Why do people keep insisting on making weird science fiction/fantasy movies as live-action with heavy CG instead of...

Why do people keep insisting on making weird science fiction/fantasy movies as live-action with heavy CG instead of making them a fully animated film where the bizarre elements can be handled more faithful to the book because of the lack of limitations?

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>Treasure Planet
>Titan AE

Animated movies don't do as well as live-action ones. They're seen as being "just for kids". With live-action movies, adults feel more comfortable justifying it to themselves.

Market doesn't allow it. Which is a shame because so many films would have held up so much better as animations.

Because hollywood is a bunch of terrified sext/septuagenarians running a playbook that stopped working 15 years ago.

Then you wouldn't have an excuse to have a black girl play a ginger.

Because animation in the west doesn't sell unless it's aimed at children

Cult of Idolatry, duh

Is that Goku blanco?

Because not as many people would watch it. Therefore, it wouldn't make as much money. Movies are a business. Once you realize that, you stop asking why because the answer is always business.

Yeah, but you have to admit Oprah was pretty good casting.

Nobody respects animation as an art form.

>Movies are a business. Once you realize that, you stop asking why because the answer is always business.
Except to Based Laika. Too bad it coudn't be enamored with 2D animation instead of stop motion.

This is sadly the answer

thats goku black blanco

>Animated movies don't do as well as live-action ones. They're seen as being "just for kids". With live-action movies, adults feel more comfortable justifying it to themselves.
I fucking hate idiot americans for thinking like this

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It doesn't help that the toons made with adults in mind are typically juvenile lowbrow comedies or ultra gorey splatterfests, both types devoid of substance.

OP, why are you posting Modern MTG? This isn't /tg/.

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*Nobody in America

I'm hoping that Spider-Verse does two things
>Prove that animation isn't just for children
>Reduce the amount of live action superhero stuff in favor of animated capes

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Reading ASOIAF I always thought that, what with the weird eye and hair colors, the armor designs, the child assassins, that it would be much better as an anime than a live-action show.

I certainly imagined everything as anime as I read the books.

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Anime about Targaryen reign when

What's the point of this clip?
Someone in full armor can't be harmed by a rapier or a dagger.

This is DEX vs PITY

>Animated movies don't do as well as live-action ones. They're seen as being "just for kids".

so what about movies like Thor Ragnarock ,and the last jedi , ?
if those are not for kids I dont know what is .

>weird eye and hair colors
Just Targaryens. This is also a tired trope in fantasy novels.

>the armor designs
Yeah. They sound fairly out there. Not moreso than a lot of fantasy though.

>the child assassins
Just Arya.

Honestly, the more wild fantasy elements bring the books down, and I'm glad the show is a bit more staid in its aesthetics. Unfortunately, the last two or three seasons have largely sucked.

So did this movie bomb or not? I haven't seen anyone talk about it other than make fun of how ridiculous the costumes look and the occasional Sup Forums joke about how WE WUZ the main heroine looks in the posters.

Fans of the books were put off it seems by how much they changed the characters of the Women.

Like they didn't appear as eccentric old crones and were just Fey folk, that dressed like Fey folk.

Overall it asn't done too well on the aggregation site.

Its opener was about 33 Million. Now we'll just see how further it drops.

Shape of Water on the other hand got a 62 percent boost at the box office post Oscars.

Well, the head is exposed.
It was a sparring session, though. Still bullshit for so many reasons.

she was gonna stab her in the face

*bombs at the box office*

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Don't question the mental gymnastics normies will go through in order to make themselves seem better.
Dont question any mental gymnastics at all.

Ah Tintin. Never shall we see the search for the Unicorn.

Man I miss Nickelodeon's weird animated movie renaissance of the early 10's.

this movie had way more going wrong with it besides the CG and shooting choices. It was really poorly done all around.

It's a sparring session.
The goal is to score points, not get a kill.

Best scenes are with Chris Pine so I've heard. And there are too few of those.

Tries too hard to be whimsical and weird without being engaging. And that a lot of people hated the little brother.

I never liked the books back in the day as they focused on the kids that were utterly unrelatable as they were all geniuses from genius parents.

Calvin was the dude that just seemed to get dragged into this and the most likable because he was normal, least in the books. Not heard much about his character in the movies.

But this and Valerian and other ugly generic looking bullshit never make any fucking money.

this, I cant stand how americans think animation can only be aimed at children, like I'm sick of all of the animated movies in america being either Disney/pixar movies or shitty ass illumination movies aimed at kids.

hopefully the spider verse movie can change that because it looks damn good

I really hate that they all seem to share the same or near identical aesthetics as well.

like theres so much that can be done with cgi animation that can look so damn good, but no gotta follow the Pixar model, gotta follow what Disney makes and effectively make a shitty ass movie

I fucking hate American animation man

Stares wistfully at Land of the Lustrous.


Probably because unless you shout,"THIS IS FOR ADULTS, IT HAS SEX AND GORE IN IT" people are quick to assume its for kids.
So now they're trying to build substance off of something already devoid of it.

In general , realism and you can have a good actor bringing something to a role. Animation and live action have their strengths and wasknesses,

and this is kinda of disney fault,
ages of movies for kids created this idea that only kids watch cartoons, even if today more than ever, we have entire fandoms for animated show composed most by adults.

I fucking love lotl. hope more cgi in general take inspiration from it

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>modern MTG
So, OP's pic is a tranny?

I thought they were still working in the sequel.

They are but I fear its in development hell.

Ain't no adult wanna watch cartoons!

Everonye saying animated science fiction movies bomb, but live action science fiction movies bomb too. So what science fiction movies don't bomb?

Star Wa- Oh wait...

>you ain't got the nerve
>try me

Your face when?

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Oprah is cast as Goku in a live action DBZ. How well does it do?

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I hated every single character except Chris Pine and the mom. The kids are all awful. They never really do anything. They just cycle through scenes and it's hugely incoherent. There is little to no plot and something only finally happens at the end, but who even cares at that point?

Cartoons are for children only.

yea kinda how I felt with the books back in the day.

>This is a Super Saiyan...

Whenever the Lunarians do anything they look beautiful.