ITT: Post a character that's literally you

ITT: Post a character that's literally you

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inb4 golduck

inb4 daffy duck



You already did.

14 hours of sleep a day can't be healthy, can it?





Both of these characters, depending on my mood








Only one Stand will triumph



Figuratively me

Wait, Zorak was in the brak show? i can't remember

I miss fun AT. Caught that episode on CN a month or so ago and it made me happy. Newer AT either bores me or annoys me.


Yeah, always next to Brak

He was the most prominent character besides Brak. Your memory must be really shit.

Same here. I really took the first few seasons for granted. They're so damn good.


I just remember a scene with him and his parents in the kitchen the clearest, I thought Zorak wasn't in it for some reason.


Well hey man, if you wanna refresh your memory, the whole show is up free on youtube

About feckin’ time mate.

I waited it to be the first post ya runt.



More like a fatter version of Happy Time Harry

radda radda





I don't like that you have a picture of me user, please remove it.

Time to rape you!