So does anyone else here think that the Joker is a overused annoying faggot that constantly steals the spot light from...

So does anyone else here think that the Joker is a overused annoying faggot that constantly steals the spot light from other great Batman villains???

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Does anyone else here think OP is 15 years old?

Read other runs besides Snyder’s then

I do

I do.


In media outside of comics, maybe. However he is one of the greatest villains of all time and a huge money maker, so if you want your batman product to succeed you probly want to feature him in some capacity. Is he overused in the comics? Not really, at least not since the golden age where every other story had joker or penguin.

No, he's probably 13

I think so

He’s barley used. If anything he’s underused. They try to make him like Darkseid and make him a “big boss” type villain. When he should just be some clown villain that commits crimes.

Let me guess, op. You’re the same person who says Wolverine is “overused” despite being dead for years in comics and absent in most recent X-Men movies hmmmmm?



I'm okay with him being a large contender; as in a mentally unstable crime-lord, a genius that's completely off his fucking rocker.

But yeah, he needs to not have bullshit superpowers. Same with Batman.

They need to be brilliant but mentally unstable people.

He and Tom King is one of the reasons I refuse to read Batman.


granted people complained the lower tier villains used got treated like expies, it still counts.

I just like The Joker when he's doing stuff for shits and giggles. Take The Dark Prince Charming for example; he just kidnapped a kid, no big scheme, and its great. Peopel like Snyder feel feel the need to make these Jokerwanking plots where he's putting Gotham on the brink of destruction every day. The Joker isn't a hard concept, just have him do shit for a cheap laugh

do you take exceptions?

Anyone who can survive 30 seconds on screen with that eldritch carrot-munching abomination could put up a serious fight.

That's the key to joker and the reason a lot of writers have been doing a poor job with him over the past couple of decades. You should never know if joker's just fucking with you or whether he's actually going to kill someone, and the reason should always be because it's funny. Snyder's humorless slasher villain joker for instance with his spooky text font is just the worst.

The Joker's problem isn't overexposure (although that's undeniably part of it), it's that he's being written like shit by people who are way too insistent on making him the biggest baddest Villain Sue in the rogues gallery.
Joker's appeal should never be how dangerous he is or how many people he can kill. Any villain can do that. Any villain can commit widescale massacre while spouting half-baked philosophy. The Joker is, or at least should be, more than that. He should be free of any molds or restraints and do things no other villain would be creative and demented enough to do.
The last thing The Joker should be is a boring, repetitive and uninspired character who always does and says the same thing, and unfortunately that's exactly what he's become.

If you ask me, the standard of what Joker stories ought to go for should be The Laughing Fish, instead of The Killing Joke.

I think a lot of people think that, the Joker/Batman relationship is sort of played out, I think in part due to how like, grand the dynamic is treated? It can feel like when a story is about Batman and Joker, all of the other characters are sort of shoved aside for this confrontation the story treats as this timeless epic battle of philosophy.

The thing is that while Joker doesn't really work without Batman, the concept of a noirish vigilante detective who's haunted by his past and ruthless towards crime definitely works without Joker, so the perpetual writing of "Batman NEEDS Joker!" Rings hollow when there are plenty of good stories without him.

tl;dr: writers treat batman and joker's relationship like it's the most important thing in the world and it feels kind of obnoxious and self-important when the story is so played out

Would it be possible to write a story where someone tells Joker he's massively predictable without that character coming off like a self insert?

>took weeks before he found the joker and even then it was on the joker's terms.

if this was any other character, bats would've found him/her almost immediately.

it's not that he can't beat the joker but the joker can get under bat's skin is the problem for me.

'Slayride' by paul dini, the issue of detective comics where joker kidnaps tim at christmas and drives him around town is the best recent joker story I can recall. It's funny, entertaining, and unpredictable, just like joker should be.

I don't think it's fair to criticize the character for poor writers taking a crack at him.

>it's not that he can't beat the joker but the joker can get under bat's skin is the problem for me
Joker gets under everyone's skin. It's what he does. Some of the best Joker appearences are the ones that emphasize his ability to ruin people's lives without resulting to over-the-top murder schemes.
I don't like him being written as an unflappable omniscient keikaku master but it's kinda of a given a character who patterns himself after a clown motif is going to know how to push people's buttons for laughs.

>I don't like him being written as an unflappable omniscient keikaku master

Yeah, that's Batman's job

>Some of the best Joker appearences are the ones that emphasize his ability to ruin people's lives without resulting to over-the-top murder schemes

This is why harley is such a conceptually brilliant character. She's one of joker's most tragic victims.

Yes, OP, at least outside the comics. They created that image of "anti-batman mass murderer who scares villains leagues away from him just because he is lol random killer".
He was best when he was just a gangster with a clown motif and trying to induce boners in Batman.

