
If your post ends in a Even Number you're a Hero
If it ends in Odds you're a Villain

Attached: OfficialSheet for Official thread.png (1500x1150, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Previous Threads
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 5.5: Don't forget to visit the Booru!

Attached: ddd.png (762x659, 12K)

Portalis Reportin in

Attached: Portalis New Sheet.png (1500x1150, 124K)

Jerry here

Attached: NewtemplateJerry.gif (1500x1150, 256K)

D Waking up

Attached: DimensionD.png (1500x1150, 268K)

Believer here.

Attached: believer.png (1500x1150, 64K)

Stopwatch here but don't count on me being active. .

Attached: STOPREF 2.png (1500x1150, 130K)

What does ability capacity even mean exactly? I can't get a grip even with the labels.

Bulwark reporting for duty.

Attached: Bulwark Profile.png (621x539, 135K)

How powerful your power can be, your potential, your grip. How much room it has to grow with your understanding of it.

Do you have the ability to lift 5 pound objects and thats it? 1.

Can you lift objects with your mind depending on how strong your mental prowess is? 7

Do you have the power of magic itself? Probably a full bar there.

Since the measurements are to do with skill, I'd imagine it has something to do with your superpower and how experienced your guy is with it. If I were to make a suggestion, I'd replace "Ability" with "Power".

Hello people

Attached: Doodlemancer_new.png (1500x1150, 120K)

How's dis?

Attached: cothread template.png (1500x1150, 28K)


Attached: nupowernap.png (1500x1150, 336K)

If it's gonna be potential, shouldn't the starting point be "none" rather than "useless"? I getthe feeling that you're mixing both "mastery" and "potential" into a single stat, wich usually are not the same.

I mean there is 1 spot before useless.

Sure, but useless still isn't really a measure for potential, and something similar with the others, since talented and prodigy indicate an ease and speed to grow, while master indicates dominion over the skill regardless of how long it took and how hard it was to get there.

With endless potential, there is really no "mastering" something. You just constantly get better and better at something. And while mastery and potential aren't the same, it doesn't mean they can't be in the same measurement for stats.



Attached: prime hoover.png (1528x1165, 293K)

Hey I'm cool with that you do you my man

Attached: doodlemancer_partytime.png (165x126, 13K)

But by removing the people who act against villainy, who will be there to stop them from committing their heinous crimes? Who will shield the innocents from harm? You? By yourself?

Your actions are understandable, but your logic is flawed. Who is to say that evildoers won't stop once there are no more supers?

Attached: Bulwark Close-up.png (485x513, 15K)

hello, the name is Shortcut, do you want to go to some place? i can get you there in no time,

Attached: SHORTCUT 2.png (1500x1150, 86K)



>begins to pull Bulwar and Doodlemancer into his vacuum.

Attached: primehoover.png (185x167, 25K)

Attached: 9832752936982.png (887x700, 135K)

No no, consider me a fan of your work

Attached: doodlemancer_ehh.png (165x126, 13K)

>Meanwhile........deep within the Earths core

Attached: 1520347485653.png (960x640, 808K)

Is this the new supocalypse then?

Attached: supoc.png (1000x872, 959K)

"......... And on the third day he rose in accordance with the scripture......... and his kingdom will have no end........"

Attached: 1520347485653.png (960x640, 849K)

Oh fuck off.

Oof, sounds rather esoteric. I'm just gonna go around it since it's not really relevant for a street level guy anyway.

Attached: Enter the Dungeon2.png (1500x1150, 131K)

What a wonderful day to be alive! I sure hope nothing tragic befalls me like last time, but I'm sure as sunshine it'll be be great as long as I stay chipper!

Attached: gooddoctor_she_06.png (1225x1072, 118K)

Also forgot to mention, where's my shittiness stat? How am I supposed to take these character sheets seriously otherwise?!

Anyway, since we finally that break, reposting.

>"On this issue, the bonds of trust between the Horndogs will be put to the test, as they face the nefarious Marshall Riot and her anarchy inducing powers! Can our heroes, now turned enemies, be able to quit squabbling and collaborate to stop this new villain's attempts to remake the world, or will they actively attempt to trip up eachother's attempts?"

>"Featuring the deamiest hero of all: the incredible Power Nap, comes this exciting new adventure of the Horndogs in... LOCKING HORNS."

Attached: riot.png (400x600, 85K)

Of course his personality would be more hard-nosed and less conscientious if I roll evil.

Attached: Xu.jpg (1500x1150, 542K)

also Captain cheddar, because this thread need more CHEESE!

