Why hasn’t there been any X-men related Fresh Start books announcements...

Why hasn’t there been any X-men related Fresh Start books announcements? They arguably need a relaunch and new writers more than any franchise Marvel has

Wolverine getting bunch of books.

X-men without cyclops is just shit. I am just waiting for Madrox mini.

It was shit with him too though

There is a good chance he will be back. They need someone to come back for the Fresh Start and Logan, Charles and Jean are back already.
Those Hunt for Wolverine books were known before the Fresh Start announcement

>There is a good chance he will be back.
Marvel will never bring back mutant Hitler,

Unless young cyclops go back in time and revive himself

Lagan is back? I was kinda hoping they'd wait a while longer to this.... what should I read or have storytimed?

Nothing worth noting. He came back in September in Marvel Legacy #1 and has so far been seen in cameos traveling the world. He has done nothing.

Is he, like himself? Knows whom he is?