In Renew Your Vows, why wasn’t Anna May simply Mayday...

In Renew Your Vows, why wasn’t Anna May simply Mayday? Like what would be the downside of making her into an AU beloved character as opposed to a new character?

It was inspired by Slott's mini, and Slott wanted to create his own daughter of Peter and MJ. Marvel don't give a shit about Mayday these days.

Marvel went scorched earth on Mayday because her creator wasn’t happy at slott’s edgefest

Probably in case other media wants to use a "daughter of Spider-Man" they have a chance at picking the character he created.

This & Slott also wants them sweet royalties from her and wants his daughter OC to be the one true possible Peter’s daughter.

Mayday still the better character.

God the time skip was such a bad idea and just not thought out.

Mayday was the Mary Jane's baby that miscarried during the Clone Saga. The Renew Your Vows timeline diverges from the main timeline after the Clone Saga. Annie is from Mary Jane's second pregnancy and Mayday is Annie's dead older sister.

Could you imagine the nonstop, autistic screaming if Mayday wasn't exactly how they wanted her to be?

It wouldn't be a problem if Marvel didn't keep letting writers like Slott and Costa use her.

You don't expect Sup Forums to actually read comics do you?

I read comics.

When they're storytimed here

Webcomics too I guess

>Logan and Jean are together in this timeline

Would you rather:
>leave Peter/MJ separated in canon but continue RYV on the side
>reverse OMD and make RYV canon
>have Peter/MJ eventually marry and have Spider-Girl in canon
>eliminate all traces of Peter/MJ’s marriage, canon and non canon

There's a superior timeline out there where Mayday, Annie and little Benjamin are siblings

Yeah and their kid is a retard, fitting.

First one. We already got too many spider men and girls.

Mayday is the baby MJ had in the clone saga while Anime is the baby they didn't have thanks to One More Day. Mayday existed in main continuity, if for only a few hours.

It would require giving Tom DeFalco money.

See , in which Jim Rhodes had a tech saavy niece that could have been pushed as Ironheart, but Bendis had to create his own sassy teen tech genius so he'd get the royalties when anyone wanted to use her.

different babies; Annie is the daughter that Peter would have had if he and MJ didn't make the deal with Mephisto and Mayday is the one that MJ was pregnant with during shit saga

you know she was like 2 right

Holy shit, I didn't even consider that. Somehow, I hate Riri even more now.

It would be nice if Mayday and Annie could meet.

Undo OMD, have Peter and MJ get back together in canon after all this time. I want it to go
>They get married as it happened in the canon issue back in the day
>They live as a married couple up to OMD
>OMD removes the marriage due to time travel or maybe retcon it to hell magic i dunno
>New continuity, they didn't marry and did everything they did in the first timeline as a married couple but this time as a really close gf/bf.
>They break up after OMIT stuff
Up to here this is what actually happened
>Aunt May dies or something that breaks the mephisto contract
>Mephisto's contract broken
>OMD revoked
>Peter and MJ suddenly remember
>Nobody else remembers because of dr strange's magic spell that made everyone forget his identity also made them forget about the marriage (which was already a repressed memory from the hell magic)
>Now that the omd voodoo is gone the only people who remember the marriage are the only people who were safe from the secret identity spell, ie just Peter and MJ.
>All of Slotts run happened the way it did but now that they have the different perspective from their marriage memories they start to get back together
Then marvel can take it slow with them for all i care.

maybe in Spider-Verse^2

What kind of 2 year old repeats sunshine.

Different branching points

Anna May was the girl Peter would have had if he hadn't sold his marriage to Mephisto