Okay, Sup Forums, all memes aside: tell me what do you think about this show.
Okay, Sup Forums, all memes aside: tell me what do you think about this show
Overrated. Tyvm.
I enjoy it. Awful fanbase though.
Overrated but still the best show on TV desu.
I like it. People bitch that rick is a gary stu, but then also bitch about the psychiatrist taking him apart in the season 3 episode.
Where's the problem, exactly?
Overrated trash. Nothing more than loud noise that spams profanity & gore to so it can call it self an "adult" show.
Take all that shit out and this would be a PG show on CN. Fact.
Not bad
Squandered potential
It's funny. Only retards expect anything out of it other than decent stoner humor.
that the writer is not consistent with Rick's gary stuness, if he's gonna be a gary stu, bringing a self insert to be more of a mary sue is adding salt to the wound, you're not fixing shit