Star vs. the Forces of Royal Heredity: the Blood Moon edition

NOT-/sveg/. Fresh spoilers for you: The Butterfly family post-Eclipsa is fake. They’re descendants of a peasant girl Festivia. MHC was hiding the truth all these years. Ludo goes crazy.

Other urls found in this thread:!i5YH0DBa!buquutnMF_pXd4I_znb9jV21Qs_8DOfevb8tFCj3ouc

This absolute madwoman is crashing this without any survivors!


It’s amazing how the quality of the show skyrockets once the shippingshit is excluded. Info on MHC.

Will the monarchy finally be toppled and replaced with the shining example of good governance, America-style oligarchies?

See Rebecca Sugar?

THIS is how to write a good cartoon.

Fucking bitch ruined the show with her relationshit drama

>The MHC led deep state is coming down

We all know what the solution is.

Marco is possibly a Butterfly
>aces the All-Seeing-Eye spell on the first try
>special wand transformation
>Glossaryck confesses his love to him

Maybe the madwoman also planned the shippingshit, to make all this revelation sweeter.

He leds the vangard offense

>Every """"""Buttefly"""""" after Festivia is a filthy peasant


I really think the show is back to consistent quality. The season's been a great ride so far

It’s time

The current state of the fandom, imagine when We arrive at the Marco Jr episode

Yeah, I'm not sure I believe that. I see it as a much more likely possibility than everybody was going nuts last season about but who exactly would he be related to? Unless Eclipsa had another child we don't know about, that's not possible


>Yes sir

>Van is the last one alive from the whole gang
Oh no...

How can anybody not find this cute?

Man this series went to shit too fast

Is Kazuya dead too?

These last episodes have been a radical upswing in quality. You don't know what you're talking about

>These last episodes have been a radical upswing in quality
The absolute state of wifufags

Eclipsa was very vulnerable in this episode. Cute af.

This, though it always was mediocre at best

They will always be alive in our hearts, user.

We need a some deep dark fantasies in the show

>Moon the Undaunted
>Not sure if you have the direct throne line?
Fucking Glossarick you cheeky fucker.

What's that blue midget's end game? Does he want to take down the kingdom with no survivors?

There’s literally no waifufaggotry in them. Get out. Please.

if spoils are real then show will end with president star after ecuntsa is overthrown. But spoils probably not real.

Dude, watch the episode.

they dont even swap another butterfly member in , how stupid is that .


Give requests. Will draw good ones later.

Maybe there weren't many Butteflies to fill the role at that point in time.

Anything Marclipsa

Marco in a commissar uniform leading the monster uprise with scissor-sword

Often when anons claim something retarded it is because anons picked up stuff and then ran with it. Anons are not trustworthy. In any case if anons are trustworthy in this case then Star will be president.

Did they release the episode already? Anyone got links?

Friendly reminder:
The original Star wasn't a princess, just a delusional teen, actual Star is literally cosplaying as a princess.

Glossaryck knows that they're all characters in a cartoon, so he's setting up events to encourage viewership and lasting interest. This is to promote a long run with spinoffs, merchandising, and syndication.!i5YH0DBa!buquutnMF_pXd4I_znb9jV21Qs_8DOfevb8tFCj3ouc

>rose from the peasant class

Han is what the Chinese call themselves because of this dynasty. Star is a princess, the neo-Butterflys are superior to the pre-Butterflys because they don't fuck monsters.

While the "Comrade Marco" is something I would like to see more for shit and giggles, what about this?

She's still Johansen so there's at least noble blood in her

Daron actually got what she wanted. Next move is naming Marco as Sol.

>Toffee's "you're a disappointment" finally makes some sense now

Cold-blooded Darco is also top-tier.

D E E P E S T L O R E, amirite?

Can we go deeper?

This is just the same retarded shit as the "monsters are the REAL kings" argument. Star's family is the royal family by right of rule, Eclipsa is basically James II when he decided to be a catholic- overruled by the nobility and replaced with a more suitable monarch.

>marco is nobility
>also he is actually a secret descendant of meteora
>star marries him and reunifies the lineages

I am trusting you user

Now you'll tell me water is wet, won't you OP?

My trust was well placed.
Thank you user

Because King Shastacan was seizing power for himself by putting an infant on the throne. That allowed him to be in charge until his "daughter" was old enough to rule on her own.

That was when Toffee was alive, Toffee ded, so Marco related somehow to him doesn't make much sense for now.
However i believe that the bloodmoon probably will be related, that moon was really silent since BonBon.

No episode in Mega yet? Please, share link of the Mega list.

What exactly is the Blood Moon? Marco saw it several times, felt Star. But Star never saw it herself. What is it’s purpose?

bumping this.

