How could he ever be a hero? What is with Marvel and making villains heroes and heroes villains...

How could he ever be a hero? What is with Marvel and making villains heroes and heroes villains, it's like Injustice is just the normal thing for Marvel

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>How could he ever be a hero?
Inverted during AXIS, Avengers made him a member before Secret Wars. He's slowly reverting, but it's been hinted that the things he's experienced have affected him and he won't be his same old self.
As for HOW he got out of jail after going there willingly, he's technically CIA and practically immortal. He could get a pardon based on all the government secrets he knows even if the Avengers didn't want to make use of his skills.

Do they need to? Creed is basically retarded Beast and he is not the most interesting guy around.

>How could he ever be a hero?

He's a blood thirsty, murderous psychopath. A rabid dog that should have been put down a long time ago.

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He hasn't really been a hero. Since he's been inverted he hung out with the Wolverines and Weapon X and Magneto's X-men. All of whom were morally dubious at best.
Weapon X is just putting together a bunch of psychopaths and trying to direct them towards greater evils.

Even with Magneto's X-Men he was still pretty villainous. He helped Monet hunt down and eat several Inhuman prisoners in Limbo

Pretty sure he is or was just an Avenger

Is Sabretooth canonically a rapist? Has he killed children? What’s the most irredeemable thing he’s done?

Why would the other Avengers be ok with him? I know Hawkeye, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are former criminals too, but they’ve never been as bloodthirsty as Sabretooth...

>Is Sabretooth canonically a rapist?
He has raped
>Has he killed children?
>What’s the most irredeemable thing he’s done?
Hard to say.

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Sabretooth is based. I love when he shits on sniktbub.

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>He helped Monet hunt down and eat several Inhuman prisoners in Limbo
Nothing wrong with this

Examples of his worst deeds?

>but they’ve never been as bloodthirsty as Sabretooth
Logan killed millions

Logan is not a psycopath who enjoys dismembering people unlike Creed. A big part of his character is how remorseful he is about his actions in the past.
Sabertooth, on the other hand, is proud of his body count.

Well Sabertooth isn't soyboy like Logan so he is proud of his kills.

>best I am at what I do

motherfucker boasts about his ability to kill and maim

You know this is something that gets frequently brought up... Logan supposedly having this dark past. I’ve always been more into DC than Marvel, so my exposure is limited.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Logan kill someone that wasn’t an enemy combatant, a villian who had it coming or an act of self defense.

In the X-Men 2 movie, Stryker alluded to all the dark, shady stuff they did together. Then when Origins came around (aside from being a shit movie), Logan walked away as soon as their missions became morally dark. I was expecting Logan to be a true asshole in his years with Stryker if not an outright villian. Instead, he was on the “right” side of all the historical wars, joined a black ops team, left when he disagreed with what they were doing, then was lured back when a bigger threat came up.

Can someone give me examples of Logan doing something truly horrible that’s not “he killed a whole bunch of ninjas who were attacking him first.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not doubting that he has a dark past, I just never really got much chance to see it and it gets talked about a LOT.

But he kills badguys, Sabertooth kills good guys, or at the very least, innocents. And trust me I've brought up the hypocrisy in Marvel about who's allowed to kill and who isn't when it comes to the Avengers especially, but let's not pretend Wolverine is anywhere near being as evil as Sabretooth.

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Old Man Logan, he killed all x-men

Logan is very much proud of his skills too ("the best there is at what he does...") but he still has a heart. Sabertooth is irredeemable evil trash.

Sabretooth makes even other guys like Venom smell like roses, who at least while did murder innocent people has the excuse of being completely delusional and warped, while Sabretooth is an outright sadist.

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So now that Snikt is back, will Sabertooth be bad guy?

While under an illusion.

Did he fuck her?

He was tricked into doing that with magic/mind controll, -not his fault at all.

Even Superman has been mind controlled quite a few times over the years, everyone understands that it’s not his fault.

Why didn’t Creed kill her? I don’t see him having a problem with it. Did he just want to traumatize her for life instead?

Logan is the biggest x-men villain ever. He literally betrayed his best friend for Avengers.

Cyclops killed the founder of the team. Literally the biggest betrayal.

Killed a kid's babysitter, which caused his single father to commit suicide (he secretly loved her) then kidnapped the kid and forcibly enrolled him into the Weapon Plus programme.

