Post cartoon or comic characters who have mental or physical disabilities

Post cartoon or comic characters who have mental or physical disabilities.

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This angers the fuck out of me. These genetic aberrations should be killed at birth, not encouraged on things such as cartoons. Everytime i see this retarded affront to nature i want to punch his squished up face till its bleeding out and hes pissing himself with pain, i fucking hate retards so fucking much.

I remember when I used to hate people with mental disabilities for no reason, you'll hopefully grow out of it by the time you graduate high school.

You do realize where you're posting right? What you just said is the same as a jewish guy who really hates jews.

even motherfucking CJ is more well behaved than this bitch.

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Nigger, even if you had an opportunity like that retards can't comprehend why you're punching them. It's like kicking a dog. I worked at a mental hospital for a long time and there were moments where I just wanted to catch one of them in the bathroom, and nothing would come from it. But who learns in this situation? The tards keep being tards and you later feel like an asshole

OP posting another one. Also, has there ever been a character who was canon autistic in a cartoon/comic? Not counting 'autistic boy makes comic about autistic superhero because autism' comics. Like official profitable shows/c-books.

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I know not official but only person I can think in a comic who is autistic.

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>lol its just a phase
Fuck you, they are genetic scum and should be all killed
Its not about teaching them a lesson, i want them to inflict pain and misery upon them because i hate their kind so much and am disgusted by their mere existence.

OP here, I think you're in the wrong board friend. I think you want to jump down to Sup Forums. I just wanted to ask what characters had disabilities is all. No needs to be a prick about it.

Get fucked, hating the physical embodiment of humanity's stupidity doesnt make me a fucking alt right faggot. Most of those guys are pro life and thinking aborting these freaks is “immoral”.

fuck off Sup Forums no one likes you

Fucking 5-Star post user

Look if you want to get mad at disabled people, go ahead. Your life your choice. I just want to know who else in comic/toon form has disabilities.

This one's debatable.

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Again, also debatable.

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Billy's dad is the kind of guy that pretends to be retarded so he can do the least amount of work as possible

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I only care about CJ since he comes from a good cartoon. a good cartoon that can afford having such a character because they'll treat him equally and with respect.

which is why there's not a lot of cartoon characters with disabilities, too afraid to fuck that up and kill your show.

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I mean there's so much PC crap with gays and lesbians now being put into cartoons. I'd think they would also start adding disabled people along with it.

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I think this is one of those situations where you feel it's okay to hate something because you think it's socially acceptable to do so. You should voice your opinions to your peers instead of an anonymous imageboard if you really want to learn what's okay and what's not.

That was a thing in the 90's, but they used kids in wheelchairs.

fuck off Sup Forums. only you could see a problem where there is none.

Possibly autistic. And I know she's in anime but only person I could think of.

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>only you could see a problem where there is none.
What does that even mean? What problem? If they want to add homosexuals that's fine, not bashing them. Just find it ironic that they put that stuff in it but rarely people with mental disorders. Kids figure out 'special ed' kids before they're introduced to homosexuality.

Not a cartoon but going to put it on the list just because it is connected to children's television.

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More like these-abilities.

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Who would win in a fight?

Every person with Downs Syndrome



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The Bubble grey-horse

That's the worst analogy for your argument because there WAS a Jewish guy who hated Jews and he was a genius and chess champion

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Retardo wanna cry?

Theme for the thread

Jimmy and Timmy are probably the best implementation of disabled characters.

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Where's Mung when we need him?

Elmo's in awe of a triggered bitch.

>th-tha-thank you, you are a great thread!

becoming a cripple was the best thing to ever happen to Barbara

that's incredibly rude of you to post a picture of me, I'm not autistic!

get cancer and die you piece of shit.

I hope your head gets ripped off by a maniac you tard loving shit funnel. You are just as bad as a downie piece of shit for defending them and thinking these abominations deserve life.

Lol this is how you're spending your time? Having a shitfit on the fucking comics board about cartoons with special needs characters? Even Corky from 'Life Goes On' gets more pussy than you.

I'm guessing you had a really bad day, something involving the guys in the locker room holding you down and taking photos of your micropenis, and now you're cradling your fedora and working through your 5th can of Mountain Dew, quaking with impotent rage. is right; stop being a pussy and share your opinion with everyone in your day-to-day life. Come on you little anonymous bitch, the next time you see someone with Down Syndrome just start flapping your arms and screeching at them and see how everyone responds you cowardly shitstain.

Ironically enough, this is you.

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>hurr durr feodra neckbeard stramwmans hurr
Kill yourself you stupid cock sucking bitch. Your argument is as full of bullshit as the standard tards head.

Does this count Sup Forums

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OP never said anything about the disability being a bad thing.

>No Punky

You people disgust me more than usual

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I guess the new splinter counts as downs representation now too

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So much self-loathing...

There was an episode of Kim Possible where one of the kids she mets turned out to be disabled. She tried to be awkwardly correct around him.
He was just like "seriously" and proved how awesome it is to be crippled if your parent is also a scientist who has given your wheelchair the technology to shoot rockets.

>inb4 clarence

You're not wrong & good comment.

Thank you for reminding me EXACTLY WHY this show SUCKS so much (and didn't have to, either, which is the real kicker for me here!), at least IMHO.

I wasn't a fan of that episode (I don't like Lynn or anything focusing on her, honestly.), but yeah - this show is actually quite good about characers like THIS, which is part of why it's such good watchin', despite some bad/disappointing episodes, IMHO.

Nah - he's just dumb, unfortunately. I still like him, though - unlike most of the internet, but what-fucking-ever.


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I get it

Gotta give the TLH credit for having balls to have a character like that in it, and NOT make a big deal out of it - AKA "Doing things right".

We're you expecting me to conform to some brand of BS hatred over nothing special? Nice try, OP.