Marvel has hired you to create a new superhero or villain. Only catch, it has to be based off your fetish

Marvel has hired you to create a new superhero or villain. Only catch, it has to be based off your fetish.

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Easy. Competent girls are my fetish.

I don't have a fetish.
Do innocent pure blondes and strong independent women that like sex count as a fetish?

This board would be more popular if you people weren't obsessed with jerking off to the point of obnoxiousness
You get a lewd board and yet we still see threads like these
I blame cartoonfags. Purge em

It's about a blond teenage boy who gains telekinetic abilities after having sex with his attractive younger brother.

>a heroine with thick but toned and athletic thighs

So pretty much a new Batgal

Hecan smell women farts from very long distance

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>forgot it had to be marvel

uh a new black widow then

>mad scientist who turns people into giant monsters and then mind controls them
Fetishes are practically villain motives anyway

I guess an electric superhero that isn't black that can't turn off his electric powers so he's always in constant pain but is incredibly resistant to the electric current and can control it to a point.

a female villain that fondles and sucks male nipples. uh, does it to make things awkward and the lulz

>Costume based off pic-related
>Can fly
>Be physically really stronk but not too stronk
>Super strong telekinesis and can manifest psionic energy to smite her foes based on how angry/emotionally driven she is similar to the Hulk
>Only wears skin-tight latex/satin leggings and shiny clothing in general that shows off her 10/10 body
>has a 10/10 plump ass
>never wears underwear
>is a raging alcoholic and becomes a sarcastic twat when drunk, but is still somewhat responsible and feels super guilty after
>has daddy issues

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>a shortstack villainess with tentacle monster minions/henchmen

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They already have enough mind controllers.

A superheroine who fights crime with massive breast expansion


A rat girl.


A reformed villainous who has strength based powers is working in a dead end job in a city with no heroes but a few Villians. One of which is trying to lure her back in. She is tempted, since she is so bored by her job. I'm thinking Construction or Dock work, using her super strength.

Until a new hero shows up, and just happens to be living nearby her civilian place. Oh and after easily getting punked by one of the cities bad guys is looking for a mentor. A young teen with a unconventional power set, and thinks she is a retired hero because of a similar build, power set and that hero using a secret identity. And she likes the attention and hero worship, so she plays along. Behold the Rebirth of that Hero, and her new Trusty sidekick.

Purple Man already exists

A straight white male hero who COLONIZES a diverse rogues gallery of female villains. And he does the same to the diverse, all-female Justice League expy.

So, I leave for DC and pitch Shocking Suzi ongoing.

She hulk Rapes the Marvel Universe.

But my fetishes are weight gain and hypnosis. And they already have Big Bertha and lots of mind controllers. I guess my third one is intoxication?

>Party Girl: an alcoholic and drug addict psychic who sends out "sympathy vibes" every time she gets drunk or high, resulting in her high spreading to nearby people.

Not hard, my fetish is decently muscular girls. Not arnoldfaced bodybuilders, just a bit of abs, biceps and shoulders. You know, the minimum build any superhero woman should have.

Then in the movie she'll be played by a squalid anorexic bitch.

It's about a fully clothed lesbian that likes to have non-consensual cuddles. But the cuddles are so good that the cuddlee falls in love and marries the villainess, and thus joining her massive harem of cuddly lesbians.

The hero is your average alcoholic cop that tries to stop the villain after his wife left him for her. He dies on page 2.

>Cute tomboy sadist
>Main attack is kicking villains in the dick, likes to embarrass and bully them for fun
>Super powerful, has bested even Thor many of times
>Arch nemesis is a masochist that enjoys her pain

Make a girl called the Balloon and her power is to inflate.


Her arch nemesis is a cactus man.

*blocks your path

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>turns domme sado into sub maso

You know Love Deluxe? That but she wears a mask.

Big Bertha already exists

Hair fetish?

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fetish: lesbianism


Amazonian warrior queen who seeks to take over the world, kill all men, and enlighten all women to unending euphoric pleasures of female homosexuality

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She-Hulk but she only makes the transformation whenever she's impregnated
Also she's black

>Gender bender
A dude whose powers only activate when he transforms into a female. Has the ability to mind control people. His main love interests are some dude who fell in love with his superhero self and a girl he has a crush on. They eventually all just get together for a threesome.