I think one crucial aspect of Joker that writers seem to forget is the humiliation that he undergoes when his schemes backfire and suddenly he is the butt of the joke and he doesn't find it funny.
That's the only way you can deliver some karmic retribution to The Joker, to break him down and expose him for the pathetic failed comedian he is, and yet it doesn't seem to happen anymore. When he does break down it's always just to emphasize his love for Batman or some other dramatic bullshit.

Best Joker story (pic related)

Joker should be less "John Wayne Gacy" and more "Andy Kaufman," I agree

I know Sup Forums has this contrarian hateboner for Batman TAS (and it's true it is quite overrated in parts) but I feel like TAS Joker is still the best version of Joker we've ever had.

I feel like this thread proves that most of us do like the Joker but we are just sick of his overexposure and how he's been written recently.

I've read every batman comic through 1993 so far. TAS Joker is absolutely the benchmark, and so are many, many other things from that show.

He isn't in the comics that often though. It's just that when he is they like to push it as an OH SHIT FUCKING JOKERS BACK EVERYONES DEAD event

I think Joker's dick gets sucked too much. When Batman sticks up for Joker to the Spectre or the Martian Manhunter gets wrecked because Joker's mind is too much for him, things've gone too far.

>the Martian Manhunter gets wrecked because Joker's mind is too much for him

This is a great trope though, when a mind-reader encounters a really fucked up mindscape

while true (he get's under everyone's skin), the joker seems to get the bat with much less what other villains have to bust their brains for.

>So does anyone else here think that the Batman is a overused annoying faggot that constantly steals the spot light from other great DC characters???


I'm pretty fond of Penguin.
>isn't insane
>usually stays out of jail because he's rich
>has actual criminal network instead of single gang of dumb thugs who don't realize batgod will crush them within 24 hours

Kind of sucks that Gotham turned him into a faggot tho

Only when he's written so seriously you forget he was at one point a funny character. Scott Snyder is mainly responsible for this. I miss the days when the Joker was an unpredictable funny guy who occasionally dabbled in serial killing, and when he did it was genuinely frightening, instead of the faux slasher movie villain he is now.

I also wish we had more takes on him that actually dare to redefine the character. Like, say what you want about Telltale, but they've written the best Joker in years.

>If you ask me, the standard of what Joker stories ought to go for should be The Laughing Fish, instead of The Killing Joke.
This, i want more stories with Joker trying to pull off legitimately insane plans, instead of just trying to murder everyone for umpteenth time.

now that i think about it, bugs bunny is actually terrifying

Forgot to post pic.

No, he's fine.

People who bitch about Joker are the same as those that bitch about Batman; opposing what's popular because it's "cool".

Joker's not the greatest villain, not even the best in his nemesis' Rogues Gallery, but the fact that he's the polar opposite of his respective hero, indeed what the hero fears becoming, results in a good villain,

>Does anyone think [casual-tier opinion commonly parroted on Sup Forums presented as if it's somehow a controversial statement]?

Literally one villain was used that way.

>However he is one of the greatest villains of all time

how to spot a retarded brainlet

Everything related to Batman is played out. We need a rest.

>tfw they keep forcing you to consume batman media

>Tfw not even WW’s movie got her a video game or a cartoon
I’m pissed. We need to bring the Bat-Embargo back.

>Anyone who can survive 30 seconds on screen with that eldritch carrot-munching abomination could put up a serious fight.

Holy shit. You're right.

I'm fine with mixing green with purple, but turquoise not so much.

The Joker is used by every Batman writer who can't think of anything new or interesting to write.

Penguin can be terrifyingly vindictive.

On that note I want more Two-Face as a main villain. There's this tendency these days to turn him into second fiddle to some other bad guy.

What if they did a DCEU snyder joker adaptation of The Laughing Fish

my biggest pet peeve is when writers take a good villain and make him a throwaway second-stringer that the hero takes out in one punch as they make a 'you were always a joke' type comment

Guys...just how scary would full on evil Bugs Bunny be?

Have you read The Mask comics? Something like that.

I agree so much with this post.

I don't think he's overused. I think he's not used wisely.

Who is Joker kissing? Oh shit this is kinda hot.

Judging by the red hair, the leaves in it, and all of the plants in the background, I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's Poison Ivy.

Read comics m8

what's that from?

>tfw a homosexual and a lesbian kissing is hotter than 90% of the pairings DC is pushing

Except he is overused

minus the vulnerability of a human host

Everyone needs a qt redhead gf

Now that I think about it, Joker and Ivy would've made for a more interesting pairing than Joker and Harley.

Can I think both?

>You’re the same person who says Wolverine is “overused” despite being dead for years in comics
I mean, they then just shoved Old Man Logan into things. It's not like Wolverine had no presence during that time.