
I wish the boy was a girl

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hold on , that nigga was a boy ? i always thought the girl just had a boyish voice..... holy shit user

I think it was originally a comic and in it the cop guy also thought he was a girl


In what way would that improve this short

It would improve the porn

That was an amazing short!

It's a more unique duo to have a little girl fangirl over a gruff old cop than another young fanboy.

It's extremely rare to have an apprentice girl, excited to be there, under the tutelage of a gruff but kindly teacher.

But it doesn't make the short better in anyway

Girls need good male role models

It stops people from going, "Wait? That isn't a girl?" and makes the design more appropriate for the character.

That already is an improvement.

>It stops people from going, "Wait? That isn't a girl?"
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that happening
>makes the design more appropriate for the character.
He looks exactly like he sounds and acts. His design is cute and charming. There is literally no problem here

>That already is an improvement.
No, no it isn't.

Sup Forums waifufags are fucking pathetic

>Drawing a girl
>Calling it a boy
>"It'd be more unique to see a girl have a male hero than have it be a boy for the sake of one joke that isn't even present in the short."
>"No it wouldn't shut up."

>When you have no argument other than calling someone a waifufag

Of all the Nick shorts I seriously hope the one will be picked up. Animation is good and the show seems exciting.

>>Drawing a girl
>Calling it a boy

>Creator drew a boy that looks kind of like a girl.
>People sometimes mistake him for a girl
>This is absolutely horrible and must be changed because reasons
You're absolutely brainless.

>"It'd be more unique to see a girl have a male hero
It really isn't, and being unique doesn't make it good or better

>for the sake of one joke that isn't even present in the short
>It should be a girl for the sake of this one not different in any significant way dynamic I'm really obsessed with


Besides this autistic conversation, the web comic is really good, sadly there's only 1 chapter, I'm pretty sure the short is supposed to be directly after it.

>People sometimes mistake him for a girl
Most people mistake him for a girl.

The fucking joke is that Zeus mistook him for a girl. It was probably you that posted the exact comic.

>and being unique doesn't make it good or better
Yeah you're right, wouldn't want your cartoon to have something unique about it, God forbid.

Repeatedly saying, "Nuh uh" does not a good argument make.

>The fucking joke is that Zeus mistook him for a girl
You mean a joke. I never said the joke didn't happen.
>Yeah you're right, wouldn't want your cartoon to have something unique about it, God forbid
Because it already has a lot of things that are unique about it that actually add to the quality of the comic/short. Being unique for the sake of being unique is pointless.

Also how is such a small insignificant detail that happens all the time in life, media, and cartoons unique or important? Is Loud House amazing because music girl looks up to Mike Jaggered?

Repeating "yuh huh" does not a good argument make.

Not him but who gives a shit. I thought he was a boy immediately. Making him a girl could confuse the admiration for Zeus in a romantic or fantasy way rather than the clear larger than life role model. Plus, I'm 100% sure that the slapstick involving him would be downplayed if he was a girl. There really is no need to mess up the bro dynamic.

Most importantly though why would I want porn of a female character who is too young to be attractive when we can have /SW/ material






>You mean a joke
Yes, a joke I specifically stated it was not worth sacrificing a better trope subversion (Hyperactive fanboy) since it was apparently not important enough to even include in the pilot.

>Being unique for the sake of being unique is pointless.
Changing him to a her doesn't burst the unique bubble of the pilot. You're not adding a layer of Lord of the Rings lore by doing it.

>Also how is such a small insignificant detail that happens all the time in life, media, and cartoons unique or important?
Because a girl admiring a male hero is something you rarely see in cartoons. Name me five cartoons in the last decade that had it. Most of the time, it's a character who admires someone of the same sex. It's kind of boring to see all little girls love Wonder Woman. Give me a boy who looks up to Wonder Woman.

>Is Loud House amazing because music girl looks up to Mike Jaggered?
You picked the worst example because one of LH's hooks is that it has a mostly female cast instead of a split 50-50 large family.

And if Luna WERE the star of the show, I would still find it more interesting that she admired Mick Jagger instead of an Avril Lavigne type character.

>Repeating "yuh huh" does not a good argument make.
I stated it was more unique, it fits the design better, it's not worth sacrificing an original duo for a joke of "You're a boy!?". That is much more than just, "yuh huh". All you've said is "No!!!" to all of them.

Now tell me how the short improves if Pibbles stays a boy.

>Making him a girl could confuse the admiration for Zeus in a romantic or fantasy way rather than the clear larger than life role model.
That's a really retarded reason.

>the sfx is made out of the rubble
It's the little things

I really dig this style, it reminds me of a newgrounds web game.

Jesus you're really obsessed with this idea. Good luck man.

Yeah, the artist working on the show are really amazing


He can be a cute trap this way

>Jesus you're really obsessed with this idea. Good luck man.
Good refute, nice to know you end discussions if they get too long.

>Sup Forums's taste is so shit they don't even realize that traps are superior

I thought I had freed myself of fapping to traps until that fucker came along.

I end discussions when you will not change your mind because you aren't actually arguing about what makes the short good or bad, but just wanting to see a dynamic you like.

Last (you).

They're shit senpai. Just fap to actual women. Preferably non-2d ones.

>you aren't actually arguing about what makes the short good or bad

I've listed it eight times now and it's more than just, "Just do it" and if you still can't comprehend that while not being able to list why it would be better for Pibbles to stay a boy when, "He should be a girl" is a comment that comes up in every Planet Panic thread, then, good convo I guess.





Why not have the best of both worlds and make him a REVERSE trap?

3dpd is only for impregnation. Fapping to them is cuck behavior.

Sweet thanks for these

I wish the cat girl was a boy


That's gay.

lets not be hasty

Was this worth a page 10 bump, you gaylord?