Let's ignore Star for a moment. First we got that Area cameo last week, and now THIS week we get this...

Let's ignore Star for a moment. First we got that Area cameo last week, and now THIS week we get this. At what point do we finally admit that Nefcy is doing this stuff on purpose? The majority already recognizes her as a madwoman, but when will the soccer moms come for her head?

Attached: spaded.png (1067x570, 465K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Area cameo?

Mega for this week's episodes:

Attached: look alike.png (640x1136, 335K)

She's standing next to him.
Oh no. Think of the children.

We are thinking of the children, Meteora is pretty important to the plot.

>Area cameo
Don't fucking take that as an actual intentional reference you EEDIOTS. It was just some generic townie with pigtails. She could've literally come up any time we had episodes focusing on the mewman kingdom

>when will the soccer moms come for her head?
I think Nefcy will get away with everything and the slow realization will only hit after the end of the show. I think she sucked enough dicks (figuratively you fucking PERVERTS) for 5 years at Disney to do whatever the fuck she wants with her own show. At least for now.

Attached: nefcy approves.jpg (480x510, 44K)

There's also the fact that she's only the second woman in charge of a Disney cartoon, and thanks to her arriving on the scene just as "feminism in the industry" hit its peak before it went full-retard and she gained fame without being kneecapped by its idiocy, she's got a lock on what she wants to do with almost no interference. Even moving to the main Disney channel isn't going to ruin the show, at this point; she can do whatever she wants as long as it meets international censorship guidelines.

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>having sex with black people makes you evil
Holy shit, Nefcy's a racist

I've only seen such memes in passing, what is the whole holding their head in a suggestively dominant manner meant to specifically represent? What was the original source for that layout.

There's a blacked.com video of a girl being in the same kneeling position with a black man holding the back of her head, the shadow of his large member right next to her face. It's the thing that made Sup Forums start bitching about being dicklets and everyone pokes fun at Eclipsa mating with a monster that has a huge bulge, while also having spade cheek marks since white women get spade tattoos to show that they have sex with black men.

Soccer moms probably won't know about it
some of there husbands might

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Does this really surprise anyone anymore?
I mean the crazy bitch was glad to make her husband a trap and was pushing fem-cucking for a while, she's basically a drawfag with a real job

The ones with spade tattoos probably know about it. But they probably approve and are gonna stay quiet on this one.

Kids don't watch the show so the soccer moms are unaware of Nefcy's antics. The only parents that know about svtfoe are hipsters who are into the show more than their kids and they congratulate Nefcy by twitter for teaching children about female empowerment and shit

Is this the new thread?

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Deleted thread?

No no no
It's only evil people have sex with black people
It's correlation, not causations

Yeah, for some reason, mods deleted that thread.

People were being stupid in it anyways. Saying that the portraits lost the glowing cheeks after Eclipsa because Festivia was a fake and whatnot.
But that's completely ignoring all the fucking times Star's cheeks have glowed. The glowing cheeks are a factor of magic, not of heritage.


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People ARE retarded. Moon's cheeks glowed so she could get into her personal armory during the Song Day episode.

Why did she shrink

Do you think Meteora seemed to love Rasticore so much because he reminded her of her lost daddy without her realizing it?

Poor Gemini doesn't stand a chance against lizard dick.

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>Claims to have never swallowed babies
>Implying she's telling the truth even when she ran off for monster dick

No, the new one will appear once the old one hits page 10 and will have "star vs" in the title

You're only supposed to make the new thread when the old one hits page 10

Why does Star have no siblings?

So how are people liking 3b so far? I think the show is finally getting back on track.

Season 3A really was just filler. I wonder what happened there. Did they expect not to get that many episodes for season 3 after the battle for mewni?

All that needs to happen now is for Eclipsa to do a face heel turn and become a real threatening villian and for Tomstar to die and I'm fully back on board for Nefcy's wild ride.

tfw the high commission most likely to commit tons of atrocities in the dark

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Having to deal with one autistic child is hard enough

do you want to hold hands with two retarded princesses?

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Its good to have multiple heirs if one fucks up like Star.

With the recent revelation, I hope it at least brings us art of Star as an adorably scruffy peasant girl. You know, with a ragged brown dress, and filthy hair, and one of those floppy peasant's hats whose name escapes me

>soccer moms
Those still exist?

I was actually really worried that going to weekly episodes was a huge mistake. I mean, think about how much the show would've dragged with some of the pure filler eps from 3a. It seems with 3b they're giving a little bit of story each week. I'm really enjoying the flow so far.

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Yes they totally do sadly

dat star doe

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>since white women get spade tattoos to show that they have sex with black men.
Wait is that real? Lol. Shit is pretty racist

Anyways I think you're imagining things OP. Star has hearts on her cheeks and she has spades. I didn't watch this show past the first couple episodes but there's probably other girls with diamonds and clubs.

S3A deserved to be bombed. Whomever was in charge of scheduling did the right thing, because that was a huge slogfest and having to deal with one ep per week would've killed us. Now that we're getting meaty episodes S3B's weekly format is gold.

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So now that we learned that Star is not a real princess what are the chances that Tom bails on her or that his parents will pressure him to call things off and he goes along with their wishes without putting up a fight?
I think that Tom will at least consider it enough for Star to doubt their relationship.