Years later, the kid is enlisted in to the Vietnam war, and is captured by the Vietcong. There he is tortured not just by the VC, but also Logan, who is posing as a Russian liason. Logan breaks his mind and brainwashes him into becoming a violent killing machine whenever a specific phrase, 'No V.C!' is stated. They then release him from the POW camp he's in, he deliriously wanders in to a vietnamese village, and the peasants there, trying to calm him down start shouting 'No V.C.', which causes him to spaz out and murder the whole village. It's revealed the entire thing was just Weapon Plus' final test to completely break the guy's mind and turn him in to a tool for them to use, with Logan as his personal handler.

Basically, Logan singlehandedly created the villain Nuke.

What do you do with Dessert, user?

It was Phoenix, just like Jean killed millions, Cylops just killed one guy.

Honestly more believable than Deadpool's character arc.

It was Cyclops after going mad with power, not a clone.

what do clones have to do with anything?
it was the phoenix

Jesus that’s horrible. Although I don’t think some of that can be pinned on Logan. Like, the dad commited suicide of his own accord. And I wonder how much Logan knew the consequences of the “No V.C.” Phrase. Still pretty shady shit though.

To save billions

I just looked up the issue where Logan did that. Jesus fuck, what was his justification to himself for doing that? Did he just not see those villiagers as human?

AFAIK they put him on a leash when he's an Avenger, didn't they?

>He helped Monet hunt down and eat several Inhuman prisoners in Limbo
He's a goddamn real American hero.

>Logan is the biggest x-men villain ever. He literally betrayed his best friend for Avengers.

Wasn't Nightcrawler still dead at the time of AvX?

Cyclops was the founder of x-men

He's been a hero since the 90s

Make up your mind neckbeards, Scott worst for accidently killing Xavier while possessed by Pheonix or is Wolverine worst for trying to stop Pheonix form ever coming back to posses someone to do that?


I like how this could be used to describe half the Avenger's.

the thing with Creed. is that evedrytime he gets hunted down or fears absolute fear/emotion he backs down and go to the heroes side. and even acts like a good anti-hero thanks to top tier banter. but he is too damaged internally and will go back to the being an villain.
Also. Heroes have been being better villains and Vilains better heroes for 12 years straight in the marvel comics thanks to the civil war and 80% of th cast being SS+ tier assholes adn abusing their heroes status like spoiled celebrities do in real life

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that's how repentance works
you say sorry and change your ways and do good

He was the best hero in Age of Apocalypse, sacrificed himself as a distraction to get the others close enough to attack

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you never see your enemy as an human being during war.
it is why they had to literally force ethics of war after WW2 to not create another Nazi German Tier nation. Because thanks for being dehumanised developed insane hate boner for everyone else and evolved its technology and order in less than ten years to be worldwide menace

Does any of that excuse the fact that he's a rapist and child killer though? He's basically like Carnage, perfectly entertaining but also completely irredeemable

There are a couple stories of Xavier sending Logan out to go kill any emerging mutants that are PR problems for mutantkind. Like one guy who had the power of just killing anyone that got within 20 feet of him.

no one is talking about him being excused, you idiot.
you don't need to always have been a boy scout to be a hero. even a walking garbage like creed can be a hero if he wants. he will have to with his past and people never trusting him. you DCfags doesn't seem to be able to understand this basic concept

>you DCfags doesn't seem to
That's really cute.

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>How could he ever be a hero?

In the 90s his schtick was that he had an uncontrollable bloodlust as part of his mutation that could only be held back via regular psychic blast treatment. He was going to be rehabilitated when Wolverine gave him a SNIKT lobotomy that accidentally fixed his bloodlust and dependence to telepaths and gave him amnesia, so he was going to be a tabula rasa. But then Marvel chickened out and only did the former, while revealing that the latter part was him just faking it.

I was hopeful that with AXIS that they might do it properly this time around but of course they half assed it.


I dunno man... doesn’t it feel unearned when a character’s redemption comes from something entirely outside of themselves? Like, oh I got hit on the head/zapped with a magic ray, so I’m good now?

Not to mention that his aesthetic lends itself better to a villian.

>u mad, Kitty?

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That was Ultimate X-Men.

Which was stupid because any number of the X-men he killed should by all accounts be able to shut him down cold

Only if everybody just acts like his evil past suddenly doesn't matter anymore. Which is what Weapon X is currently doing with Lady Deathstrike and Sabretooth, which is why the series is so shitty. If you're going to have people like them on the team, people should act prejudicial, instead of going "oh you're such a douche for wanting to kill thos people just now" for two seconds and then completely forgetting about it. In the 90s people were plenty suspicious and even dead set against trying to redeem Creed. So you had conflict. Sabretooth without his memories would have had to work to win over people like Wolverine, i.e. earn respect and their redemption. You really don't see that happening today. That's something Marvel has completely forgotten with people turning a new leaf, at best you get a panel where someone is being slightly rude and that's it.

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