Erica Henderson is leaving squirrel girl. Who shall replace her?

Erica Henderson is leaving squirrel girl. Who shall replace her?

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how will they recover :(

the moon over june artist is probably the next step

Just pay one of the janitors to take a dump on the page and it'll be the same standard



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Nah, they will get her for a She-hulk book. Dobson is the next step for Squirrel Girl.

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>The Inflatable Squirrel Girl

Nobody cares anymore hahahaha.

>Erica Henderson
Post her tits or get out

Are Gurihiru available since Gwenpool is cancelled?

Amanda Conner. Let Marvel women be women again.

Even Dobson is unironically better than Erica, erica is the worst artist in any published comic

I hope they kick Ryan as well, he's another complete hack

>no more thicc henderson

I said this before and I'll say it again: Derek Charm.
He fixed Jughead after Henderson left. He could do the same with Squirrel Girl. He's the perfect replacement.

Attached: Jughead Issue 14.jpg (1171x1800, 2.41M)

>I'll still be doing covers
So she'll be drawing for whoever gets the short straw at the office?

Lel, that does look like something Erica would draw if she were actually skilled.

He's doing some Valiant teen book.

By Odin's beard no!

>still doing covers

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she'll be missed, Im having a lot of fun catching up on Squirrel Girl

>she'll be missed, Im having a lot of fun catching

what? you thought you could finally have a good squirrel girl comic? not in this timeline baby

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Gerardo Sandoval had the best Doreen fuckin fite me.

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That art style is still ugly af but at least there's nothing technically wrong with it.

This, if they actually want to use the excuse "oh she's a mutant so of course she looks weird" this should be the blueprint, not Henderson's crap where everyone looks mutated

Wonder if a artist change could pull the series from shit art to something kinda decent.

Conner doesn't draw ongoings and hasn't since like 12 issues of Power Girl.


but Squirrel Girl's editor called him to tell him that he should stop drawing her with big boobs

>but Squirrel Girl's editor called him to tell him that he should stop drawing her with big boobs
How many salty tears do you think they shed off the sexy Kotobukiya statue of her then?

Press S to Spit


>Gurihiru on the inside
>Erica on the outside

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Probably an artistic spastic who paint with their own stool.

God I still want that thing but I can't justify dropping $60 on a shelf rock just now.

i want squirrel girl to be cute again
doesn't have to be hot, just not some kind of unholy abortion

At that point, we may as well take North off and replace him with Hastings as well.
Hastings can write shenanigans and Gurihiru draws cute. It's a winning combination.


I want to

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Which is actually the physical version of an already-released digital-first mini. he's also working on IDW's Star Wars Adventures.

ANYone more competent. Of course, they will have a penis. It looks like an obvious truth: women doing comic art instead of writing while more competent men do the art is like DC trying to do live-action or Marvel trying to do animation: bland-to-crappy kiddy-fare at best.

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do we know which issue is the last one for her?

agreed Sandoval is probably the best choice, although I think Skottie Young wouldn't be a bad choice either

I wouldn't mind seeing North write something else. I can't recall him doing anything other than Squirrel Girl or his webcomic.

Seriously, just get this chick back who did some covers.

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I would be all for that.

I thought that last Squirrel Girl series got canned long ago because it looked like this

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Nigga you really think charm whats to have the job of henderson repairman?

It's like getting typecast and no doubt it would piss of erica and get him labelled something al right or whatever.

So we're all in agreement that this bitch was only hired cause of her fat ass tiddies right?

Is she Asian or what?

the fuck? is it true?

i always thought (pic related) was the best version drawn.
not that sjw/drumpy looking mess that google decides to fill the entire image page with.
fuck that version (not literally. she looks like she smells like week old cheese)

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>Who shall replace her?
Alex Ross.


The more I see classic Squirrel Girl the more I think she looks like Ana De Amos.
Vayntrop or whatever her name is was a good choice though.