Am I wrong for not liking this movie? It felt like a long SNL skectch with lots of cgi...

Am I wrong for not liking this movie? It felt like a long SNL skectch with lots of cgi. It did not feel like a Thor movie at all. Closer to guardians.

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>Am I wrong for not liking this movie?

Not at all, people can like and dislike whatever they want.

>Am I wrong for not liking this movie?

but at least it's this movie and not Black Panther so you can be forgiven for having terrible taste

Honestly, I kinda felt the exact same. I mean, it was enjoyable enough to watch, but having Thor just quip like Spider-Man would felt... Bizarre. That, and to me, the entire movie felt kinda disjointed - things just happened to move the plot along without feeling very natural or organic.

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>Am I wrong for not liking this movie?
>It did not feel like a Thor movie at all.
Are you comparing to what you think a Thor movie should be, or to what a Thor movie was before this? Because if the latter, then it was a good thing.

I didn’t like it at all. I didn’t think it was funny and the plot was about as shitty as Thor 2

I guess he didn’t act like a strong Viking warrior he was more like a side kick.

I did like the villain though

the tone was a mess and the villain was pretty shitty

essential redditcore
awful flick

It was good. Sort of a Frank Tashlin Marvel flick, the humor mostly connected and the design and direction was lovely. There were moments/beats that felt out of place like the serious stuff w Odin and Valhalla.

What PS4 Pro game is this?

Attached: thor warcraft.webm (1280x538, 2.92M)

It's Justice League for PS2 :3c

somehow people make fun of JL when both Thor and BP's CGI is a thousand times worse. the masses and people on this board sure are fucking hypocrites

>It did not feel like a Thor movie at all

So good then?

Let's not forget Civil War.

Disney always gets a pass for some reason. It's hip to hate DC/WB

Probably because the rest of the film isn't as bad and the more lighthearted tone doesn't clash as much with ridiculous looking special effects

>the masses and people on this board sure are fucking hypocrites
It's okay when Disney does it. With all the money they make, they're effects still look like it's 2010 and no one's gonna say shit about it.

Oh no, I'm with you. They literally everything Thor about Thor and destroyed it
>Warriors 3
>Asgard itself
Now Thor is basically just Superman meets Guardians of the Galaxy. And to top it all off, Loki is somehow now classified as an Anti-Hero. Nevermind all the innocent people he killed on Earth, the fact that he trapped Odin in Earth Realm and constantly screws Thor. Like this is just stupid at this point.

And worst of all, no one cares. All people seem to concern themselves with is how much a movie can make them laugh over actual plot or characterization.

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Not at all. This was one of the most overrated cape movie I've ever seen.

>the villain was pretty shitty
terrible taste

>They literally everything Thor about Thor and destroyed it
>Movie is called Thor: Ragnarok

I mean, what were you expecting? That everything was going to be fine?

I agree the film was disjointed and punctuated to many scenes with jokes, but it made itself work in enough other areas that it didn't really bother me.

Both Thor and Bp have some weak CG parts, but only in a couple of scenes

>Too much comedy
>The horrible treatment the warriors 3 got
>Thor never properly beat the shit out of Hela
>That annoying Valkyrie
You are not wrong, OP

I wanted to leave as soon as Thor started quipping like Iron Man for Surtur

That is because they are trying to mash the movies together, OP.

It feels like a guardians movie because this makes it easier for you to see Thor with the guardians later on. It is stablishing a tone and visual language for the cosmic part of Marvel, which Thor quite didn't fit before.

I like how hela moves when she fights

But...that looks good though even if the webm is blurry as fuck

grandmaster was based af

>that looks good though

Attached: shill.jpg (620x387, 41K)

Funny you said that because I actually did not like Ragnarok that much.

"I thought it was pretty bad honestly. A lot of the jokes made me cringe especially the first bit with Surtur. It had no emotional payoffs whatsoever, like
Odin's death felt like it should've been a big event for Thor and Loki. Same with Asgard's destruction. I don't even understand how everyone just conveniently ended up on Sakaar, especially a Valkyrie who just so happened to have a personal vendetta against Hela? Who Thor meets like immediately after arriving? I guess a random quinjet can just fly deep into space too??? And it's a toss up who's the worst character in the MCU between bald guy or Korg."
-me from another thread

Hela massacring Asgard was probably one of the better scenes though.

Well, what I wanted out of Thor 3 was something more evocative of the Williamson Ragnarock storyline, or maybe something that would echo the myths. I mean come on, how can you have Ragnarock with no Jormundgandr?

But, also knew that;s nor where Disney Marvel is right now and that;s not what I would get, so I went in with different expectations.

What I got was Thor shot through the lens of Guardians of the Galaxy. Oddly, I still liked it, I suppose because I managed my expectations going in. I laughed at a few of the humorous moments and huckled at others. The Led Zepplin at the fight on the Bifrost is probably what won me over...and giving Skurge an echo of the Gjallarbru.

The Dark World took itself too seriously, and maybe Ragnarock overcorrected. But it wasn't bad.

Didn't blow me away but it's at least much better than the first two thor movies

I think they realised Hemsworth is better with comedy than drama and wrote to that, it just wasn't the right fit for the story they were telling

Why does everyone remember thor 2 as a dour, serious movie? Loki turned into chris evans and quipped, erik selvig ran around stone henge with his ass out and kat dennings called the hammer "meow meow", it was goofy as hell. Was it because trhey actually made a big deal about frigga dying instead of the warriors 3 going out without thor even acknowledging it? Thor 1 was the only good movie

The directors commentary was boring as fuck to boot.

>somehow people make fun of JL when both Thor and BP's CGI is a thousand times worse. the masses and people on this board sure are fucking hypocrites
I'm not going to defend BP's CGI, but fuck off, user. webm related is an abomination, Wolverine Origins tier bad.

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