Get ready to press F, lads

Get ready to press F, lads

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>the 95-year-old comic book legend is surrounded by charlatans and mountebanks

I say! Unsporting of those chaps, eh what?

>>Sup Forums

>thieving liar falls victim to thieving liars

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>the 95-year-old comic book legend is surrounded by charlatans and mountebanks
Among equals, at last.


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Nobody on The Daily Beast writes like a normal person. They always sound like some weird shut-in who only has the vaguest grasp on the English language.

This so much. He's getting fuck all pity from me. Off ya go, Stanny-boy!

he's jewish, you stupid faggot

he literally never stole anything

he does not and has never owned a single character

>does not and has never owned a single character
>gets all the money from them
That's stealing, user.

But seriously, Stan is the jewiest jew whoever jewed.

he receives no money from comics or movies

he does not own ANYTHING

the fact that you're OK with Disney owning this shit and making BILLIONS from it, but wouldn't be OK with one of the co-creators owning it just shows that you're a stupid faggot

What what?

>mascot of a company for 50 years
>everyone glad when he dies because marvel has been shit for 20 years

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There's no talented writers left at marvel to suck the souls from
>sjw marvel was just a plot to starve stan lee to death

>all the recent writers leaving are because they know the end is nigh and are fleeing the vicinity before Stans aura gets them.

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One day you'll leave your basement and see the real world, and realize how stupid is what you are babbling this very moment.

Or shoot somebody, is that what you kids do this days, ennit?

So stan Lee's getting the ol' stan lee treatment

or maybe people will be glad because he has a history of fucking people over and being a general assume despite building his quirky grandpa public persona that normies think can do no wrong.

Please, we all know Kack Jirby invented dying all the way back in 1994.

Say hi to Kirby for me, Stanny boy.

>he receives no money from comics or movies
Except all those millions from Marvel that he managed to get from Ike Perlmutter. Casual.
>you're OK with Disney owning this shit and making BILLIONS from it

I've gotten dubs three threads in a row now saying Stan's gonna be a-ok. Let's see if it's four.

You jinxed it.

You've failed

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That's it boys, he's dead. Put me in the screencap.

And you saved Stan in his place.

Charity from Ike doesn't mean he has any legal ownership of the properties you braindead retard.

>from Ike
You're so funny. Please go on.

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How bad is Stan Lee?

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>the moment Stan Dies his essence will become a black hole sucking in the souls of everyone involve in comics in any way, ultimately transforming into GalactiStan.

>This meme
Whether Sup Forums likes it or not, Stan was a massive building block to the decades of comics that we all live and enjoy.

>stan lee made a brand of himself
>kirby and ditko didn't
What a fucking THIEF!!!!

Yeah, he created every superhero ever.

Ditko has a brand... it's just that his brand is being a crazy paranoid shut in who jacks off to Atlas Shuggred is it. Not a very appealing one.

>comics that we all live and enjoy
It's OK casual, you can stop pretending.

Except every single idea he ever had you stupid casual,

X-men was a shameless copy of doom patrol, a team of mutants hated by the population lead by a rich man in a whelchair and fighting against an evil brotherhood of mutants

Spiderman comic was release very shortly after superboy comics and both stories were the first comics to show a young hero without mentors trying to be a hero but doing several mistakes, spiderman famous villains were mostly based on superman and batman rogue galleries

Fantastic 4 was a rip off of Challengers of the unkown with 4 guys with a recolor of their uniform

This guy is a hack, when DC released something he ALWAYS copied the idea right away

To be fair, user.
He was a co-writer to all of the works he's known for.

>Yeah, he created every superhero ever.
Literally no one has ever said that. Nice strawman.

And an evil bastard in general.

Oh yeah, the cringy dialogues with which he ruined good comics, so he could get credit.

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Except normies like you.
Yes, he created that one too!

>Sup Forums still believes in the meme that Stan lee stole everything

Why am I not surprised.

Because you're a Marlel shill. Marlel shills think Stan Lee is a perfect being.

And you're an idiot who believes in shit that's never been factually proven.

>shit that's never been factually proven
Ask Twomorrows. They know about these things better than your boss.

>Except normies like you.
Oh dang you got me

>Except all those millions from Marvel that he managed to get from Ike Perlmutter. Casual.
Not a cent of which was royalties for characters he created.

>crazy paranoid shut in who jacks off to Atlas Shuggred
Say what now?

