Why did marvel whitewash Captain Marvel?

Why did marvel whitewash Captain Marvel?

Why did you shit a dildo into your own mouth?

They probably felt they had to in order to sell it to mainstream America. In all seriousness if the order of events changed and they were just starting their push for a Wonder Woman now after the Black Panther movie came out to such great success, it would probably be Monica getting the huge push and movie over Carol.
Which is not to say that would be a good thing.

it was hard but worth it
i agree and it shows how useless carol really is hopefully a new xmen film will have rogue fulfill her destiny and leave monica free to shine (no trollin i really do like the character)

Because Monica was too based to be a legacy.

I wish that she had her own ongoing.

She's a nothing character. She can be background fodder in Carol's book and you wouldn't miss anything.

Monica in Ultimates was a better character than Carol has been for a decade

This is why people find Carol stans annoying.

Man, imagine all the goodwill Marvel could’ve earned if they just made Monica into Captain Marvel again instead of just giving the title to Carol.


None, because Monica's trash?

>Which is not to say that would be a good thing.
Ye it is. Monica is actually entertaining, unlike Carol Blanders.

The real Cap Marvel is a kree white male.

Bring Mar-Vell and Monica back and let Carol continue as a Cosmic bimbo once again In Binary Mode

Even Super Hero Squad and EMH had more personality than her, also X-men cartoon really painted her as a bitch in the 90's

He's pink which is the Kree equivalent of black.

At least he's white on earth. His childs too(unless the gay one).

>Carol isn't the best Captain Marvel
>she isn't even the best female Captain Marvel
>she isn't even the best human Captain Marvel
>Marvel still insisted on pushing her and turning her into a FtM

they want a Wonder Woman

Monica's always been the better character. Carol isn't even a character. She's just way to keep the captain marvel trademark.

Read some Stern, kid.

They won't learn, they never do.
They're just going to keep pushing Carl Manvers over every superior version of captain marvel, she's going to keep getting endless reboots after every solo series flops, while Monica moves onto better things (she's more interesting than Carl ever was in ever series I've read featuring her), Mar-Vell remains dead, and Khamala remains a relatively successful stab at the audience who likes teenage girls for some reason.
Carl is legitimately the worst possible pick for a captain marvel movie.

one of em went blue and never went back.

And in their attempts to promote her they would remove what makes her entertaining. Obscurity allows characters to grow and fill specific niches. Being forced into a spotlight and warped into becoming "icons" generally means filing off all the rough edges until you get something smooth and bland, or giving them unnecessary power creep that ends with a bunch of retards screaming about diversity and space wakanda.

Why do you talk like a degenerate and say things that make no sense? Is the craft of insulting really this bad that people resort to saying random vulgar shit that makes no sense?

Technically not white, he is a Pink Kree who are a discriminated minority in Hala.

All the Captain Marvels have been non white and minorities until Carol. They really did whitewash Captain Marvel.

Wich one? He has two gay children

Possibly because Danvers has a closer relationship with Mar-Vell who they might want to introduce into the MCU at some point especially if they have someone in the MCU with the name Captain Marvel. If they have someone named Captain Marvel, but don't have Mar-Vell shown within in the same movie or in a movie made before the person called Captain Marvel appears or soon after that movie then it may seem a bit odd if he appears in movies many years later. If they are going to have Mar-Vell in the movies and they ever want to have Danvers to have powers in the movies, then it might make sense to have Danvers get powers soon around when Mar-Vell appears in the movies. I suppose they could have had Danvers be called something other than Captain Marvel and have Rambeau be called Cap Marvel, but it might seem weird that someone who had a closer relationship with Mar-Vell in the comics doesn't use that name and someone else does. Or they could have changed Danvers and/or Rambeau so Danvers didn't have a closer relationship with Mar-Vell, but that would be less like the comics.

Although, I guess they could have had both Rambeau and Danvers be called something besides Cap Marvel. However maybe they want Cap Marvel to be a name multiple heroes use because Marvel is part of the name or they just want someone else with the name Captain in their name besides Cap Amer and Mar-Vell. Plus, they may like the idea of having something similar to Superman and Supergirl with Mar-Vell and a woman with the name Cap Marvel. Perhaps they want a blonde Danvers to get powers like Mar-Vell's powers in the comics soon in the movies before WB can make a Supergirl movie and her name being Cap Marvel was part of their reasoning with this.

Who knows what their reasoning was for sure, but maybe setting up other movies was a major part of the reasoning for choosing the name.


Pushing Monica could have lead to a Nextwave movie or series.

Why the fuck do her tits look like pecks