Attached: Captain Cheddar.png (1225x1072, 114K)

i dun fite fr evil with u zzzzzz

Attached: zzzzz.png (213x136, 19K)

Oh shit he's a villain.
Conscientiousness: 10
Emotionality: 3
Agreeableness: 2
Openness: 2
Extraversion: 3
Honesty: 8

I don't think you understand the concept of "can't stop the wall." But understand this, I am not your enemy Prime Hoover. I seek only to protect those innocents who have been caught up within the malevolent plots of evildoers. I seek no praise nor do I seek fighting, I merely serve to protect. I am no instigator of violence. You seek to better the world, then use your powers to save people, not take out your frustration on others.

Attached: Can't stop the wall.png (328x387, 9K)

You stop that

Attached: stopthat.gif (960x640, 14K)

Forgot new stats

>There isn't a tremor or even so much as a movement from the helmet as the magma of the core boils, eventually taking form, but still bound to the pool of geothermal earth

Impressive........ even in my flight of recklessness as a child to self destruction in search of absolution you stopped me mage....

>As he attempts to walk he finds he can't remove his legs from the ground

I too..... can act in the moment

>The helmet is dragged along the lava until it is back on the figures "head"

In that moment when you stopped my kamikaze laser form, I knew I was done for. But I made one last gesture in hopes of extending my time in the mortal realm. I used my fusing abilities and fused with the only other living thing ........ THE EARTH.

I am now shackled to her core........ for now. It seems the light from the magma in here is just enough to keep me regenerated in his meager form. But once I find a way to see God's glorious sun again, I will reach Mother Earths hand out to pluck those supersinners out personally......... I swear on God's holy name I shall.......

>He slowly sinks back into the molten core

Until then..... live in the perpetual fear that deep inside this planet lie a dormant crusader to smite all of your wretched carcasses off the face of the Earth! I will reclaim the planet...... for the innocent.

Attached: 24.png (1804x1386, 186K)

Who here needs someone dead

Attached: MrFlaw.png (1500x1150, 78K)

This is a neat "What If?". Good thing it didn't happen, right gang?

It seems that there is another neer-do-well who seeks to destroy supers. Hypocritical if I may say, but I don't not judge. Just know "Core Knight" if that is with which the name you wish to be called, that should you dare endanger the lives of others, the innocent, the downtrodden, then I will stop you...

Attached: Bulwark Confused.png (442x285, 7K)

burning experience

Attached: 1520724083728.png (1500x1150, 93K)

>Prime Hoover / Bulwark Team Up Issue #1: Prep the Bul

My enemy, we do not see eye to eye, but perhaps it is time we put aside our differences to fight against a common enemy.

Attached: primehoover.png (223x407, 48K)

I concur good fellow, it is obvious there are forces at work that far outweigh the dangers of the common super-criminal. Together, we can stop them and protect the world from destruction.

Attached: Bulwark Thumbs-Up.png (598x531, 20K)

Fight the whispers in your head but you know it to be true.......

>A very very faint ESP message can be heard as Knight fades in power receding into the core
As a knight of valor to one of contested virtue I relish the challenge to match blades with a follow of the steel and order........ but know that respect does equate mercy.

While my feet can't carry weight and my blade can't shed immoral blood for the time being....

well........ lets just say the Pen is mightier than the sword........

>The echoing whisper leaves Prime Hoover with one last word

"Remember...... there is no salvation for us damned........ but the innocent must be shepherded and saved......."

Attached: aberte1gyvbjrqyaax0k.png (402x271, 7K)

let's start nibbas

Fine then. I shall not suck you into my vacuum.
Let us find the dark evil which haunts you.

Attached: primehoover.png (110x102, 11K)

Indeed. The way forward for us is obvious, there lies a great catastrophe ahead of us, but I believe we can prevent it, or at least, mitigate the damage. Along the way, we shall endeavor to save as many innocent lives as possible and strive to bring order to this world.

Attached: Bulwark and Hoover.png (891x502, 29K)

Heroes beware! For a frightening sight is aget you. Allow me to introduce the campfire story of: The Mad Scientist and the Robot Boy!

A long time ago there was a crazed man, absolutely obsessed with his work. A device that could turn flesh into machine. He spent year after year working on this device, until he grew older and older. He sought perfection, he sought immortality. All he found was frailty and age. He finished his device but realized using it now after so long could kill him. He turned to his only son, a studious young lad. "My boy" he said those years ago, "Come here.". The boy loved his father, with all his heart, but what he didn't know was what his father had in store.


To turn flesh to machine, is quite the task, but when you're building a robot, you can always swap out parts.


Some say screams can still be heard from that old laboratory, nobody knows what happened to The Mad Scientist and the Robot Boy!
I like these threads and thought they also used to write memes back in the day I think so I thought why not

Attached: ShortStoryMeme.png (951x657, 11K)

you know guys, i can get you where that core knight fellow is...for a price.

