ITT: times when you dropped a show solely because of politicalbait

ITT: times when you dropped a show solely because of politicalbait.

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I don't get it, why would someone love women more than guns?

I can’t tell if you’re memeing or taking this out of context intentionally.

Never, I'm not a pussy.

Imagine being white and angry about misguided white things

I was close to dropping Rick and Morty after Summer called her own dad a Beta mostly because of how forced it felt. Like you could of used any other slang term for a weak willed cunt yet you went with the popular buzzword at the time, if it was aired like 3 months earily it would of been cuck.

>cartoons with logic reasoning is too hard for me
Go back to Sup Forums if you want to ignore facts.

ITT: Times a show was right and I got butthurt about it.

They aren't wrong about America being a sexist hellhole, but this is a pretentiously liberal way of dealing with gun control and feminism. It's like they tried to hit two birds with one stone by implying the country would be a safer place if guns got banned.

You know what would fix our issue? Fucking universal healthcare and better mental health background checks, not banning guns outright. I seriously hate Diane because all she serves is to be a mouthpiece for the writers of this show.

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>My opinions are correct because I said so

GLUMBLF BTFO, fuck white people yassss

>They aren't wrong about America being a sexist hellhole
Stop reading there, roastie

sure why not

why would you let this bother you THAT much?

>America being a sexist hellhole,
Yeah, the poor divided America: where everyone can vote, drive, buy their own things with their own money, and not have to be covered from head to toe like a ninja.

Regarding BjHm I haven't seen the new season , should I do or skip (I'll skip if there's more stuff like in OP's post)?

way to make an ass out of yourself, are americans really this fucking ignorant about the rest of the world?

the only continent you can say that treats women better than NA is Europe, and even then that's not ALL of Europe.

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Sadly, that's how it is here. This toxic level of ignorance is pretty standard almost everywhere in the country.

Uh huh, sure, the America in which 83% of the population voted to keep net neutrality but the FCC bended over to the ISPs once more and repealed it for their sake rather than our own. The same America where getting in an accident would make you bankrupt, even with insurance, because all of the tax dollars is spent on the military complex.

This place has always been divided, and you're just proof of it.

>actually forgetting Australia and New Zealand exist
>unironically implying America has better woman rights than China, Taiwan, both Koreas, Japan, and all former Soviet countries
Jesus Christ, you're also the example of the retardation we keep getting made fun of for.

Also, stop pretending to care about global women rights when indigenous women and black women still get treated like trash by law enforcement and the government. You only mentioned this to gloat yourself as someone better.

>get treated like trash by law enforcement

Just fucking behave

I hated that feminist abortionist episode.

Philando Castile behaved and he still got shot, you abhorrent ignoramus.

Guns aren't as noisy as women.

He told the police he had a gun with him after being pulled over

How many women have you raped and murdered today?
I'm up to five

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>Fucked up shit happening from time to time means the entire place is awful 100% of the time

Because that's what you're supposed to fucking do if you're stopped over by a cop and have a gun in the car, you goddamn idiot.
What was he supposed to do, NOT say that he has a gun in the cabinet when attempting to pull out the license? Only for the police officer to see it and shot him for not telling him? Dumbass.

>message of the episode is that gun rights are even more important for women

you some sort of libshit?

>China, Taiwan, both Koreas, Japan, and all former Soviet countries

Not great examples pal

>time to time
You mean ALL the time?

Just like how previous seasons had the troops episode, the Cosby episode, the abortion episode, and the chicken farm episode, this gun control one was the season’s big soap box episode and they don’t really have a lot more of it in the
season. There’s a little bit of stuff about political corruption but it’s not so bad.

>unironically implying America has better woman rights than China, Taiwan, both Koreas, Japan, and all former Soviet countries
America has better woman's rights than China, Taiwan, both Koreas, Japan, and all former Soviet countries. Do you actually know jack shit about traditional oriental culture or do you seriously think that fucking China and North Korea especially have more equal gender rights than the fucking US? Do you really think for a fucking moment that former Soviet states like Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan have better treatment of women than the fucking US? Do you actually have any fucking clue what you're talking about?

Please specify how they are not great examples instead of just saying so. :)

Because if you wanted to troll you would've started with something that wasn't an Asian country.

>America has better woman's rights than China, Taiwan, both Koreas, Japan, and all former Soviet countries.
fucking lol'd
It never has, dumbass. You're willfully making up bullshit when all of these countries made sure all women were paid the same as men, given the same workers rights as men, and had long maternity leaves when it's almost impossible to get a maternity leave that isn't painfully short in America.

You don't know jack shit. The former Soviet countries were bastions of progress before the Soviet Union collapsed, and once capitalism dug its claws into their governments after said collapse, it brought with it all the sexist bullshit that still exist in America today.

Read an actual book because you have zero ideas about this topic, ignorant liberal.

What's so bad about Asia? Seems to me like you're just a racist.

The episode seemed pretty pro gun to me. A white city liberal "waking up" to how awesome guns are.