ITT: describe the place you live in with a Sup Forums image

ITT: describe the place you live in with a Sup Forums image

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i want to fuck that roo

Wish it would snow more often down here.


I am impressed with how you passed some gun control laws though.

the sad thing is you're still better than all the southern states



You live on an airplane?

>supporting gun control
Idiot, those millenial brats deserve to har gotten shot, those bullet dodger starbucks liberals deserve to be burned alive for using their friends deaths to push their own shitty politics


No, I'm Texas!

No matter who got shot the only ones that would be on tv would be the ones aligned with CNNs views.

You either have everyone shot or nobody shot and no matter how edgy I wanna be at the moment, no kids shot is better.


>their friends deaths to push their own shitty politics

What would be an acceptable way to “push” politics for you?

You don’t?

Couldn't find anything better than what you just posted. Fuck this gay ass snow. Finland here, come take it away. I want summer already.

no lood roo

As someone who had to visit his mother for years in East Stroudsburg, I'm sorry.

wonder how long it takes folks to get this one.

Guess the state

Take a wild fucking guess

it's not California

The Oregon Duck is the mascot of the University of Oregon Ducks athletic program

you're chinese?

I busted my ass slipping on ice today




.... How the fuck did you get china out of Donald duck in Oregon Ducks colors?





More relevant a couple months ago


I'm haole as fuck, tho.



>be Californian
>every summer the entire state bursts into flames because of how hot and dry the weather is
>my brother and I have both nearly had to evacuate our homes in the past year from two completely separate wildfires
>if I hadn't moved a year or two beforehand I would have lost my home to one of the fires
>when the rainy season comes in the winter it just causes mudslides because of how dead and barren the land is
>still waiting on the San Andreas fault to kill us all and turn this shithole state into the post-apocalyptic prison island it has always deserved to be
>tfw you wake up one morning, look out your window, and see that ashes are raining down from a sky so clouded with smoke that it looks orange
Burnout soon, stalker.

Forest service employee here, part of it is your idiot zoning coordinators zoned areas that naturally would have burned every 4 years for housing developments and only started figuring out defensible spaces after all but killing off the forestry industry in the late 50s/early 60s.

Also California historically (according to the fossil record and trees) gets 20-30 year droughts every 100 years or so.

Feels bad man

Texas has been two days of cold followed by two days of summer for the past couple months.



>tfw SLO county

The scary thing is I live right by there, I miss philly.





Same here.

>this but live inside a mountain so it gets even fucking hotter in summer
>beaner land
End me

The sun is a harsh mistress.

The fact that we got snow that actually got to stick for a few days in Houston still fucks me up a little.

I remember about 5 years ago when the Stephenville area was getting blizzards.
Actual fucking blizzards.

The tropics suck.

...... San Jose Costa Rica?

Nah, San Juan Puerto Rico. I'd say I miss the rain, but that just makes the heat humid later on.

I did too until I had spend half an hour scraping ice off my car at 8:00 at night back in December.

It seems like whenever Texas is actually cold enough for snow we just get ice.

do they even sell ice scrapers in Texas?


>I did too until I had spend half an hour scraping ice off my car at 8:00 at night back in December.
kek same, Houston here. busted my ass walking from my garage to my house getting a beer at midnight on my slippery ass driveway




Eh, I almost got the right latitude.

West Virginia?


Oregonian here, throw a beach towel over the windows that you want to see though in the morning the night before.

I'd say it's more Virginia.

Both close. It's Kentucky.

>throw a beach towel over the windows that you want to see though in the morning the night before.
thanks user
hopefully I remember this if it happens to snow again in the next decade or so.

Missouri or Iowa.

Florida IS a southern state you moron

Sshhhh, it's a yankee. It doesn't know shit about shit.

Fellow New Jersian eh? Hows about those back to back Nor'easters, huh? Nearly threw out my back shoveling all that snow. The worst part is, I had to start while it was still snowing, just so the slushy mess wouldn't be too heavy to shovel later. I felt like Sisyphus.

I hate this time of year in this region.


I mean it's technically in the south and home to tons of cattle ranchers, but it's not really southern the way people imagine the south to be. Almost everybody here has come from New York/Jersey, Cuba or Puerto Rico (New York).


The only time I've seen my town mentioned in a work of fiction. Mike Tyson used to live here, though, so I'm hoping for an appearance in Mike Tyson Mysteries.

The sign really explains it all, I have no idea how we get any tourism.

The Midwest sucks

>.... How the fuck did you get china out of Donald duck in Oregon Ducks colors?
I'm not that guy, but I thought the hat looked Chinese. Apparently these are called Mandarin hats.

In Florida, the further North you go the more South it gets.

I lot of people just passing east and west I imagine.
What would people outside Manitoba go to Winnipeg for anyway?

South Carolina?

>Fucking snow in January shuts down cities for 5 days
>Fucking jumps to 70 degrees with goddamn pollen everywhere
>Drops back into the 40s-50s
>Gonna be 72+ all weekend

I’m from North Attleboro, though, which is much nicer than South Attleboro. I don’t live there anymore though.

Arkansas reporting in.

Let me guess, Tiny-sota..

North Dakota

The most famous place trying to secede and also home to the black panthers


New Mexico?

Close but here's a hint. The saguaro cactus is native to the Sonoran Desert which doesn't include New Mexico.



Incorrect, although I was born in TX
Ya got it

next guess was going to be nevada, but I don't feel like there are even any cacti there.

I wanted to be more creative but freezing your dick off is all people know about Minnesota.