 0

Many will deny it. I have a theory that American blacks are that way because all the smart slaves either escaped or were killed. We recognize that dogs can be bred to be smart or violent, but if you start saying the same thing about people then you're a monster.

I saw a quarter-ton white woman driving the most beleaguered scooter around Walmart with a basket full of Oreos, a MAGA cap on her head and trailed by her ginger hambeast daughter today. What's your point?

I hate niggers

Superiority doesn't just stem from "evidence" but inherent chauvinism most cultures tend to suffer from. Other cultures were inferior by merit of not being them, the colonized's biggest issue was they couldn't effectively defend themselves while sitting on resources colonists wanted.

And I saw a wh*te soyboy drooling with a wide mouth over a switch.

Because forcing women to be burned alive with their dead husbands is totally okay as long as it's "their culture" /s

Oh wow, another movie broke a billion must be a Tuesday.

The fact that you specified she had a maga cap tells me you're a tumblr. Go poison someone else's well

they were hooting like gorillas not barking, and you'd think these idiots would call it racist to have a black person doing anything like an ape or monkey considering the whole "black people are apes" racist thing.

We hate you too, bitchtits.

Yeah but no one cares

if DC can't make even half-decent films of some of the greatest characters ever to burst from the pages then stuff em - don't watch their crap

wonderwoman was alright, wasn't great, but it was alright; on a par with the original captain america

but what they did with superman?

they don't deserve loyalty to the company

i didn't bother to see batman v. superman after the mess they made in the first superman; and justice league is of no interest to me

... just on black panther though, again; no interest - i've seen the plot synopsis, reviews, and 90's CGI rhinos and i'm not paying money for that poop

Let's compare majority white countries and majority black countries and see which one you'd rather live in

Whites btfo!!!!!!!!

>This generation’s Citizen Kane.
I wonder how many people actually know why Citizen Kane is such a big deal? Like how many actually know why when they unironically make this statement.

I wish WW3 would come already so I didn’t have to listen to white people cry so much

to be fair, Black Panther is where is because a bunch of "unemployed" black people with a lot of time and free money on their hands are going out and seeing it. Kinda screws the numbers m8.

I wish WW3 would get here so 1/4 of the world will die and fix the economy.

Shouldn’t you be at a Trump ralley, greesebitch?

Distract from a lost line of argument.

Of all of those, only 3 don't have the black guy share the lead with a non-black. Just saying.

Honestly if all the white males died like in Y the Last Man the world would be a better place.

>if only the people who built the entire western world and everything good in it would die, then everything would be better!

What the fuck is this thread

Because people seeing a movie isn't the same as people seeing a movie.