How many of you would honestly hatefuck Korra?

How many of you would honestly hatefuck Korra?

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I don't hate her, so I wouldn't.

well, well, well...

She would most likely strap on and hatefuck me.

Not me.

She's dumb but she knows what she is. She'd probably expect some hatefucks.

No, I kiss ther on the neck and call her beautiful. THAT would make her uncomfortable and self-conscious

Systems vs goals

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Attached: shake ghostwriting trump's twitter.png (633x356, 60K)

I loathe Korra but honestly I think a Korra Hatefuck would be the hottest thing ever

Back and forth, as you're pounding the shit out of her, she does little things both physical and verbally to make you hate her more

I wish there was a doujin on this

Everytime. Everytime this is posted I have to jerk it shamefully and hate myself after.

Attached: Frodo_is_too_confused.gif (245x160, 983K)

Disgusting and degernate. Korra is my beloved waifu and I will not stomach you trash to think about her.