Shadman gets arrested for the great crime of knowing how to draw and use a pencil and paper

>Shadman gets arrested for the great crime of knowing how to draw and use a pencil and paper
>goes to prison
>prisoners form a bodyguard army around him and provide him with cigs and food so he can continue providing them porn comic requests to jack off in prison
Porn artists are worshiped and fought over in prisons my friends.
He can organize a brawling competition to entertain himself with porn as prize.

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What are you going on about?

I'm thinking which comic/cartoon would be most popular in prison to make porn out of.

Wouldn't be the first time a R34 artist got into a rumble with the law.


It sucks that someone would do that, especially around a show like the Loud House, but fuck that guy, honestly. I can feel sorry for his children, especially his daughter, but he brought all of that on himself, her, and his other children, and even in that post he provides no self-reflection.

>My family was ruined because I drew cartoon child porn!
>Also I tried to kill myself!
>Woe is me!
>Support my patreon

If you are afraid of the consequences then don't commit the crime, asshole.

You honestly believe that?

what's the point of this thread

not really, if prisoners find out he's shadman or find out about his other art, it's probably not going to end well for him, those guys have some hardcore standards, shad might have to go to punk city, which is even worse if he does that.
crazy thing is that when the subway guy showed some inmates worshipped him and formed a posse for him, now he's serving food to security and inmates

These two managed to avoid being destroyed in prison by selling comics to other inmantes, and they are fucking pedophiles:

Non-pedophiles who draw some of that milf action like The Incredibles would have an even easier time.


The discussion on how becoming a comic artist is a legitimate survival skill in this dog eat dog world if you ever land in prison, therefore a good skill to learn.

Drawing a picture of something shouldn't be a crime no matter what it is. Nobody gets arrested for drawing murder, rape, or any other crime. It's fucking stupid.

>you are going to prison and are allowed to carry one up-to-date complete comic collection

Which one? Which one will serve you well?

Does erotica have any value in prison? I can't draw, but I have gotten some positive responses to some off the cuff written smut.

>have a real life child get violently realistically raped on screen for a film or tv show
>draw yourself murdering everyone whoever wronged you with your cock
>draw a young girl in a sexual manner
Not even a pedo, this is a free speech/artistic expression issue, unironically

You could do well as a kind of local-psychologist.
Ask the inmates on their general kinks, their name, and insert them as characters of a smut story to appeal to them.
I'd say it would be appreciated.

...Huh. Could I get in trouble for writing erotica involving underage characters? In Canuckistan BTW

>Believing they were arrested for just pedo drawings.

Not really.

Best thing to do in prison is keep your head down and do your time.

It's Canada, of course you could get in trouble. Chances are though that you might be able to con the court into seeing it as macabre art. Just prattle on about the psychological effects about it. If bestiality can be made legal in Canada then so can kiddie fiddler fics.

Remember that time a kid got caught with King of the Hill porn drawings and was arrested at the Canadian border? Hilarious

Stephen King's "It" book, the nightmare clown one on which the cult classic movie was based, involved an orgy between the boys and the girl to break the curse of the It hunting them, and nothing happened.
So i guess, yeah.

That's a sex scene in something else, not erotica.

hm. I really don't want to get my life ruined over
making some dumb /ss/ fanfiction.

If that's true then yes, they should be in jail. But I'm responding to the poster who seems to think you should be jailed for drawing a representation of one specific crime, which is stupid.

>this is a free speech/artistic expression issue
He's British, not American.

Problem is it’s not the type of thing where public opinion will come down on your side. It’s not like a legion of anons will call up their support. Meanwhile, soccer moms will be calling for your head, and the lawyers will try to make this shit quietly go away while appearing tough on the pedophile.