These threads have taken a bit of a retarded turn lately.

Her father's still royalty; she is a legitimate Johansen princess or at least some type of royalty, I dunno how their kingdom works. The issue is that she feels she's not the BUTTERFLY princess.
Marco hasn't even been mentioned in these episodes. Just over a week ago everyone was saying he was related to Celena. Now it's Eclipsa/Meteora... except Eclipsa was literally crystallized shortly after giving birth for the only time, does Heinous honestly seem like she's had a sex life to you, and everyone from Festivia on is still related to Star and thus not "real" Butterflys. Marco would have to be related to someone even before Eclipsa, and that would require yet another queen to have cucked their husband when we've heard nothing about that.

It's like everyone gets these ideas in their heads, like "Marco HAS to be a Butterfly," tries to twist a narrative about entirely different shit into applying to their pet theory, and then, inevitably, will rage when nothing close to that happens because they've convinced themselves it's the only thing that can be true.
Except it's not. Nefcy's original Star was delusional about having magic powers; she never believed herself to be a princess. That was something created only for the show. Star is also the one insisting she's NOT a princess right now, not convincing herself she is

I mean I'm fine with theories and all but it feels like every post lately is a variation of the same 3 themes and all of them are wrong. Note I'm not saying Marco somehow being connected to the Butterflys is impossible, but it's far from being the only option it's presented as and the most recent episode presented an entirely different solution (Festivia wasn't part of the original Butterfly line and had no cheek marks and yet she able to use the wand and gain them too)

When babies swarm you they're like piranhas. I'm sure she ate them in self defense.

are you cunts that fucking lazy to skim throught the fucking thread?

gezz user, we are just having fun with creating crazy conspiracy theories, most know that this could mean nothing.

>post lately is a variation of the same 3 themes and all of them are wrong
>all of them are wrong
[citation needed]

Stop taking shit serious and enjoy the ride. I can guarantee you that a lot of anons are posting the "STAR IS A PEASANT" because they like to create a ruckus and bully Star. I know I do.

Jesus, get your head out of your ass, sperg. No one is saying something HAS to be like this or that. We’re just building up possibilities on actual facts. Nefcy turned the whole bloodline on it’s head in a few episodes and the much bigger mystery is building up. Everything is possible. If you have any ideas or theories just post them and stop acting like you’re better than anybody else in these threads.

To answer your question. Yes. Also. Thank you.

But it's funny, it's basically cuckposting v2.0. This is going to be fun, time to get creative and make some edits.


Thank you, user!

Time for the wall of crazy.


>It's like everyone gets these ideas in their heads, like "Marco HAS to be a Butterfly,"

to be fair, people are just desperate for him to be anything other then alternating between being the giver and receiver of cucks

It's not the same. Cuckposting got real deep and it was funny to laugh at star's pain.

When the last thread had about half of the posts speculating on how Marco is really a Butterfly instead of literally anything else, I think it's hard to believe that a bunch of people don't legitimately expect that.

If you don't, that's cool, I'm not saying everyone thinks it's canon. More like "don't get your hopes up"

At least 2 of them are wrong, Star's not a peasant and Nefcy's original Star didn't believe she was a princess, those are facts. I'm just clearing that up because I do think some people actually think that now.

My main point with the Marco stuff is that I haven't seen anyone yet post a theory for MARCO BUTTERFLY that actually makes sense for what we have, it's just being repeated over and over because apparently Star not being a Butterfly = Marco is. For me it's getting old.

I don't think I'm better than anyone, but if everyone is going to circlejerk about the same 3 things over and over that I've got the right to say "hey, this is retarded and here's why." I'm not doing it for every post here or telling anyone to stop; it's just a single all-purpose complaint about dumb shit

As for what it ACTUALLY means that the Butterfly family are descendants of some random peasant (as opposed to what Star thinks it means)? Exactly nothing. If this information gets out to the public, pretty much nobody that actually matters will care. The response to anybody tho demands that Moon step down is basically "make me."

A monarchy isn't actually built on legitimacy of the bloodline, it's built on power. Monarchies throughout history have ended up with rulers who have questionable claims to the throne seizing it because they've got a bigger army than the "legitimate" heir.

Jesus, get off your high horse and fuck off already, you faggot.

Sorry your theory sucks, man.

>If this information gets out to the public, pretty much nobody that actually matters will care.
Read this

Alright, let’s solidify some theories.
>Marco’s cheek marks
Could be either a result of a long exposure to magic, the Blood Moon soul union, or actual true Butterfly heredity, which isn’t properly theorized yet

>post-Eclipsa fake Butterfly heredity
So, the MHC was found guilty of messing with Mewni’s history. Were they found guilty of breaking the royal line? If they were, it might lead to Eclipsa seizing power. Star is still noble by other families’ blood, but she’s not a part of the true Butterfly family and this isn’t a true heir.

