Hello. Zuko here

Hello. Zuko here.

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Aang should have airpressured this fucks head in the second epsiode

"I hate the fucking chinese!!!!!"

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Moon girl had the hugest boobs.

>killing the best character in the second episode

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Penis hair was the worst waifu

Wrong. Jin had the biggest tits.


You're right, I forgot about Jin and her earth kingdoms
And her permanent sex hair

Huh, avatar has games I guess

I want to fuck your sister

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I love you zuko please have my childrens

>implying Azula isn't Zuko's property

>Best character

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>i'm going to betray my uncle who has stood by my side since the beginning for my evil as fuck father

Was this the greatest fanservice episode of any cartoon ever? It was only missing Stinkmeaner.

the only thing Korra is best at is being my cocksleeve

Early Zuko was really prideful and wanted his father's love and respect. The only way he'd get it was by doing what his father wanted and bringing back the avatar.

Different show you faggot. Also even that Airbender kid with the snot bubbles is better than Korra

Gotta get that H O N O R

>Katara beat Azula in the end
still mad

I'm really sorry the writers cucked you out of beating Azula bruh, that was bullshit.


did anyone play that avatar wii game, and it had that elemental checkers mini game? i liked that.



To be fair he was doing pretty well and I doubt she would've beat him. Would've been awesome to see him redirect lightning back into her crazy bitch face though

He would've won anyways if Azula hadn't aimed for Katara.

>Goes through a better redemption arc than any shounen anime, airing at that time
You bet he's the best character

i love boku no hero academia too

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Katara should have stayed the fuck out of the way like he said.

The whole affair became flaccid as soon as he got hit.

Sarcastic knife girl Partrician best girl

Today, I will reminder em.

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She was out of the arena. Agni Kai was supposed to be a 1v1 until Azula forfeited and aimed at Katara. Even if she won, she couldn't become Firelord because she broke the rules.



Feels weird that Sozin would have a problem with the gays considering the depths of his homolust for Roku. Maybe it was a sour grapes kinda deal.

No witnesses other then Katara. Kill both of them and bam! unchallenged.

Still, Iroh was an asshole for not usurping his brother

That was great though. No better comeuppance for arrogant Azula than getting wrecked by some literally who (in her eyes) waterbender.

Hahaha what is this?

They though some people didn't understood that sozin was one of the bad guys, so they made him literally hitler.

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Hitler loved faggots though.

>the best character

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Hello Zuko. Shoto here.

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Hello Zuko, master of 4 elements here

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Zuko'd be able to bend the fire away, don't know about the ice part though

Katara spent the whole series being a super special prodigy and she stole the lime light from yet another character.

That shit was garbage.

Don't forget Kyoshi, she was bigger than everyone in general.

Gohan here, none of you go to school tomorrow.

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LITERALLY Hot Coldman.

The 3rd season was a footfags dream. Toph and Katara always barefoot. Even Azula the loli and tsundere had a beach day. Fuck I love avatar

Remember when Toph and Katara literally had a mud wrestling match in bikinis?

I hope they knew what they were doing, because Toph ignited my blind woman fetish, cemented by Lily in Katawa Shojo

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Is this an edit?

This is an edit right? I actually wanted to read the comics one of these days.

no fucking way.

It's real.

Lol is not, hell you should expected some shit like this with the lesbian korra ending and strong womyn serie overall.

It's not and edit, do you guys even remember The Legend of Korra and it's themes?

>you will never watch korra season 3 for the first time again

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Zaheer was a shit villain.

Not him, but Henry Rollins is a cool dude, and has a cool voice

are they still making books/comic out of this crap?
one would think they would just leave it buried.

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shit for a moment i thought i was on Sup Forums

zuko went from a chad to a beta back to a chad in the span of 3 seasons

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> tfw it's real

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>not Korra season one on first watchthrough without knowing how shit the Amon reveal is or thinking to hard on it

>You live in a timeline where Nickelodeon has ruined the posibility of having a good Avatar series by kneecapping Korra since season 1

It could've been great lads, rip aesthetic martial arts chinese motion pictures

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Korra only had some guy saying "lol Korra and Asami are lesbians guys" on twitter. And fuck you in my headcanon they're just good friends.

Yeah he wasn't great, but was still better than Unalaq.
Now Kuvira on the other hand was the best.

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Sub bitches it's Chad Warden here

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Rollins was the only good thing about the arc.

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>a cartoon character literally became an anime character
anyy other shows that do this?

>ywn fuck kuvira into submission

Wait what the fuck. Why do they ruin my cartoons with gay shit

But they've kissed in the end of the series, a.k.a the good old left pandering with cartoons



I just want SokkaxToph to be canon

they knew their audience

Bryke sold out to the tumblr audience,
good thing it bit them in the ass in the end.

Okay motherfuckers

>Your element of choice
>Top 3 characters
>Favorite story arc

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you're referring to that south park episode right

This will never not piss me off. I don't even have a problem with homosexual couples, but to literally spend no time at all developing them or even showing that they were more than friends and literally at the end to come out of nowhere with that gay shit was fucking garbage. I refuse to acknowledge anything after they beat whatsherface's giant robot.

I was fine with it at first.
Then i saw that interview with the guy shamelessly congratulating himself for his inclusiveness.

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>Iroh, Bumi and Toph
The whole thing with getting Appa back.

>Tahno, Mai, Sokka
>Everyone's going to say Zuko redemption retard

Terroristhan here, none of you take a flight tomorrow.

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Yes, that one

new series when

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Literally the only character I liked from The Legend of Korra.

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>Toph, Sokka, and Zuko in no particular order
>The Ba Sing Se arc was pure kino

>Element of choice
>Top 3 characters
>Favorite story arc
Book 2, Ba Sing Sae with lost Appa and conflicted Zuko

Who's to say she's already in submission, just waiting to get fucked?

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not the last airbender but I just wanted to say I really really want to fuck Kuvira

>Zuko,Toph and based Sokka
>Ba Sing Se it's ridiculously good even by today standards

>Iroh, Sokka, and Zuko
>Ba Sing Se