Female Punisher/Batman edgy hybrid who kills, brutalizes, and hangs villains as a reminder of what happens to the unjust. Depending on what the villain did they would be brutalized in different ways. The Avengers would find her too cruel and hint her down.

There is already a Marvel villain based on my fetish. A friend of mine wrote a mini series and introduced a new villain with my unique name, giving my extreme narcissism an outlet.

I just do a regular hero and when the book looks like it's about to be cancelled reveal that they were a woman dressed as a man the whole time.

I'm sure there's already a superhero based on being a cheerleader.

> thicc black soul chicks with the curly hair

There was a villain.

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A flying brick who starts out baseline and gets strength based on how many people are watching them.

>A dude whose powers only activate when he transforms into a female
If you want a cartoon with this, look up Shezow.
I'd also like to apologize on behalf of my country that it was made in the first place.

>SheZow is an Australian-Canadian animated superhero comedy television series.

Together at last.

More accurately, it should read
>SheZow is the fetish of one creepy old fuck made manifest and marketed to kids
Seriously, look into the guy a little.

Still, hope you can get your rocks off to it.

Thank God he's not Australian.

A hero whose songs can sway even the fiercest of hearts to do their bidding. Too bad he has shitty lungs and not everyone is informed that he is in fact not a villain

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>ENF Girl
>Always losing her clothes and being embarrassed about it

Pregnant lesbians attack everything! EEEEK

Already been done.


A girl who looks like she came out of the Resident Evil book of monsters but just wants to have a normal life despite her scary appearance, powerful body and rank smell of blood that she mainly has to deal with heroes who think she's up to no good or villains trying to take her into their team.

Literally Empowered.

I'm guessing he means done well.

I don't think a girl spreading her pussy open translates well.

brown girl tomboy with a part latex suit.

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EMP vs a villain with the power of weight gain.

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A superhero in a tight, tailored business suit kicking ass? Being disheveled and sweaty by the end of a hard day? Fuck yes please

Already done.

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All else aside, the lewd board which we had been championing for for years got almost immediately overrun by /d/fags and the mods didn't bother to do anything to stop it.

My fetishes are pretty vanilla, so it would be a curvy redhead villainess with hypnotism powers.

A bloo bloo bloo

It fucking sucks that /aco/ is now just western /d/ with shittier art, but it's way too late to do anything about it now.

This one is probably going to be weird, but here's what I got:
Brainshell, a female scientist that has the ability to drain the intelligence of any human she touches, turning them into busty, but brainless female sex slaves that she uses to try and conquer the world. Brainshell becomes more beautiful for every bit of intelligence she steals, and any knowledge she takes is added to her own consciousness, making her even smarter. Those she absorbs turn into gorgeous women no matter their previous gender, and the rule is that the more intelligence Brainshell gets from them, the dumber, hornier and more attractive they become afterwards.
The only way to really beat her is to somehow get her to use the ability on herself and turn her into the most gorgeous, yet also the dumbest and sluttiest, woman on the planet.

It'd probably be like when the big brains tried to beat Fry.

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Oooh, sounds interesting. Can I get a link?

This pleases me immensely.

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an evil crazy futa forcing super heroins to carry her babies


shit, DC got there first

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Martial Arts Magician. She fights using magic but she casts it from her feet instead of her hands. She kicks magic out. She's a tomboy type. Short-ish hair. Always barefoot, but her feet never get dirty because magic. Always barefoot to allow her to cast magic unimpeded. The reason she uses her feet is she's just better at it than her hands. While training she injured her arms, but had to keep training so she adapted by using her feet, and kept doing it after her arms healed.

A villain that drains IQ. If you wanted to make him a strawman villain for some girl power book like Mockingbird, you could make him specifically target women in order to bimbo-ize them.

I'd have it the other way around, and he could turn other people into females

>your fetish
>picking only one
This is the first hurdle for editorial.

>I blame cartoonfags. Purge em
Jokes on you, faggot. I'm a comicfag.

Full body zentai suit. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

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>Gothic loli's that isn't really a crime since their brain is that of an adult but the body of a child.

Layla Miller knows stuff about my fetish.

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I feel like Brainshell and your dude would either really hate or really love each other.

