Hey Frank, we are going to take some photos. Remember to smile

>Hey Frank, we are going to take some photos. Remember to smile
>Yeah, whatever

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Miller always does shit like this when they take his picture. He puts on this ridiculous "I'm staring you down, boy" face.

I know that smiling for a camera can feel awkward for lots of people, but doing anything but smiling always ends up looking so much more awkward.

Miller is in such poor physical health that this is just his resting face at this point. That's not even a joke either.

It's Frank Miller. If anything they probably asked him not to smile since he's known as the guy who invented comic book edginess.

man, they all look so old... the chad is over. the DC Gramps it is.

He is smiling

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To be fair Miller and Bendis have been ravaged by health issues

Everyone's old now, user.
I'm 31 and I swear I was 18 just a few days ago, shit comes up fast. What really fucks with you is even after time starts going by fast it keeps on getting even faster because each subsequent year is a progressively smaller fraction of your total elapsed number of years lived to date, so by the time you're Frank Miller's age you're basically perceiving decades as minutes.

>they all look so old
having 19 children does that to you

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Miller knows hiring the kike was a mistake

Only Lee is close to having that many children.

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Both came close to death too.

Miller loves kikes, he hates arabs.

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>shit, this guy fucked up muh Daredevil

He's like a drunkard buzzard skeleton.
He looks like how Tom Waits sounds.
He looks like a mummy that was so old it got mummified again.

he looks like a Frank Miller comics character

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Over the line.

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someone really laid a curse on miller. witchcraft is dangerous


Fucking KEK!

My god, both Bendis and Miller look like supervillains.

please delete this post.

chramps, you mean


Imagine Frank Miller writing My Little Pony.

>He looks like how Tom Waits sounds.

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Frank is just upset cause Lee isn't Japanese and he tricked him by having the eyes. Imagine thinking you're finally going to meet a real ninja then it turns out he's one of the other ones

so what kind of cancer did/does Miller have?

I honestly have no idea. Did anybody ever find out just what Miller had? We know that Bendis dealt with some parasite, but what happened to Frank?

I blew air out my nose

>Remember to smile
>I AM smiling

I don't want to remember this meme

Between his expression and the disappearance of his eyebrows I'm pretty Frank is going Super Saiyan 3

>look like

He is really, really clearly making a face as a joke you fucking autists

Well Bendis is looking good after being Punished.

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>Jim Lee
>two survivors of Stan Lee's leeching
Who is the nerd?


i dunno, dan jurgens looks pretty good for his age here

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Isn't Miller Jewish? Just look at his face, his beard, his last name, the fact that he does comics.

I hear you, man. I'm coming up on my 40th birthday in a few days, and I can't understand how the hell that happened. I don't feel 40, I don't look 40, but damned if I'm not about to be 40, and many people don't look beyond the number.

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>being this old
>still visiting Sup Forums

Frank Miller is only 61 years old. Yeah, that's getting up there in age but he looks like he should be dead.

That's what a lifetime of alcohol and "whatever's in the medicine cabinet" does to you

Miller is only 2 years older then Jurgens.

At least he ain’t pulling that “soy face” bullshit.

really? DCrepit just completely passed you both by?

This triggers Kinghater.

God Miller is so fucking based