>Spiderman comic was release very shortly after superboy comics and both stories were the first comics to show a young hero without mentors trying to be a hero but doing several mistakes, spiderman famous villains were mostly based on superman and batman rogue galleries
You're stretching so hard here, I could tell. It's almost admirable, though you'd have more a case if you said Batman was a ripoff of Zorro.

user never said that, Mister Troll.

The proper term is Stanlactus.

>Picked apart by vultures for giving us a bunch of amazing stories like Prometheus for giving us fire
>Picked apart like vultures like he picked apart and used the work of other creative minds
Choose your sensational boys

To the troll in this thread who keeps painting Stan Lee as some despicable hack who stole credit from everybody, please read the following and shut the fuck up:

>>Picked apart like vultures like he picked apart and used the work of other creative minds

>le Great American Novel

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He won't see him, Kirby's in heaven.

Seriously? The Great fucking American Novel? That piece of delusion is your argument?

No he's not.

>The Case For Kirby
>Jack Kirby as creator (not co-creator) of the Marvel Universe
Oh thanks.


Hurry up and die so bones can get started on Heroman season 2

A well-researched document that doesn't skew in favor of Lee but actually reports the facts as they are known? Why yes, that is my argument. It's a lot better than your "ARRGGHHH FUCK STAN LEE 4EVER!!!!!!" nonsense.

>Batman is a rip-off of Zorro
Don't you mean Scarlet Pimpernel?

It's funny, people talk about what Lee stole, but never seem to show the receipts.

>He doesn't know about Mister A

>the bank robber's defense

>implying they aren't going to have their hands tied with the other hero show for the next decade

All you have to do is look at the lives of Ditko, Kirby, and more. And then look at the life of Stan Lee.
Should that disparity exist between people who were CO-creators?

>Sup Forums is so pleb they think Marvel would be anywhere near what it is without Stan

The man shilled the shit out of Marvel and was more involved with fans than anyone else in the field. Name somebody from DC who could cameo in the movies who people would actually recognize. Exactly, there's nobody

What is "innocent until proven guilty", Alex?

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>Normies will cry over the death of Stan Lee for years
>No one had or has given a shit about Jack Kirby being dead.

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>implying Marvel not existing would be a bad thing
We wouldn't have movie casuals trying to rewrite the history of comics.

According to USA standards, radical liberalism.

No, but it's no fault of Stan that they didn't make a brand for themselves. Stan was the EIC for over a decade of Marvel's golden years, so of course he was the one being interviewed, asked to go on TV, etc. You would have capitalized on that fame, too--fucking anyone would.

>Brian Wilson will outlive the dark lord himself, Stan Lee
Feels good man

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>No one in my basement had or has given a shit about Jack Kirby being dead
>normies remembering anything at all
They will just switch to the next fashion.

But real creators were too busy creating, user.

Heroman is dead as shit thanks to The Reflection, sorry. No more Joey for you.

They chose not to hog the spotlight. All you can really accuse him of is liking attention.

What was he supposed to do, PULL them by force into it? He's acknowledged them many times over. They had every opportunity to push their own brand, and they didn't.

Show me your receipts, bro.

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>You would have capitalized on that fame, too--fucking anyone would.
Don't tell me what I would've done. If I had the spotlight that Lee had, I would make sure that everyone knew the name JACK KIRBY as much as they knew mine. And I wouldn't allow him to struggle for the rest of his life either.

>But real creators were too busy creating, user.
I'm not disputing that. Jack Kirby really did create almost everything, and Stan's influence was mainly felt through his rewriting of Kirby's dialogue and the friendly, larger-than-life, reach-out-to-the-fans persona he'd created for himself.

>They had every opportunity to push their own brand, and they didn't.
Yeah, because there was no Marketing Dept at the publisher...

Seriously, if stanfags could use all that mental energy to defend true creators.

See? It wasn't that hard to admit it.

Might I, foppish that I am, be the Caped Cruthader? ...Sthakesth!

Stan didn't screw Kirby, you dick-brained trogs.

MARVEL management did. Stan had no control control over the higher ups.

>See? It wasn't that hard to admit it.
I never denied it. What I've been denying are your baseless claims that he is a thief, when he's never claimed more than co-creator status for any of Marvel's characters.

>wanting proof makes you a Stanfag

I don't give much of a shit about Stan OR Kirby, I'm just saying you need proof if you're going to throw out some shit.

Is it really screwing if you were a better self-promoter than the other?
Dude has his names on projects that he himself wasn't even a part of.


>You're stretching so hard
More like you can't accept the truth no matter how hard someone show it on your face

>the guy who whored himself out did better than the introverts who didn't want fame
Gee, what a shock