Why is it that Musclegirls in Sup Forums material are always giants...

Why is it that Musclegirls in Sup Forums material are always giants? Why has no one realized the potential of shorter muscle girls..in Sup Forums material?

It bothers me that so many comics women are built af, and there will never be actresses of the literal size and acting caliber to do them justice.

Cassandra Cain is tiny.

>No short buff scar covered asian gf

can women roid up and gain lumpy defined mass like actors can? like, even with chemical assistance?

We just need to find out what instafit thots are doing and speed that up.

Yes. The downside is that the hormone responsible for such muscle growth is also responsible for all they other masculine traits, so in time they will look like men

But what if they just did it in moderation?

Steroids will enlarge a woman's clitoris too if you're into that kind of thing

That's achievable without roiding. Granted it will take a woman much longer to get there than a man