Honestly, this is a pretty great example of why you should never be too self indulgent with your works

Honestly, this is a pretty great example of why you should never be too self indulgent with your works.

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I still don't understand how he could have missed the mark so badly and failed to understand what people liked about Samurai Jack in the first place.

Genndy made the disastrous choice of choosing to focus on the most boring element of the show: Samurai Jack.

Jack carried the first the episodes well

The disaster was thinking that we cared about what Jack did with his dick suddenly after romance was brought up maybe five times throughout all 4 prior seasons

I know i didnt care about whether or not he got to fuck someone. I cared about his sword and whether or not he got back to the past

*First three

>whether or not he got back to the past
That honestly never mattered to me. It was just a great premise for an episodic adventure series where you had a free excuse to do any type of setting/scenario you could want.

Hindsight being 20/20, bringing back the show with the point being to give it an ending was never going to be as good as something as simple as the blind archers or " jump good!"

bringing it back to give it an ending could've worked if the ending hadn't been so stupid and rushed

>Marketed as a more mature darker take on the final step of the hero's journey where hes essentially suck in a doomed world/timeline and has to regain his resolve one last time to finally put things right no matter the cost before his own growing doubt and insanity ends him.

>Drops this after 3 episodes for a crappy romance plot and rushed ending.

Im still kind of irked.

i'm resting the blame for that on the LA premiere where they showed the first three episodes and nothing else

How to fix season 5:
>Keep the first three episodes the same
>Jack goes through the series on his own, sometimes succeeding in saving people, sometimes failing. Constantly grappling with his inner demons and the ghost samurai throughout.
>B-plot is Ashi being the lone survivor of the children, hunting down Jack in order to get revenge on her sisters' murder. Along the way meets the various groups of resistance ala episode 6 but stretched across multiple episodes. Begins to appreciate what the Samurai did and is doing.
>Near the end of the series the two meet again, with Jack about to commit seppuku, Ashi convinces him otherwise.
>Get the sword like normal and face off against Aku
>Either go with the Guardian and his portal being destroyed and have the final battle be between Aku and Jack and his allies. Ashi sacrifices herself and Jack defeats Aku. The world is free and the spirits of Jack's people are put to rest.
>Alternatively, have the portal still be around and still have your final battle against Aku and Jack's allies but with the Guardian tagging along this time. Jack and Ashi go into the portal, defeat Aku in the past but Ashi immediately begins to evaporate from the timeline. Series ends on the ending shot we got, a Pyrrhic victory for Jack.

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Or, to put it better, when making a sequel to something you stopped 10 years ago, you need to go back, and remember what you wanted to do back then. Otherwise you end up ignoring what you set up before.

>how to fix season 5
>leaves Ashi in

>the romance plot still triggers people


I watch this episode with a room of people who legit raged when they kissed. It made me enjoy it even more.

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It would go a long way to have Ashi give a damn about Jack killing her sisters. Hell, that's most of the people she ever knew dead at the samurai's hands and they just get shuffled off into the dustbin with no further mention.

He should have just made a movie it's clear his main goal was getting jack to the future

>season 5 focused on Jack

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If Ashi is killed off with her sisters and the ghost of the Scotsman is the one who convinces Jack not to commit sudoku instead, then your post would be perfect.

>LOL I changed my mind, but you'll love my new superior idea


Great battle against the girls at least

>All this salt over Jack getting a girlfriend and going back to the past like he intended to.
Be happy you whiners got anything

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>All they ever are is nuts and bolts
I am actually way more pissed that were retroactively not counted as people for Jack. Instead of having Jack hallucinate that the Daughter of Aku he killed was a robot or not bothered with that Grundy devaued good shit like 'The Bounty Hunters' and 'Four Seasons of Death' to make a cheap little conflict that got dropped to quick.

I feel like the main problem wasn't the romance plot, but the fact that Jack actually went back to the past. I know it was his goal and in the fucking theme song and everything, but it always seemed like him defeating Aku in the future and learning to be satisfied with the life he created and the people he saved in that time was in keeping with the themes and stories shown better.
The bittersweet element from the ending should have been him knowing he could never return to the past, not Ashi's death.

>Be happy you whiners got anything
Getting nothing would have been preferable.

True that.

>be happy you got shit on your plate instead of nothing
>intentionally ignoring the real reason why Season 5 is considered a shitshow
Bootlickers like you are cancer. We wanted Samurai Jack Season 5, not Leafgirl Asahi ft. Samurai Jack.

Why did Aku disappear forever after Jack stabbed the ground with his sword, exactly?


What irked me the most in the later episodes was how much time was wasted on Ashi's character and the changes in her mentality. She could have easily been a hired merc, who, while chasing Jack around starts to admire the beauty of the non-Aku world. That is an episode, two max.

Shockwave. Have you not played a videogame before?

>The decisions you make and the actions that follow are a reflection of who you are.
>Uses this to justify the murder of girls who were brainwashed into thinking he was evil despite for 4 seasons sparing the lives of villains and bounty hunters who were fully aware of what they were doing when they tried to kill Jack
Imagine if Jack just cut down the Scotsman the first time they met

What if Sym Bionic Titan got another season but there was no romance?

Eh, the Scotsman didn't first really try to murder him. He just wasn't gonna back down from the samurai or even listen to any solution.
Then they hacked at each another with deadly intents.

Remember, when complaining about a show, make sure your complaints are scrutiny-proof.

