Did D&C win?
Did D&C win?
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I dont know who any of those people are?
He’s pretty happy about the news. I don’t think it’s worth celebrating though. She wasn’t fired like she deserved. She was literally promoted.
Heather Antos did nothing wrong
What did she do to deserve being fired?
I swear, you people are fucking insane.
You don’t participate in twitter wars as a professional without facing the consequences of your actions. Except, the opposite has sadly been true for years. She got her hands dirty with liable and defamation, but came off looking the saint and the victim when readers logically retaliated.
She became the mascot for the poisonous attitude among marvel creators.
Browner than you, Stacey.
When the person she's attacking literally started it, she's right. Also its bot defamation if it's true. D&C is a moron and if you support him you are nothing bit an outragefag who doesn't care about comics.
This bitch was pointless and yet she got attacked for no fucking reason.
I don't know about D&C, but DC seems to be winning with all the people who keep leaving Marvel.
>When the person she's attacking literally started it
Literally children’s logic. You are a child just like Antos. Trolls will be trolls. It’s the professional’s responsibility not to sink to the troll’s level. Otherwise you’re just Dobson by another name.