ITT: Out of context comic panels

ITT: Out of context comic panels
I’ll start.

Attached: AA6266C1-91F6-43E1-923C-4B7020DB8D1C.jpg (328x368, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Donkey.jpg (1000x702, 369K)

Will billy be a furry in the new movie? Representation is important and this is a subgroup of people that could really use some in media

Attached: 1494452455010.jpg (1231x1125, 373K)

Alight, gimmie context.

Attached: 79a3c142e18c0c2d969a76a7f567764e.jpg (720x717, 119K)

Milo Manara's The Golden Ass. To be honest... I don't think context helps.

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what's going on here?

I'll be straight with you, nigga. I haven't the faintest clue.

Attached: 1415526548437-4.jpg (595x838, 144K)

Attached: no context.jpg (700x307, 247K)

Attached: OhBilly.jpg (1795x724, 152K)

The Shazam movie better have an anthropomorphic talking tiger.

why would anyone make this?

Attached: goofy.jpg (250x238, 10K)

Considering that WB is now going into full on “Toss everything and hope it sticks” mode. Wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if they actually did put in some furry bait to boost ticket sales.

Attached: 5ED1A7C0-2C99-4F1E-A100-E750F2ACE6D7.jpg (613x960, 264K)

Attached: klug7.jpg (880x1152, 191K)

Why not?

Attached: Chair.jpg (762x1104, 598K)

Attached: YourVaginaIsHaunted.jpg (603x578, 94K)

Attached: RCO026_w_1464959543.jpg (996x1642, 396K)

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Attached: EXTREME AIDS.jpg (630x494, 150K)

Is this a Shadman biography?

I expect a human that can transform into a tiger.

This is one of those Weird European comics isint it?
There so man un answered questions.
Whats with the old guy?
Why is the donkey sentient?
And why is she fucking the donkey!?

Attached: curious.jpg (586x438, 57K)

Attached: Dragon.png (391x306, 293K)


When did Samuel L. Jackson write a manga?

anyone have that Steve and Wonder Woman one where the gun can't fire in the past