He kind of wants to move magic forward. Maybe he’s just pretending to be retarded? He once confessed his love to Marco for some reason. Why?

What else can we theorize?

I'm saying most people know this could mean nothing because of the book, the book literally says that cheek marks is inhered by being exposed to magic, this literally means that Marco is still just a boi from earth, but with creating theories is fun to think that Marco could be somehow related to the Butterfly family.

Plausible in an Ozma situation. Otherwise just teasing.

Ya know what I'm curious about?
How old is Meteora? She's Eclipsa's daughter, but she has to be hella old.How did she live so long?

Marco has been exposed to a lot of magic, but is it really THAT much by Mewni standards? Their whole planet is magic, and yet only the women of the royal family have cheek marks.

There's always the possibility Heinous somehow found love. She's like 300 years old and she got mind wiped at some point. In those circumstances anything can happen.

That machine she uses to suck the lifeforce out of princesses, most likely.

at least 300 years old, that is the time Eclipsa was frozen

She's probably 325-335 or something, if Eclipsa was frozen for 300 years when Moon was 14 and Moon's in her 40s now.

They keep saying 300 in the present day too, but I don't think Eclipsa would know exactly how much time has passed anyway. Think it just makes for a simpler round number

It's a damn good question. Either the blood moon is a red herring and Glossy was simply manipulating events, the moon presence simply hasn't needed to queue Star in on anything, or Marco and the moon have a more direct connection. Why it's just Marco and no one else is a major question regardless.

This walls needs to be expanded on.

Toffee most likely knew about this. Seeing how Meteora is fond of Rasticore, she could have been married to a monster as well. We know that Marco can be affected by dark magic and he even had monster like sharp teeth when it took him over, not to mention the monster arm.

He gave that ominous speech before he died, so I'm pretty sure he knew a lot about the Butterfly secrets.

Next, as for Marco’s mysterious persona
>Toffee calls him a “dissapoinment” our of nowhere
>he can see the Blood Moon
>immense strength (breaks Tom’s chains and impales Toffee with his fist)
>demonic hand is still a part of him
>aces the dark spell on the first try
>parallels between him and Toffee (suit, mirror)
>is easily influenced by the dark magic
>he is the Sun, unified with a Star under the crescent Moon in that mysterious room of St. Olga
>St. Olga’s has statues of Toffee’s species in that same room
>the crystal in his wand is pink, as well as his spell, pink magic comes from Mewni
>he’s got the mole on his face and the only other characters who has something similar is Heinous
>the film with femCthulhu dating a guy parallels his break-up with Jackie with him being femCthulhu
I can’t really tie all that into something sensible

>What exactly is the Blood Moon?
A lot of people think that it's something positive, but the Blood Moon in many cultures and civilization is tied to the occult and is generally a bad omen that brings misfortune.

The implications could be pretty damn insane, especially with the weird spot Star and Marco's relationship is in right now.

It's actually nice to see how the show has started going balls to the walls with it's direction. Haven't been surprised by anything but it's interesting regardless.


I love you user


Seems kind of self-explanatory really

>>Jesus, get your head out of your ass, sperg. No one is saying something HAS to be like this or that. We’re just building up possibilities on actual facts
Not him but sometimes when someone has their own canon of something that absolutely should happen and then it doesn't happen in the story they get mad so I'm thinking he's just saying keep speculations reasonable

It will either be an anti-monarchy message or it will end up that star is from a different branch of the butterflys, maybe we'll even learn that eclipsa wasn't supposed to inherit the throne but nagashed her way into it.

This is even better then when Littlefinger got exposed

Don't forget the monster temple, I have a feeling that it's the rosetta stone of a lot of important story related things. I have a feeling that Eclipsa, Meteora, the lizards and other monster coalitions tried to bring down the Festivia bloodline.

While "Marco being part of the Eclipsa bloodline" is still unconfirmed, it wouldn't surprise me that something like this would happen:
Festivia -> (Solaria?) -> ??? -> Moon -> Star
Eclipsa -> Meteora -> ??? -> ??? -> Marco

>They're still showing Rhobolus' nipple bandages
I think we can safely say that it's gonna be pretty important.
>Then of course, I am most proud of the evil twins, John and Jack. They're pretty hard to tell apart, but one of them was definitely evil. This is what I do. I find the source of evil, and I encase it in crystal forever.
It's hard not to think that this is about Marco and Star.

Well shit this show went mad.
Sorta asked for it with all my complaints with the relationship drama stuff at the start of s3, really, but even then this turn is kind of insane.
I don't where they'll go from this.