10:30 Dragon Ball Super 54 (of 131)(Ongoing series) >He Who Is Of Saiyan Blood - Trunks's Resolve 11:00 DBZ Kai 153 (of 167) >Invincible! The Ultimate Warrior Vegetto 11:30 Black Clover 13 (of 51) >Wizard King Saw, Continued 12:00 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 28 (of 48) >Anubis Part 1 12:30 Gundam Iron Blooded Oprhans s2 19(of 25) >Man Who Holds the Soul 1:00 Hunter X Hunter 87 (out of 148) >Duel x and X Escape 1:30 Naruto Shitpuden 194 (of 500) >Worst Three-Legged Race 3:00 Outlaw Star 25 (of 26) DAYLIGHT SAVINGS >Maze of Dispair 3:30 Space Dandy 7 (of 26) DAYLIGHT SAVINGS >A Race in Space is Dangerous, Baby 4:00 Cowboy Bebop 23 (of 26) DAYLIGHT SAVINGS >Brain Scratch 4:30 Gits 2nd GIG 17 (of 26) DAYLIGHT SAVINGS >Red Data Week 303 of Toonami