Will Green Lantern ever get the respect that he deserves...

Will Green Lantern ever get the respect that he deserves? Everyone thinks he is a joke and doesn't know that he is the Guardian of Time. Also saved Superman's wife and his asshole father-in-law. from certain death.

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they are gay

I re-read 52 recently and want more good Booster stories.
What are some good ones?

His solo was pretty gud and JLI

Waid and Johns turned a good character into another bland bronze age hero.

Pic related wasn't bad but gets pretty good once Jurgens takes over. Course like everything else it goes to shit once nu52 rolls around.

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I always thought Johns' arc was great & Jurgens is merely ok.

What are Sup Forumss thoughts on JL: Generation Lost?


>Not loving Johns/Katz

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John's and Jurgens runs were both good. Giffens was a bit shit though.

Generation Lost was hampered by Wonde Woman's stupid change in status quo at the time and the fact the nu52 meant it never got the planned follow up JLI.