Superhero movies cant contend in the osc-

Superhero movies cant contend in the osc-

Disney : "We are preparing to put black panther on the oscars"
Translation : "We've already bribed everyone in hollywood."


>kinda boring marvel movie nominated for oscars
Seems about right. The awards are just politics and no art

Art is political, so I don't know why you'd draw that distinction.

>implying you have to bribe SJW hollywood to virtue signal.

What's political about Moby Dick user

Tell me again how Phantom Thread, I, Tonya, Call Me By Your name and so on aren't art, please?

Killing whites will ruin your life even more so then they do already

I legitimately liked BP and I'm happy that it's going to break 1 billion dollars and make all the racists cry their eyes out, but it definitely should not win best picture. Anyone even suggesting the possibility sounds like a joke and it would take away any shred of believability they still might have. But if disney decides to outright buy out the oscars then what can anyone do?