In the first 4 seasons, every time Jack ended up NOT killing a sentient lifeform, it wa because he found a way to dissuade the attackers from their... attack. He could always find a way.

Now, you can h8 season 5 for many valid reasons, but the killing of the sisters was not one of them. Jack could NOT find any way to convince them to stop. There was literally no other choice. There was NO way, for the first time in his life. It was kill, or be killed.

That's it. Continue bitching.

Did you even watch the show. In The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful two humans try to kill him and he isnt able to convince them at all, but he still managed to find a way to not kill them. Thats how the majority of episodes where he has to fight humans went down, he rarely ever convinced anyone to not fight

Okay then, genius. Find a way to not kill the sisters.

And keep in mind that they are constantly pursuing Jack, injuring him more and more. The magical way to save them need to be FAST, because they ain't listening, and Jack won't survive long with new wounds every day.

Easy. Just have the samurai knock them out with karate and kung fu. He's a superveteran who trained from the best of the best and had decades of combat experience.

He tried that, clearly did not work. Also, remember Jack grew more and more disillusioned with every decade, relying on guns and technology more and more.

If it didn't work the first time, then just karate punch and kung fu kick them harder the next time.

Short version of this is that Ashi fucks too much of the season due to time constraints and pacing. Whatever direction they choose to go with her, could have worked if she wasn't such a late game addition.

Although wouldn't mind seeing the outcome if jack had failed to save those kids.

>Getting nothing would have been preferable.

This, to be quite honest. The bluray set is cool, but if getting this version of Season 5 is the hnly alternative I'd rather Samurai Jack had been left alone. Season 5's existence only calls into question things like "Were Seasons 1-4 as good as I thought they were?" "If something as bad as Season 5 is from the same guy, how could I think Seasons 1-4 were that good?"

You begin to question your own judgement and wonder if nostalgia played a part in your loving the series in the first place. It retroactively ruins the original in a certain sense.

It's kind of mind-blowing how obvious this is in retrospect, yet Tarakovsky was completely oblivious to it. Yes, Jack spends the series trying to get back to the past, but in the course of doing so he helps people in the future, and that in itself is the true plot of the show. Why would the audience ever want to watch their experience watching the show be undone? That would make for an incredibly hollow/unsatisfying conclusion.

>Sup Forums hates samurai jack now
Shouldn't have expected anything else from a capeshit board

They should've hired you, you would have saved season 5.

It did work in season 1 to 4 after all.

if Ashi could go back in time, how come Aku didn't?

>being this retarded
No, just season 5.

I think you are breaking the entire thing here.

Everything after season 1 is fanon

This is what happens when you shoehorn your OC waifu into your own show, but the shoehorning of said waifu takes up a huge chunk of valuable airtime on her bathing instead of quality storytelling, so you rush the story into the finale and turn her into a literal plot device via deus ex machina but you don't want her to die yet so you make the villain do nothing and sit on his ass like a retard so your waifu proves that she's important to the MC but then you want the MC to feel sad on the ending and have ignorant fanboys sperg about how deep the entire season was so you formulate some more bullshit reasoning on why she's literally erased from the show many months after the villain is defeated.

Or, in other words, it's for plot convenience.

>Everything after season 1 is fanon
This, seriously. The main character getting wings completely changes the dynamic of the show. It's so stupid that he can "jump good".

Like, wasn't it enough that the MC had a magic pointy thing?

What's just as interesting is that the solution to that problem is, in a certain way, clearly written at the end of the comics.

Evils and tragedies do not cease to exist because those who have experienced, are experiencing, and will experience them will always continue to exist, even if you 'delete' those parts of history. This is because concepts are not subject to time. With that being the case, it must be understood that evil can never be undone; but it will be overcome.

And that is how I think that the series might have better ended: Jack fights to overcome the tragedy of the future that is Aku's, says his farewells to the people of that world, and then returns to the moment in time at which he left - specifically so as to not undo the misfortunes that befell his people and not to undo his original mistake - and slays Aku then, with that principle in mind.

Jack ventured into the mountains, and returned as the man fit to be the emperor. He becomes a great ruler of nations because he has seen every wrongdoing in the world and this has made him peerlessly wise. What greater and more ironic way is there for Aku's legacy to be made null?

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I love this meme.

>2017 is a time when there are no action shows in the west
>Genndy comes back to make a darker, more violent Samurai Jack
>the action has more fluidity and momentum and poses than ever before
>the visuals are HD, and look better than the original show
>every episode has at least one memorable fight scene or setpiece
>the final episode is kind of rushed
>Sup Forums hates the season in its entirety
Fuck all of you

Because you might make the best cartoon of all time? I guess that would be a tough act to follow, but "never" is a bit much.

We didn't hate the entire season you fucking retard, the first three episodes where kino as all fuck. We just hate that rather than continue to work from there for a good story Gennedy instead fell back on his stupid childhood wish fulfillment dream and introduced a love interest that took valuable air time from Jack and then rushed plot immediately after. If there had been more episodes in the season then MAYBE it could've worked. Maybe. But now we'll never know because he just had to shoehorn Ashi in and fuck up the experience for everyone.

It's the little things...
>almost everything established in seasons 1-4 is ignored
>Jack refuses to accept that the past is gone, when it was always the right thing to do (kind of subjective, but makes sense if you think a little)
That's it, really. The rest was perfect.

>Be happy you whiners got anything
Oh fuck off with that gay patronizing shit, we have a right to criticize the bullshit romance subplot we got

>only enjoying things because it makes others angry

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