The Loud House made reference to Agent Orange

>The Loud House made reference to Agent Orange

Oh, shit. This show is getting ballsy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Or a Big Fat Liar reference
Which might actually be ballsier.

O hey, since when did Wander over Yonder made a cameo in Loud House?

unless Paul Giamati is doing voice work for the episode, not worth it

Remember when cartoons like Dexter made references to shit like Apocalypse Now?

Since when is a band reference edgy?

i don't know the context but i have to assume it's a vietnam reference


guys i think net gains got leaked!

somebody uploaded a vid of the title card there saying its legit

Is this real?


Aww, what a cutesy, fun, way to allude to the shit that destroyed my dads immune system and then finally killed him 20 years later haha!

You sound pretty upset my dude. Hit the showers, come back with a better attitude.


Probs Frankie Muniz remembers this one!

Reminder that bean is no longer important or part of the show

Thats right, service your DAs tool

Are you trying to present that as a bad thing? They're getting rid of the santiagos thank god and if only they could get rid of clyde.

Only to make her the main character of her own shows, and to include a 6 episode arc relating to it in The Loud House before the spin-off airs

They're only doing this for diversity brownie points

That was merely collateral damage