Turn George Soros into Marvel's Lex Luthor just like they did with Hitler in the 40's

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Single female lawyer
Fightin' for her client
Wearin' sexy mini-skirts and bein' self reliant

To keep the thread alive:
I'm going to build on my previous idea for Brainshell somewhat. Long post ahead, give it a read and give me any criticism you have, if you're interested...
She was at one time just your average scientist, fresh out of medical school and newly recruited to a university. She was always quite intelligent, but not genius level. However, almost everyone else she sees at the university seems to be smarter than her. Her colleagues, some of her students, the superheroes she sees on the news... Everyone seems to have a leg-up on her, she always seems to be one step behind, and that drives her CRAZY. This was tolerable, if just barely, throughout her life, but after a college freshman corrects an equation casually that she had spent weeks working on, she snaps. She was working on a medication that would allow for heightened learning and mental capacity, but it had the peculiar side effect of giving those who took it in large doses the ability to absorb the intelligence of others through their skin, reducing anyone who makes skin contact to a gibbering, horny idiot while increasing the intellect and arousal level of the user, while also making the drained individuals loyal to them through a hormone they secretes. Long story short, she chugs all the samples she has of the stuff and proceeds to completely drain the mind of the freshman who wronged her, reducing them to basically an inanimate object. Drunk on the feeling and filled with newfound knowledge, she begins stealing the intellect of all of her peers at the college, leaving the entire place drained. Now an ultra-genius in basically every area, she modified her ability to new heights, and now she's too far gone. She wants to make the entire WORLD into her mindless fuckdolls, and she's willing to go to any heights imaginable to do so.

>George Soros is your fetish

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race traitors are my fetish

I mean... look at the guy. I don't know about you, but I get aroused by looking at him.

So, basically just Giganta, but she's also a yandere towards the hero?

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>A short, freckled redhead who wears knee socks and skirts, but has superhuman strength and lifts more than me in the gym, but loves being dominated in bed.

I'm guessing I would end creating former child soldiers with cybernetic augmentations that enable them to connect/carry weaponry as part of an advanced and secret military program -- and they're not wolverine so no regen abilities.

not sure if they would be villains or heroes... maybe tragic villains?

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A heroine with incontinence that gains super strength when she drinks her own piss I think

The Latex Queen.
Where she touches people she leaves drops of liquid latex, which spread to cover the victim's skin and control their minds. We could get more evil version designs for established heroes.

bump cuz this is an interesting thread

she kinda already exists
the daughter of Purple Man. Who was a hero all her life until the stupid last failed reboot of Alpha Flight

She has pherormones based mind control (and unlike her father, when her powers work on someone, that person turns purple)
I would make her the fart based mind control character. You smell her fart, your mind is hers

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B'loon Boy.

>can inflate to whatever size he pleases
>how he inflates, I have no idea
>maybe he sucks up a lot of air like Kirby
>as his size increases, his powers weaken, but have greater range
>once inflated, he can choose his weight- he could be heavy as 40 elephants or light as a feather.
>can also bounce stuff off his ballooned body
>i have no ideas what other powers he has
>his clothes are tailor-made to be extra stretchy incase of emergency
>or atleast, his underwear is

A sweet, shy kid that never lets his power go to his head. When his friends or loved ones are in trouble, though, he will protect them no matter what.

someone draw a design for him please

otherwise, i'll draw one for him if this thread's still here tomorrow

So big Bertha but evil they already did that in a recent comic issue

I second this. B'loon Boy sounds adorable. Can somebody do Brainshell as well? I feel like she has the potential to have a really cool design...

They already sorta did one on hypnosis.

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Joss Weadon? I didn't know you went on Sup Forums.

>Gender Bender where men are forcibly transformed into women
Wasn’t there a Captain America villain who was a crazy feminist that almost turned Steve Rogers into a woman?

>fetish based
>cue the Pisser
>beaten down washed up ex detective anti hero type
>with an endless stream of urine he dominates foes
>his urine has the magical properties to weigh even the strongest men down allowing them to be apprehended
>his piss also forces people to admit their crimes and things they’re ashamed of
>the mayor and an organization of moms are his greatest enemy cause they believe he is a degenerate and he is exposing himself to children