What references to the fandom do you want to see in Sonic Boom season 3?

What references to the fandom do you want to see in Sonic Boom season 3?

Attached: fuckles.jpg (640x668, 44K)

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I want them to play "Right Behind the Rain" at some point.


Expect the very first scene in the very first S3 episode to be Knuckles decked out in tribal gear asking others if "they know the way".

I don't want to see a season 3.

The original showrunner left to do something else. Anything new would just be significantly worse. Let it die while it was good.

Wait was a season 3 confirmed?

This thoug, rip
Is Alan Denton(?) going to be on it? I think he could save it, no Bill though

can they return on a later time or any passage of time would lead to the team losing their edge?

other than ugandan knuckles, what else is there to mine?

>madmen name drops penders

if we don't get a SammySonicFan reference they have officially fucked up

Attached: autism overwhelming.jpg (900x900, 56K)

>Mark the Tapir starts dressing like a woman

a homely looking Knuckles clone in a outback hat with a mechanical eye showing up.


tomatopotamus forces

Sonic is somehow changed to be red. He is then referred to as Knuckles by everyone else.

>tomatopotamus forces
more like tomatopotamus feces

>Hothar Lex
I can dig it.

>"When will you learn that your actions has consequences?!!!"

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I can actually see Boom Eggman making a super edgy robot Sonic to be his friend.

>super edgy robot Sonic
Boom Eggman seems like a Shadow fanboy, so it'd be super edgy.

Hadn't heard about this, better just kill it. The showrunner leaving is a scenario that practically never works out good.