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Theyd kill eachother for the wand and throne

Gee, it's sure gonna be hard to write a song about Star not being royalty anymore.

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Moon and River took one look at Ponyhead's family and said no thanks.


Jesus Star, make up your mind, are you happy or sad that you're not royalty? You can't fucking have it both ways you dumb cunt.

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Did they change starfan13s voice? She sounds 100% like toad from Mario kart

Honestly the visual connections are so vague that they wouldn't hold up in a court of law. In fact it's probably looking way too deep into things.

Google isn't giving me anything

If any drawfags show up, I really, really want pic related done with Bombastic and Eclipsa.

Honestly, kinda surprised how few images there really are of Eclipsa and Bombastic being lewd together.

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This is Daron Nefcy, creator of Star vs. the Forces of Evil.

Say something nice about her!

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So did Eclispa do that GOT thing where she ran off and annulled her previous marriage? Because if she was still married to her previous husband wouldn't it cause a bunch of succession issues and make Meteora illegitimate and unable to succeed the throne still?

Not likely unless for some reason the issue of Star and Moon being illegitimate really escalated. The peasants arent going to care but I could see Pigeon Kingdom and some other factions including monster lords like the Avariuses using it as a pretext to take control of Mewni in the process putting Meteora on the throne. If Mewni is thrown into conflict over this I could imagine Tom would be heavily pressured to avoid Star.

how many people have the Magical High Commission killed?

how many that we dont know???

Anyone has a download link to the pdf of the show's L O R E?

they never went away. its just that the new boogeyman is muh SJWs and everyone gets their jimmies rustled over them and ignore the soccer moms

I think at this point Eclipsa's crime is just the half monster baby. Nefcy might even have a character call it miscegenation, the absolute madwoman.

we need more information on the timeline to make a judgement, but King Shastacan is referred as her "ex-husband" and the monster she eloped with has a ring in his hand, so...

Yeah, she either abandoned everything and abdicated the throne, leaving the MHC scrambling to cover up the scandal and the lack of heir as the show seems to imply, or was still married to Shastacan and is an adulterous whore and Meteora is an illgetimate halfbreed bastard who has no claim.

Seeing how Mr.Bombastic seems to be wearing a wedding ring on his tapestry, I'd assume she married him, meaning she had to be divorced from Shastacan first or have the marriage annulled.

Attached: abandoning my husband and kingdom.png (913x759, 541K)

She didnt have any children with Shastacan, what succession issues would it make? We dont really know how marriage works in Mewni either, though Im guessing the future wedding episode will give more insight. Maybe the marriage to Shastacan was void because they never consummated it. Maybe it was automatically annulled just by her leaving or marrying someone else.

Well she abandoned the throne.
She cannot reclaim it if she tried

Monsters arent people

>Star and Moon being illegitimate
They're legitimate because they're the direct descendants of a dynasty that's ruled Mewni for over 300 years. Perhaps they're not related to the original Butterfly Queens like they thought, but their ancestors have still been ruling Mewni for centuries.

>left the wand and crown behind
>cant ven do magic without the wand
>still gets frozen for doing literally nothing

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so hows the BLACKED pedo show going, i haven't started watching again since new episodes restarted

as the Original Butterfly family. The term is impostors.

No, theyre legitimate because they have the wand, book, and magic bug powers. Thats how Mewni was founded and its what gives them the right to rule.

It doesn't make you evil, it just makes you an outcast and rightfully so because no one wants to be around an animal fucker

>I wrote plenty of eviler spells that never made it into the book


Pretty, pretty, pretty good. Pretty good.

Projection the post

That too, in addition to the centuries of rule

You realize people's attitudes change over time, right?

So after some calculations, the family trees should look something like this.

Eclipsa > Meteora > ??? > ???

Festivia > Salaria > Moon Mama > Moon > Star

Though where does this leave Celena? Star calls her "great great grandmother Shy" but with this new bombshell, which family side is she on?
>"What hides behind the golden fan, the hand does sweetly hold, a trove of cosmic secrets that never will be told"
>both Celenas hands and cheek marks are hidden

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Spells dont do evil. People do evil.

Monsters literally dont look human, blacks are uncanny valley enough to be empathize with but monsters in our world would always be hated and treated like shit.

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I miss David Bowie...

But he's red?

How long before Tom and the Lucitor family invade to bring "Democracy" to Mewni?

Attached: tom declares war.png (1274x716, 716K)

Humans are monster... we kill for fun.

The Mewmen hate monsters yet Tom's lineage are demons which are literal evil monsters in human mythology so why do they like Tom's kingdom?


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Considering some magic physically corrupts the caster I think it's safe to say there's such a thing as inherently evil magic in that universe.

she's cute, even on her demon days

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Nothing wrong with dick sucking (if it's futa on female)

define corruption

Why cant she fit between Festivia and Solaria?

The king wasn't about to go down in history as mewni's biggest cuck, so he had that bitch frozen, tossed her half-breed in the dumpster, and wiped all of the records clean.

Because it's not for sure she's a Butterfly or Festivia Family.

From another point of view cheekmarks are corruption

Freezing her is a warning to future queens to not fuck around.

Moon doesn't explain.

I don't know who Area is, why is this notable?

Why has no one asked how in the hell has Meteora survived as long as she has? Eclipsa was imprisoned hundreds of years ago

Area has made the most agonizingly slow paced porn comic in history