Attached: hello.png (434x304, 16K)

You guys got room for one more!?

Attached: 41.png (172x235, 3K)

Our alliance shall shine a light for the world to see that enemies can stand side by side in the face of peril.

We do not hold the truth to ransom like others. Tell us now, and we shall pay you with your life.

Attached: best buds.png (400x407, 82K)

Whilst my accomplice's words are...stern, he speaks the truth. We don't wish to waste time with games, indulge us with the information you have.
Sure, more help is always appreciated, so long as your heart is in the right place.

I don't see why not. Strength in numbers.

Attached: best buds.png (600x407, 102K)

just follow me guys, i know the fastest way there. after all get people to places is kind of my job.

Attached: Follow me.png (434x304, 4K)

Very well Shortcut, we shall follow you to the location of Core Knight.

Attached: Bulwark, Hoover and KYS Ken.png (1131x519, 38K)

1000+ hours in ms paint

First time making a thing, pls only bully a little

Attached: Fusethefirst.png (1225x1072, 125K)

A little tired of overpowered characters, but his setup is interesting and I like what you did with his hair. Bredy gud

here we are fellas, this Core knight should be here,
you know, this whole mission seems a little bit suicidal, i mean we are in the core of the planet.

Attached: here we are.png (694x409, 521K)

Oh hey guys welcome to the core. I was just having some coffee.

Attached: Hey.png (960x640, 269K)

>you know, this whole mission seems a little bit suicidal, i mean we are in the core of the planet.
Don't worry, I am protecting us in a vacuum shield.
I also filled in the white spaces you lazy ass

Attached: vacshield.png (694x409, 492K)

Greetings Jerry, nice to see you here too. Now that we have reached our destination thanks to the help of Shortcut we can get down to business.


Attached: At the core.png (538x301, 198K)

Woah woah, I'm trying to enjoy this coffee.
But uh, here. Take this ancient water artifact. It shoots a small amount of water, if it doesn't help you can just chuck it at him.

Attached: WATERORB.png (168x167, 2K)

Don't worry. He cannot harm us with the vacuum shield up.

Attached: vacshield2.png (538x301, 174K)

>Barely able to form himself, he rises out of the magma.

Well meet travelers. Have you come to plunge yourselves into my scorching sphere to remove your superburdens from the innocent people?

Or perhaps you are here to do right by your sins and set me free with sunlight to wipe the slate clean on Earth.

Attached: 11124.png (539x611, 28K)

Thanks, we shall use it wisely

Attached: vacshield2.png (538x301, 174K)

uhh, guysssssss I didn't want to bring it up and be a bother, but my power is sorta to exhume a suicidal tendency to anyone in my area, and your vacuum is sorta keeping you guys soaked in it.

You might end up doing like he says and jumping in if you won't let the suicidiness vent man. But you know, your call.

Attached: 1112.png (172x235, 4K)

KYSKen, do your thing.
If that fails, Bulwark, you know what to do.
Once he's finished with, I'll use the power of suction to clean up the pieces of him.

Attached: best buds ready 4 action.png (600x407, 523K)

Let me out, my powers can resist the immense heat here.
Core Knight, we come for neither reason. We come to persuade you to not emerge and destroy the supers. Not only will your cataclysmic emergence endanger the lives of everyone on the surface, including those of innocents, but you fail to acknowledge the importance of the supers. I understand why you fear our kind, why you believe us to be imperfect, but killing all of us will not solve the problem. From the ashes of destruction a new evil will surely arise and threaten all, with no heroes to stand in his way. I propose you reconsider your actions and listen to our plee.

Attached: I got this guys.png (357x298, 103K)

Remember folks, keep on believing.

Attached: the caped believer.png (894x948, 31K)

I will release the field around you very briefly before you do your attack. Ready... 3, 2, 1...

Attached: hoovercloseup.png (136x165, 47K)

Alright! Time for my catchphrase! "HAVE A WHIFF OF THIS BUDDY!"

>He exhumes the suicidal aura outward at Knight Light

Attached: 2345.png (172x235, 3K)

And a little one.

Attached: Dungeons and Mazes.png (400x600, 21K)

You're really great at this m8

Attached: powernap cover 1.png (721x1024, 676K)

Love it

don't forget to put artwork on the booru

Thought Bulwark was cute so here's this.

Love your stuff as always, makes me wish the Horndogs comic was real. That little Brimstone figure is adorable.

He's very handsome...

Attached: bulwark.png (651x594, 17K)

You seem to think that I would outright allow my powers to cause apocalypse on Earth if I were returned to full power. That was recklessness I made in my youth in a temper tantrum, but sense fusing with Earth, I am now Millions of Years old and more mature than that.

