Gay boy love beats month old Black Panther. YFW?

Gay boy love beats month old Black Panther. YFW?

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Can someone edit it so everything but the boy and the tree he's hiding behind are transparent? I need it for reasons

I tried

Attached: romance.png (768x432, 332K)

anonanim drew some good porn of these two

Noice. Thanks user

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It’s perfect.

Maybe you should take a shower then, Luigi.

is it bad i jerked off to the ginger kid?

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because gay boy love is cute

No, he's the cute one.

because heterosexuality isn't shoved down kid's throats AT ALL

Heterosexuality is what you’re supposed to be you fucking retard

But that's how babies are made

>please dont teach my kids to eat shit

You can't teach homosexuality, you stupid breeder

Its called an analogy, you stupid evolutionary dead end.

>this is what mindnumbed breeders actually believe

I like guys too but even i dont think you need to shove faggotry into everything.

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What show is this?

Enough shit chat, wheres the shota?

It isnt, normal human biology cannot be equaled with freak behavior.

It's just a cute movie. It's not like the brown haired kid is buttfucking the redheaded one and then making him lick his dick clean.

>Implying they wont, right there at the middle of the park