My intent is to kill all unnatural. Domestic and Foreign. If you are not a mortal base genetic human you deserve death as you threaten the natural order. If mankind becomes evil of its own accord and does evil, then that is a sin of man's machination. But in that man can fight man to stop that and evil will be quelled. But with supers all will suffer endlessly in their incomprehensible abilities subjugating them. See the truth, removal is the only one. But I offer an alternative. Fusion.

>He holds his hand out to him weakly

Fuse with me and put your powers seal within me. If all powers are consolidated within me, within the earth, they can be safely tucked away. And if god forbid man ever needed it, they would need only puncture the core for the legion of souls I'll keep at bay to be unleash in a monstrous molten justice.

There is a possible compromise outside of death. If I can gain sunlight and regenerate enough to create avatars on the surface, then I could....... I could........


>The whole Earth begins to shake manically as Knight Light attempts to disperse the Core's Heat outward, cooling it and killing the Earth's spin and electromagnetic field.

Attached: 34534345.png (795x768, 317K)

>Prime Hoover pleads with Bulwark
Resist! Resist! Stomp on his head!

you know...if you want to kill yourself, i now a shortcut to the nearest black hole.....or the nearest sun

Attached: to drunk to care.png (433x307, 217K)


Attached: Final Stand at the center of the Earth.png (525x304, 146K)

CHON reporting for duty

Attached: chon.png (1500x1150, 602K)

Also dude, this is great! Thanks so much!

Attached: When you protect the innocent just right.png (522x414, 16K)

C-c-could you draw a cute Prime Hoover please mister?

My hero!

lel Magellan


>He punches lava but it just forms around his arm and solidifies as rock.

Attached: aberte1gyvbjrqyaax0k.png (590x582, 26K)

>Please throw me in the sun

Where have I heard that one before...

>Prime Hoover unleashes a vacuum, capturing Fused Core Knight Light within.
I have had enough of you threatening the world, rampaging into threads places and killing who you like willy nilly. Only I get to do that from now on!
>pic related ensues

Attached: Koshiro_Chikuma's_Kamaitachi.gif (350x196, 3.53M)

Woah, so if he kills himself, he kills the world? That doesn't sound too frosty if I do say so myself. But thats just my 2 cents.

Attached: 1233.png (475x426, 9K)

>Bulwark pulls his hand out of the lava and breaks off the rock
Well that didn't go as planned. But yeah, Shortcut can you throw this guy into a black hole please? Preferably one very far away. Last time something got thrown into the sun it didn't end well.

sun or black hole....sun or black hole......wait i know
why not both

Attached: black hole eatingsun.png (630x399, 503K)

'Ey shortcut,
Do you want to be a fully fledged member of the Best Buds?

Only because you asked nicely you can have this doodle.

Interested to see what you do with CHON. Perhaps in the more active hours I'll try to get Stops of his ass.

Attached: insert succ joke here.png (500x500, 15K)

Well Core Knight, this looks goodbye for you. I hope you find peace when go over the event horizon.
Indeed, you have been much help to us Shortcut, the offer is open for you to join our little group.

Attached: The Final Frontier.png (346x351, 124K)

Thank you so much m8

sure why not. sound fun

Attached: sure.png (539x398, 358K)

Excellent news.
Here's our updated team roster.
I hope you lads don't mind but I added some shading to your characters looks.

Attached: best buds.png (700x407, 121K)

>as he is taken in, he passes one last ESP message subliminally to Hoover

"They must not be trusted in the end....... remember that Supers won't stop.... they will always endanger mankind with their existence.......

Well Done Hoover. You've guaranteed the status quo for a little while longer. Superwars will continue endlessly. Men will fight for reasons they don't understand against forces they can't comprehend, causes they don't believe in......

>He is torn between regenerating in the Sun and being torn apart by infinity

But....... at least I will leave a worthy successor..... you..... Hoover......... You stop the oppression of mortals using whatever methods you see fit......You don't let any bullshit get in the way........ and if it cost super "allies" lives....... so be it.......

>He is nearing infinite oblivion

Deep inside...... we're kindred spirits...... you...... and I......

>In this message, it seemed like Hoover gained a little ESP himself, as if Knight and him connected in some flash momentarily.

Attached: 1242.png (795x768, 29K)

Just one more and the 5 will make sense

Coming out of the warped oblivion were 3 shining objects.... each branded with the signal of Light Knight.

It seems by knightly custom, he left those who bested him something as a sign of respect for their strength regardless of their differences according to the code of chivalry

Attached: 545.png (1520x768, 40K)